EU begins court action against Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic for not taking enough Muslim migrants


“EU officials announced they have begun court action against Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic over their opposition to the bloc’s mandatory relocation scheme. The decision is likely to provoke a furious response from the leaders of the three states, which have all argued that the programme presents a security threat to their citizens.”

Security threat? What’s that? The EU doesn’t care about any security threat — except, of course, the one from the so-called “far-right,” i.e., those who want to preserve their nations and not have them become Islamic colonies and jihad bases. The EU court action here is an attempt to force Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic to commit suicide the way Germany, France, and Britain are doing. If it succeeds, it will be the end of Europe altogether. If it fails, a bastion of freedom may remain in Central Europe as Western Europe submits to sharia.

“EU chiefs refer Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic to ECJ over migrant quotas”, by Nick Gutteridge, Express, December 7, 2017:

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EU officials announced they have begun court action against Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic over their opposition to the bloc’s mandatory relocation scheme.

The decision is likely to provoke a furious response from the leaders of the three states, which have all argued that the programme presents a security threat to their citizens.

It risks once more plunging Brussels into a bitter and acrimonious battle with three of its newest member states, at a time when the bloc is trying to uphold its remarkable unity of Brexit.

In September Hungary and Slovakia lost an appeal to the ECJ against the legality of the scheme after arguing that it should have been taken by a unanimous decision of the member state.

After that case eurocrats wrote to all four states not honouring quotas, with Slovakia subsequently dropping their opposition, ordering them to immediately start taking in migrants.

In a statement the Commission said: “The replies received were again found not satisfactory and three countries have given no indication that they will contribute to the implementation of the relocation decision.

“This is why, the Commission has decided to move to the next stage of the infringement procedure and refer the three Member States to the Court of Justice of the EU.”

EU Commission first vice-president Frans Timmermans blasted: “There can be no free riders in serious crises. We must be able to depend on every single member state.”

He added that “there is no sea wide enough, no fence wide enough to stop people coming” and Europe must learn to adapt to modern migration patterns.

Hungary and Poland, which have right-wing populist governments, have previously vowed not to comply with any order from the EU to start taking in migrants saying it transgresses their sovereignty.

Both face heavy fines for failing to comply with any eventual ruling by the Luxembourg-based ECJ but have said they will face the consequences to carry out their voters wishes.

Hungary was today separately referred to the ECJ over a separate crackdown on foreign funded NGOs and educational establishment which is a crude attack on billionaire financier George Soros.

The EU set up the migrant quota scheme at the height of the 2015 with the intention of distributing 160,000 refugees around the bloc to ease the burden on Greece and Italy….

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6 years ago

Last time I looked these were sovereign countries and make their own laws. If the Merkles don’t like it they can flood their own countries with vermin and then reap the consequences. I applaud the Czechs Poles and Hungarians for having some balls. The rest of Europe must have theirs in a lock box somewhere.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kuffar

I was going to say, no matter how any lawsuit ends, EU is going to have a tuff row shoving the unwanted, inbred horde into these countries.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kuffar

If they were truly sovereign they wouldn’t be getting taken to court. Do you see anyone taking Russia or North Korea to court for not taking in more muslims? If they want their sovereignty they need to get out of the EU.

6 years ago
Reply to  FattyWink

Yes. Those are my thoughts exactly. Those countries should exit the EU and face whatever short term consequences result.

6 years ago
Reply to  CreoleGumbo

Still wondering how the eu can say the countries that do want to leave owe them billions before they can leave…..who died and made them rulers?

6 years ago
Reply to  mztore

Write them a “blank Czech”!

6 years ago
Reply to  mztore

I suspect that it was the Arabs. About 10 years ago i read “Eurabia” by Bat Yeor and as I can best recall one of reason for the establishment of the EU was to get oil and part of the deal was the islamification of Europe. So far it is all moving on track. But I still do not get why any country cannot just say “We did not make this deal and we want out and we are not paying you a da__ thing.

6 years ago
Reply to  CreoleGumbo

I always thought it was all about the EURO dollar. Shows how much attention I pay to the rest of the world.

6 years ago
Reply to  mztore

Yes that was part of it too but what I remember about the book was that the author made a strong case for the EU being an excuse to islamify Europe for the acquisition of oil. Allowing all these muslims into Europe was part of the deal for getting oil. I may have to read it again but the title “Eurabia” sort of says it all. I wish the book had been shorter and easier to read.

6 years ago
Reply to  CreoleGumbo

Thanks, Makes me think I ought to investigate that book….why did I wait till I was old to get interested Oh; now I remember I had a DH who was addicted to history and politics and would answer all my questions… me lazy I guess. Again, thanks.

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
6 years ago
Reply to  mztore

Here’s a synopsis of the issue started by de Gaulle but bought into by all the west European liberal democracies at the time of the ’70s oil crisis. The 1995 Barcelona Process hastened the Euro-Arab dialogue

6 years ago

Thanks, I’ve bookmarked that and will get to it later this evening. I did pull up the information on that book, but the prices were much to high for me. Hard to believe how high, but guess it is limited and collectable.

Duchess of Pork
Duchess of Pork
6 years ago
Reply to  mztore

Amazon have low cost used copies. Or maybe you could suggest to your local library they purchase it for their readers. Anyway here are 2 more links to informative articles.

6 years ago


David Glynn
David Glynn
6 years ago
Reply to  FattyWink

Absolutely spot on mate!
The EU is pure evil and will emasculate any nation that falls into its web.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kuffar

The Ottomans ruled Hungary from 1541 to 1699. The Poles fought the Ottomans from 1672-1679. The invasion of Western Europe was stopped in the battle of Vienna in 1529. It’s the same old story. Muslims lop off the heads of the men and turn the women and children into sex slaves. Any dhimmis that survive must pay jizya to stay alive.

Michael Copeland
Michael Copeland
6 years ago

“Europe WILL be diverse!” stated Frans Timmermans, adding arrogantly, “The Europe we built”.

This “humanitarian crisis” is an assisted invasion. Mogherini and Timmermans are helping people-traffickers, contributing to the drownings, and to the occurrence of slave markets in Libya.
The “refugees” are economic migrants.
Europe has to stop people coming. Otherwise there will be no Europe left, not even the one Timmermans built.

6 years ago

That is the plan: the war against Western Civilization.

Michael Buley
Michael Buley
6 years ago

Military action by whatever forces ‘the EU’ has at its disposal, doesn’t seem to far off. they are determined to force the Muslim invasion and destruction of sovereign countries.

the times just get more and more interesting, don’t they?

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael Buley

The Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary better be ready for military action by the janissaries of the 21st century in Eurapia, the EU.

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael Buley

So, if the EU takes military action against any one or more of the countries on the list above, do they expect support from the US? Perhaps that was the plan all along, but they needed Hillary to win. Let’s say a country like Hungary fights back – the EU is going to expect the US to take sides, and from there we’ll have anti-war lefties screaming we need to go to war against evil Hungary. Meanwhile, players like Russia and China get to laugh at our self-destruction.

Michael Buley
Michael Buley
6 years ago
Reply to  FattyWink

God knows … 🙂 The left is going completely ballistic in their attempts to remove President Trump now. Their game is about to be completely exposed — but not if they can remove President Trump first. If we lose President Trump — well, all bets are off then. If he stays safe and in office, the EU’s plan for dismantling those countries faces a major hitch.

Don’t count Russia out as allies in this — allies for freedom, for Christianity, for civilization. Russia has been painted as a monster by the MSM for a long time. All the while, we have a government filled with them.

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael Buley

Exactly…Russia will likely be a support for America, and perhaps China as well. This muslim infestation must be dealt with in the strongest of terms. Go home muslims, OR ELSE!!!

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael Buley

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. They just get scarier. All I can say is “I’m glad I’m old…..”

Michael Buley
Michael Buley
6 years ago
Reply to  mztore

I know that feeling, mztore … 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  mztore

I have thought for the past number of years that God is very angry with the whole world. Look at all that is going on in the world. You are absolutely correct in what is coming.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
6 years ago

It is of no consequence what those fools of the european union build, it will be destroyed by the very people they are pretending to build it for. No loss, western europe is over due for a sabbatical from the stupidity of socialism.

6 years ago

Google: The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan

Michael Copeland
Michael Copeland
6 years ago
Reply to  Deathdefiant

“Europe Down the Pan” at Liberty GB:

Ariel Berill Uliczki Pici
Ariel Berill Uliczki Pici
6 years ago

I live in Hungary, and i value that i can walk down the street in the middle of the night, nobody bothers me. i can sit in a coffee shop with my friends and nobody bothers us… Christmas fairs and celebrations are uninterrupted from any crazy suicide bombers and knife waiving muslims. i hear these eurocrats saying that they have to force member states to acceptance of migrants. and i think, and all of Hungary does, too, that these people are a dictatorial regime, and do not realize the monster they have awaken will not be stoppable. kind of glad about the anti-Semitic demonstrations in Germany by muslims, at least they can see who they have invited. and at the end, muslims will not make a difference, there are only two kind of people for them on earth, muslims, and the rest that needs to die for not being muslims. i can hardly wait the eu to fall apart!

6 years ago

It does seem as if a kind of mass insanity has infected the minds of Western Europe. We are counting on Central Europe to hold the line against the invading Ork hordes — if such evil insanity is allowed to spread here in the States, we with the brains God gave a goose must have a “front” at which to fight the last battle for civilization!

“The interests of Muslims and the interests of the Socialists coincide in the war against
the Crusaders.” [Western civilization]
~ Osama bin Laden, February 12th, 2003, Al Jazeera Television

“The Left wants to tear down Western civilization because they think it’s ‘unequal’. The radical
Muslims want to tear down Western civilization because they think it’s evil.”
~ Ben Shapiro

Michael Buley
Michael Buley
6 years ago

Ariel, thank you for your note from Hungary. It is wonderful to hear from someone right there. Please keep sharing your insights and thoughts on it all. We pray for you and your country’s continued sovereignty — and to not let any Muslims in whatsoever!

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael Buley

Amen, Michael. Stay strong Ariel !!

Sir Danny Boy
Sir Danny Boy
6 years ago

Great comment. I visited Budapest with some mates in September – really enjoyed the city. Beautiful architecture. I saw no obvious Muslims in four days. And you’re right… nobody bothers you (except some random bloke who tries to sell an ‘iPhone’ as you walk by and prostitutes touting for business – no big deal). Will visit Hungary again.

6 years ago

Hungary, the citizens, and government have a worldview based on reality. The Western-Euros do not; they suffer from a wanton need for an autocratic regime, the EU. The EU is giving rise to the Islamization of Europe while castigating the like of Hungary and others for daring not abide by the EU’s autocratic diktat. Hungary’s for self-determination, democracy, not this concocted malignancy of the despotic EU. This cancerous tumor of political correctness, political expediency is intended to not only appease Islamism but the ruination and finally, the Islamization of Western Civilization.

Ariel, you have good reason to be thankful that your government has the mettle and resolve not to bow to the diabolical EU and its Ally, Islam. You and your nation have set a standard, a benchmark for self-governing that the weak-kneed EU states should take note.

Patriotic American
Patriotic American
6 years ago

I wonder, how are children valued in Hungary? I know in the West (definitely in the U.S., Canada and Britain), our children are being left to the tender mercies of those who seek to plunge them headfirst into a life of depravity, debasement, decadence, hedonism, perversion and degradation, and “groom” them to be more vulnerable to abductions, etc. In other words, it’s not just to Islamism that leftist elites across the West are cravenly surrendering.

6 years ago

Taking a college history class back in the 90’s, we talked about the new EU. I predicted it would fall apart. Of course, my liberal professor didn’t agree with me. I said people would cling to their heritage and not want their countries to become one big conglomerate. People want their identities. They want to be the ones that decide the fate of their countries. They don’t want to be told what to do by outsiders.

6 years ago

I keep reading about these “european union officials”… about some names here and where they live, and who made them rulers?

6 years ago

I agree with you. I lived in Hungary 10 years and I loved it.

6 years ago

Stay strong…I love your country…Budapest is so beautiful.

6 years ago

In America is is dangerous to go out at night in most of the bigger cities…. In Russia you can walk all night with out any problem

6 years ago

Hang tough Ariel.

6 years ago

Looks like more countries will be leaving the EU.

6 years ago
Reply to  peakpower

And well they should.

6 years ago
Reply to  peakpower

Oh I hope so.

6 years ago

Since Merkel has so much extra cash to stuff into the pocket of rapist migrants, they certainly should have enough to up their NATO payment and reimburse Americans for protecting their country.

Michael Buley
Michael Buley
6 years ago

Pray tell, whatever might the ‘verdict’ of this ‘esteemed court’ be?

‘Take in the Muslims, or else …’ And what will the ‘or else’ be?

Get out of the EU. Prepare your military. And fight for your sovereignty, and to keep Muslims out, as if your life depends on it. Because it does.

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael Buley

The “what else” Michael is not being allowed to vote on legislation even if it affects you and the refusal to pass over funds to run your country.

6 years ago
Reply to  Michael Buley

If you run for POTUS you’ll get my vote — even over Trump.

Michael Buley
Michael Buley
6 years ago
Reply to  IzlamIsTyranny

Thank you, my friend! and likewise for you, I.T.!

6 years ago

Here in the Czech Republic, we don’t want Islam, Sharia, Mosques, Muslim only areas, oppressed women in their burqas or even Martial Law to protect us from the Muslims we’ve helped settle here. We have news channels and the internet here – we see it all in the ‘welcoming’ West. If the EU imposes a fine on us then they must be prepared for another country leaving their club… Czechzit !

6 years ago
Reply to  SirDannyBoy

Did you ever visit Teplice?

6 years ago
Reply to  Marcus

Yes. I have been there a number of times recently because I live in a neighbouring city to Teplice. And yes, there are Muslims there, and I have seen a few burqa clad females too. But the numbers are low. There are no demands from them. There are no Allahu Akbars screamed. And Czechs still don’t want them here.

6 years ago
Reply to  SirDannyBoy

One way to get rid of the refugees is to give them poor government benefits. They are like stray dogs. Stop feeding them and they will go away. They will find the biggest payout in Germany where the government is willing to pay a guilt tax to prove they aren’t racists.

Sir Danny Boy
Sir Danny Boy
6 years ago
Reply to  Lamarr01

That’s a very good point; makes perfect sense. The stray dog analogy… lol.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lamarr01

Why “poor” government benefits? Why not just NO government benefits?

Sir Danny Boy
Sir Danny Boy
6 years ago
Reply to  CreoleGumbo

Because Liberals are obsessed with giving our money away to foreigners!

6 years ago
Reply to  SirDannyBoy

Love the Czech Republic.
Stay strong.

6 years ago
Reply to  SirDannyBoy

My grandfather was from Moravia, it’s just too bad I have no contact w/his family any more.

6 years ago

Polexit ,Czechexit ,Hungexit these globalist control freak idiots.

6 years ago

Unbelievable. The EU is rapidly becoming NAZI Germany.

j b
j b
6 years ago

Please,please,please, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic , STAND YOUR GROUND ! If you need incentive, look at your spouses,parents, children, and grandchildren. That should be all the incentive you need.

6 years ago
Reply to  j b

If I was a young person, I’d apply to move to one of those countries. They are the only ones with any brains.

j b
j b
6 years ago
Reply to  mztore

Never to late mztore. Just do it. I did it at 73 and it is the best thing I ever did.

6 years ago
Reply to  j b

I’m a lot/little older than that, and besides I don’t even have a passport. Didn’t even bother to get a birth certificate till I turned 65….

6 years ago

“The Third World War must
be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the
“agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the
political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must
be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World)
and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each
other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this
issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical,
moral, spiritual and economical exhaustionWe shall unleash the
Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable
social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to
the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery
and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens,
obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries,
will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude,
disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from
that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal,
but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive
the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure
doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This
manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement
which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism,
both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” 4

Since the terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001, world events,
and in particular in the Middle East, show a growing unrest and instability
between Modern Zionism and the Arabic World. This is completely in line
with the call for a Third World War to be fought between the two, and their
allies on both sides. This Third World War is still to come, and recent
events show us that it is not far off.

6 years ago

These idiots in the EU will likely push these former Soviet Bloc countries back into the welcoming arms of Russia as allies and for protection. What will the stupid F***s do then, call the United States for help? President Trump should give them the middle finger if it comes to that as they have criticized him and the people of this country for not kissing their collective a**es. If I were one of the leaders of these countries, I would do like the UK and Leave, not later but immediately and without any divorce payments. The EU broke the agreement all of the countries signed to join and shouldn’t get paid for doing it..just go.

6 years ago
Reply to  tmanatmo

If they do push them back to Russia, they wont blame themselves for trying to “rule” over them, but instead blame Trump for inspiring the beginning of it all in Brexit, and, well, you know, ’cause “Russia”.

6 years ago
Reply to  FattyWink

Yuup…..Trump gets the blame for everything. Good thing he has broad shoulders.

6 years ago

Simple solution, exit the EU.

Richard Harris
Richard Harris
6 years ago
Reply to  noldaa

They want to leave the EU….but they are not going to voluntarily do it, because they don’t want to pay the “divorce costs” that Brexit Britain is paying. The EU decreed that Britain has to pay 50 Billion Euros for Brexit…and it appears Britain accepted it. That’s about 60 Billion dollars. The Visegrad nations Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland want the EU to kick them out……so that they can have a CLEAN BREAK from the EU and won’t owe the EU anything.

6 years ago
Reply to  Richard Harris

If you’re leaving the Europeon Urinal anyway why bother paying their fines?

Richard Harris
Richard Harris
6 years ago
Reply to  IzlamIsTyranny

You make a good point. If it was ME who was running an EU Visegrad nation…..I would EXIT the EU and tell the EU to go toHell and Fck the fines! But see my above response to “FattyWink”. He was asking kind of a similar question to you as per the Brexit situation. He was basically asking…WHY Brexit Britain would have to pay anything to the EU for Britain’s exit from the EU?
As I told him…..and I am not an expert on the EU consequences of the Brexit or any EU nation that exits the EU…..but it appears to me…..Britain despite being a powerful European nation economically and militarily……FEARS that the EU could somehow substantially hurt Britain if Britain does not pay her Brexit “divorce costs” to the EU.

If it was ME running Britain and the Brexit….I would tell the EU to FckOFF with those “divorce costs”. But the fact that Britain is agreeing to pay a hefty sum to the EU for the Brexit INSTEAD of telling the EU to go FckOFF…..shows me that Britain is fearful of something the EU could do to Britain if it doesn’t pay the “divorce cost”. What other reason could it be that a powerful nation like Britain will not just tell the EU to go FckOFF???

So I am assuming, the Visegrad 4 nations see what’s going on with the Brexit and don’t want to volunteerily break off from the EU with the same EU consequences that the EU is leveling on Britain. It appears to me, that the V4 want a CLEAN BREAK from the EU and hence want the EU to kick them out. This is why the V4 are not shy about venting their anger and mouthing off at the EU and seem to want to provoke the EU to kick them out.

For the record, the EU when it was established, was based on TRADE between EU nations and nothing else. This is what the V4 nations signed up for in 2004. This whole thing about the EU nations mandating ALL EU nations to take in dangerous Muslim “refugees”…..has NOTHING to do with the original EU mandate of creating Business/Economic/Trade agreements between EU nations.

And here is a little fun fact that you won’t hear from the EU bosses who keep talking about “all the money they are giving the V4 nations”. Since the V4 nations joined the EU in 2004, French/German/EU companies are making a TON of money in the V4 nations. If this wasn’t true, these EU companies would have pulled out of the V4 nations a long time ago.

IF the EU was smart, it would drop its RECENT Muslim “refugee” mandate to flood all EU nations with Muslims…..and STICK to their original mandate which is business and trade between EU nations.

Richard Harris
Richard Harris
6 years ago
Reply to  IzlamIsTyranny

Good question. If it was ME who was the leader of an EU nation looking to do an exit from the EU….I would tell the EU what they could do with their fines and just exit the EU. It appears to me the EU can get some kind of revenge on an EU nation that exits the EU if it doesn’t pay an exit fine. I mean…..WHY would a powerful European nation like Britain AGREE to pay a hefty fine to the EU for it’s EU exit??? Evidently, Britain fears some kind of revenge from the EU for not paying the fine that we are not aware of. See my above response to “Fattywink” who asked a question similar to yours.

6 years ago
Reply to  Richard Harris

Disclaimer: I’m not an expert on the Brexit subject. But, doesn’t/hasn’t Britain contributed more to the EU than they’ve received? Detractors say that “investments” they’re making are worth 5-10x what they’re contributing, but how are those investments realized, and is an elected body in control of the destiny of those investments, or an unelected body? Haven’t they taken in migrants and played along, and now that they want to leave they’re penalized. Are they being penalized real money, or the perceived value of the investments. They’re not like the majority of the EU members who receive more than they contribute, so why can’t they leave and face the supposed consequences of leaving without footing the bill again? Perhaps Britain can reach out to the Visegrad nations and work out a 50bln loan/trade agreement?

Richard Harris
Richard Harris
6 years ago
Reply to  FattyWink

You are asking good questions. But I am like you…I am not an expert on the Brexit matter….or on the matter of what happens in general to a EU nation that leaves the EU. Yes, one would think that Britain….who has been a long time EU member who appears to have played along well with the EU for many years……would not have to face the consequences of paying a hefty sum to the EU for her Brexit. Britain for the most part, is a powerful European nation economically and militarily….and if IF WAS ME who was in charge of Britain and the Brexit…..I would just tell the EU to go toHELL and Britain will do the Brexit and NOT pay any “divorce costs” to the EU. But that’s just me.

So there is probably something the British authorities know about the EU that I don’t know. I can only guess that the British authorities fear some kind of backlash from the EU if they don’t pay the hefty “divorce cost” from the EU. I am guessing that if Britain did the Brexit without paying the “divorce costs”….the EU could get some kind of economic or political revenge against Britain. Although I believe the EU will eventually collapse, it appears for now the EU still has considerable economic power in Europe and they would probably hurt Britain in some way with Trade Barriers or some kind of other economic revenge punishment. Brexit Britain appears to be mindful of this.

The fact that Britain is agreeing to PAY the EU a hefty sum for the Brexit……and I could be wrong…..shows that Britain FEARED that the EU could cause it trouble if Britain didn’t pay the Brexit “divorce cost”. This is probably why the Visegrad 4 EU nations would PREFER that the EU kicks them out vs. voluntarily exiting the EU. They want a CLEAN BREAK from the EU and don’t want to have to face the EU consequences that Britain is for its volunteer Exit from the EU.

Richard Harris
Richard Harris
6 years ago

Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland will never let these Muslim “refugees” in no matter how much the EU tries to bully them. Even Slovakia. Slovakia merely gave lip service to the EU….but Slovakia won’t let in Muslims (other than a token tiny amount) when it comes down to it. Slovakia took in a mere 16 Muslims (and no more) and told the EU…”See we let Muslims in so we’re good!”. lol Slovakia is just playing the EU.

Good for the Visegrad nations rejecting the dangerous Muslim “refugees”

Hungarian PM Viktor Orban is against “refugees” – V4 allies Poland, Czech R, Slovakia support him

Czech Republic: Thousands rally against EU refugee policy

As British patriot Tommy Robinson said when he was in Poland recently…..Islam has NO CHANCE in Poland. He is right. Islam has no chance in Poland, because Poland remains true to it’s Christian/European heritage.

“Tommy Robinson at Polish march – Poles saved Europe in 1683 & saved Britain in WW2”

6 years ago
Reply to  Richard Harris

Slovakia took only a few Middle Eastern immigrants just like Czech and they were Christians. No Muslims in V4 whatsoever!

John Flynn
John Flynn
6 years ago
Reply to  Richard Harris

That’s 16 Muslims too many!

6 years ago

And this is why we shouldn’t answer to an unelected EU, nor put any of our destinies in their hands (regulating the internet for example).

6 years ago

Slovakia folds like a cheap suit thus exposing their citizens to the magic of muslum diversity.

6 years ago

That statement from Frans Timmermans was proof of the pudding, he and the rest who think like he does intend to racially, culturally and economically destroy Western Europe by violence, rape and terror over the next 80 years.

I’m so sorry to hear of the Slovak retreat from reason. I wonder what the reason was.

If EVER there was a time to vote Nationalist / Populist it’s now.

6 years ago
Reply to  Poppey

80 years?? More like 10.

6 years ago

That union is a sad joke. I can’t understand why any country would join it in the first place. On the long run it has proved to be a disaster. I’ll always remember how some European leaders tried a few times to convince Israel to apply for an EU membership. I’m so deeply relieved it didn’t. To those three countries mentioned in the report I say, leave the sinking ship ASAP, before it’s too late.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eyal

Pat Condell says the EU was instituted under false pretenses of what it was and what it would be doing.

6 years ago
Reply to  IzlamIsTyranny

Pat Condell, Tommy Robinson, Jayda Fransen, Pam Gellar – These are The People That Are Trying Their Damndest To Wake up & inspire People To Resist & Be a Force For Good, Rather Than The Evil Taking Over The Free World!!

6 years ago

When will the world wake up to the fact that all the Muslim “immigration” is actually a planned invasion calculated for world domination? It seems most world leaders suffer from cranial-anal syndrome. If these leaders think for one minute that the Muslim intentions are peaceful and inclusive they are out of their minds!

6 years ago

Not all Moslems are terrorist, but all terrorist are Moslems.

6 years ago

Hello LIEberalDESTROYER. I vehemently disagree with your comment. Not all terrorists are moslem (the vilest of ALL creatures). Take for example all of the bigoted racist black supremacist groups, such as BLM .. they’re pretty nasty terrorists. But, and this is the important part, ALL (special emphasis added) moslems ARE terrorists. I repeat, ALL moslems ARE terrorists.

6 years ago
Reply to  Achmed

I was trying to be nice AND get my point across. I do agree with you 100%, Islam is a cancer that has to be eradicated at all cost.

6 years ago

I figured as much, LIEberalDESTROYER. I simply like to point out the truth that EVERY single, solitary moslem is a terrorist.

6 years ago

Tell the EU to F Off. If necessary (and most probably preferable) then just leave. No dowry, no blackmail, no nothing. Just leave. Don’t get weak like Britain, just walk away. The EU is imploding. Get as far away as you can, just as soon as possible.

6 years ago
Reply to  chevyman

Don’t Pay Them a Cent. Instead, Start Ramping up Monies for The Armed Forces & Equipment These “Ethnostates” Are Going To Need in Order To Resist The EU & MudSlimes… I’m Sure The (TRUMP) USA Will Be Happy To Sell Their Weapons & Munitions; as well as Send Citizens who Want To Join Poland, Czech, Hungary… I know Some Canadians That are Waking up & Would LOVE To Join These Countries and Add Their Efforts To Resist This Madness as Well…

6 years ago
Reply to  chevyman

Each country kept their own currency – did not change over to the Euro.
It will make it much easier to leave.

6 years ago

Thanks for that. I was not aware of that fact. Unlike Britain, I believe these countries have the b*lls to just stand up and leave, not grovel at their feet like Teressa May has done.

robert v g
robert v g
6 years ago

Time for a Hungrexit, a Polexit and a Czexit.

Tom Validakis
Tom Validakis
6 years ago

The EU is the biggest enemy to Europe and the free world.

6 years ago

Not a chance in hell these countries give in now.. And the harder the EU pushes the stronger the resistance will be.

6 years ago

I visited Gdansk Shipyard and the museum – The European Solidarity Center.
Poles are rabble rousers. They stood up to the Soviets – even through martial law. They had their faith and Pope John Paul to guide them.
No one is going to push Poland around.

6 years ago

Hungary, Pol and Cz: stand strong and F— the EU. You will be the rebirth of Europe. Cz president was right: ladies-arm yourselves and do what you gotta do. The EU must die along with Tusk, Juncker and the rest. The sooner the better for Europe and the world

6 years ago

Want to end this nonsense?

Take them all and DUMP them in front of their homes, golf courses, airports, schools, restaurants, offices where all the elite play, live, work, eat and vacation.

Then they will understand the true meaning of the TURD world!

6 years ago

The EU, like the UN, is an evil entity with insidious motives. Every country should EXIT, unless they want this bunch of dictators to strip them of their own sovereignty.

6 years ago

Dont forget to boycott halal food also, The Halal Industry aim to Control World Markets – and it is not just food – the halal industry aim to certify everything halal. One product can include several ingredients … each ingredient & additive has to be halal certified – so this way there are layers & layers of halal certificates on every Halal Certified product sold… Just think about how those halal fees & charges will accumulate!
& it is not just halal certificates on ingredients… the Process also requires halal certificates at every stage… For example –
See the attached – 12 Stages of production – Each stage will be Halal Certified in the Halal Pyramid of charges scam – time-line. Note that this was screenshot from a Muslim website…
They Halal Certify the Farm
The Plant
The animal breeding & feed
The Handling
The Transport
The Slaughter Plant
The Cutting Plant
The Processing….. etc etc etc.
Thanks to Member [CD] who inspired this post when he commented…
The point is that any food that is halal certified has all aspects of the production and distribution of those products all paying a certification fee. The food production company pays the certifier, the transportation of the product pays the certifier (and may be restricted from delivering haram/non-halal products along side the halal compliant products), the retail seller of the product pays the certifier, the consumer ends up having to pay more and has a choice of products more limited by what restrictions Islamic halal certification apply to the entire system of manufacture and distribution. With power over large chunks of the system itself, they are able to simply boycott and refuse service to any other business or product that refuses to pay the certification fee. In that way it’s similar to a pyramid scheme based on blackmail.
Further, the halal certification industry deliberately boycotts the police and defence forces of infidel societies. In this way the certification industry is waging an economic battle against the financial systems that unbeliever societies have built and thrive on.
At best the certification scheme is parasitic, as worst… well, that depends on where all of the money is going, doesn’t it?

6 years ago

Isn’t it interesting how so many African countries ousted Europeans and generations of their descendants but Europeans feel some “humanitarian” obligation to take in Africans, Middle Easterners, etc.

6 years ago

The heads of Poland Hungary and the Czech Republic should get together and hire a hit team to take the corrupt headsof the EU out. The EU has no right to dictate what these countries can and can’t do. Maybe they should let the mudscum/mudslime enter their border and then shoot them as enemy invaders.

6 years ago

I truly hope leaving the EU is not like leaving an organized crime syndicate, carried out feet first in a pine box.

6 years ago

Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic – you had the terror of the Nazis and the Soviet boot of oppression.
No way are you going to let the pajama boys of the EU push you around.

6 years ago

Good for Hungary, Poland & the Czech Republic for keeping their sovereignty. Tell the EU to shove their interferance up the EU’s communists arse.

John Forbes
John Forbes
6 years ago

History class seems to have been missed by the EU Jackasses from Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, Spain ( who of all people should know better) & Italy to name a FEW where their leaders( Loose term- Cowardly leeches is a more apt term) hide !
They have a mess they cannot control & the UK has a MUSLIM GROUP CHILD RAPING EPIDEMIC that it has valiantly tried to LIE ABOUT, Cover up with the help of the BRAVE BRITISH POLICE & DIVERSITY PEOPLE & THE left lying BBC BUT TO NO AVAIL!
All came out & TERESA & AMBER have been trying to put the LID back on for YEARS NOW!

6 years ago

There seem to be some economic advantages to being in the European Union –
but if Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic wind up suffering economically
because of pulling out or being thrown out – that will be nothing compared to
what they would suffer under the evils of Islamization.

6 years ago

The open borders ,One World Order of the richest few families of the world destroyed the EU countries and owns the government officials who need to be removed and break the countries free of the EU

6 years ago

Good for Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic… keep it up guys… this insanity must stop. The Muslim mentality is seriously mentally ill and very Satanic at its core, and THAT is the reason every human being on earth should fight to put these scourges back in their middle eastern hell hole and let them kill each other, or eliminate them from the earth if they persist in their Satanic agenda to murder the human race.

David Glynn
David Glynn
6 years ago

Stand strong my Eastern European friends you have many admirers in the UK and elsewhere. Don’t let your government be tempted by the big EU money pot.

6 years ago

The EU did the same to Iceland when it pulled out and rid itself of its corrupt politicians and revamped its government. Iceland refused to participate. It was fined a hefty fine. Iceland refused to pay. The EU can do nothing about it. I suggest these countries do the same, refuse and reject the fascist EU.

6 years ago

Good for them. They don’t want to join the mess in the rest of Europe

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!