Russian mercenaries captured by ISIS ‘are executed after refusing to reject Christianity and become Muslim’


Yet there are still authorities who will tell us that ISIS and all other jihad groups have nothing to do with Islam. The willful ignorance and denial is near-universal.

“Russian mercenaries captured by ISIS ‘are executed after refusing to reject Christianity and become Muslim,'” by Will Stewart, MailOnline, October 6, 2017:

Two Russian mercenaries reportedly captured by ISIS jihadists are feared to have been executed because they refused to read out a statement saying they rejected their Christian faith and had become Muslim.

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Roman Zabolotny, 39, and Grigory Tsurkanu, 38, held in Syria, also refused to say on camera that they had joined the terrorist group.

The men are believed to have been fighting for a private Russian mercenary force comprising ex-servicemen which saw action in Crimea and eastern Ukraine before Syria.

They were held by jihadists around the eastern city of Deir Ezzor, the last ISIS stronghold in the country.

They appeared in a video released earlier this week by ISIS news agency Amak which claimed inaccurately that the men were serving Russian soldiers.

Senior Russian MP Viktor Vodolatsky said: ‘It is very sad but 99 per cent Roman Zabolotny is not alive, nor is the second prisoner.

‘Before filming that video they were given a statement which they had to read.

‘In this text they would reject their Orthodox religion, reject their motherland, become Muslim and join ISIS.

‘They stayed loyal to the Orthodox faith and their Motherland until the very end, and this is what they were killed by those gangsters for.’

There has been no official confirmation from the Russian authorities about their fate, but Vladimir Putin’s government is coy speaking about such mercenary forces in Syria and other hot spots, even though experts say they work closely with the armed forces.

A local MP in Rostov-on-Don, Zabolotny’s home city, also confirmed the pair had been ‘executed’, saying it happened the day after the video was made.

‘Unfortunately, this is true,’ said Anatoly Kotlyarov. ‘Information was received that they were executed in a town square.’…

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6 years ago

“And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” (Rev. 12:11)

Daniel Moody
Daniel Moody
6 years ago
Reply to  Patrick

Amen Patrick.
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

6 years ago
Reply to  Daniel Moody

Don’t worry, in the End we win! — Mother Angelica

6 years ago
Reply to  Jim

Don’t worry, in the End we win! — GOD THE GREAT I AM.

6 years ago

Islam is a worthless religion founded by a pedophile, murderer and thief. Cursed is Allah their filthy fake god

6 years ago
Reply to  SRN99

We need to quit calling it a religion! Who said this, to whom, when, why and what have we ever done about it? Would you consider this statement to be contrary to our Constitution, our way of life, a danger to our National and Homeland Security? Would you think these are words of an enemy? Surely, our government has studied this but where are the reports?
“The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every musselman [muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

This statement was a part of a March 28, 1786, letter from John Adams and Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, the United States Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Continental Congress, concerning their conversation with the Tripoli ambassador as to why his pirates/terrorists hijacked our merchant ships, stole the ships and cargo while holding the sailors for ransom.

Why are we failing to address the obvious in the letter? Here are the main points:
a. “it was founded on the Laws of their prophet”;
b. “that it was written in their Koran”;
c. “that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners”;
d. “that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and”;
e. “to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and”;
f. “that every musselman [muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”
Has our government studied this and if they have, where are the published reports?

(Source: Founders Online:

6 years ago
Reply to  TopAssistant

Islam is pure garbage waiting to be burned

Gator Hogg
Gator Hogg
6 years ago
Reply to  TopAssistant

I have no problem with the mass extermination of disease carrying vermin, but for the hostile evil rat muslims, it would generate extreme joy and a warm fuzzy feeling.

6 years ago
Reply to  SRN99

Actually its not fault of muslims. Its the dumb Left/liberal , christian loons who support muslim will get the same treatment by then it will be too late like these dumb russians found.

In America too these jihadi “refugees” are so vicious and hate filled that they don’t even spare Christian Aid worker who help settle them in

And of course Obama and his Left/liberal Pro-Islam Goons prevented this from leaking out to media because it would have woken up at least some of the American voters and affected the pro-islam scumbags from getting elected.

6 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

Like the Iranians found after they were useful idiots for the clergy to depose the Shah. They thought they were furthering freedom, but it was just fundamental Islam. By the time they found out it was too late. Now their children have been indoctrinated.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ravaa

Nice try, but there is no non-fundamental islum — it’s all the same Jew hating, totalitarian, fascist, violent, vile ideology. There is no reformed islum, there is no protestant islum. The doors of itjihad have been closed for century and any idiot thinks that they’re going to open them again should travel to any muslum state and publicly advocate for an islamic reformation.

6 years ago

Islam shows its true nature by its deeds.

6 years ago
Reply to  peakpower


6 years ago
Reply to  peakpower

Love Bill Warner. A great man.

6 years ago
Reply to  peakpower

He spoke to my ACT for America chapter — after his presentation the audience was left in stunned silence.

6 years ago

Phew, sure glad is has nothing to do with Islam, the Religion of Hate.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jim

Oh, and remember, “No one is compelled to join Islam.” Got that?

6 years ago
Reply to  Jim

Right, “no compulsion” in Islam.

6 years ago

Islam spreads by the sword, even today.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ravaa

obama, Piglousy, McDrain, Libtards, Demoncrats, …ect…

Gator Hogg
Gator Hogg
6 years ago
Reply to  Ravaa

Dead muslims are considered low risk to terrorize,

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
6 years ago

When it comes to isis, take no prisoners.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

When it comes to f’ing muslums — never surrender.

6 years ago

The ONLY way to fight islam is to show them NO mercy whatsoever. The Geneva convention was set up with some concept of honour and basic human decency at heart and to fight without that being recprocated essentially means you are fighting with one hand tied behind your back. In addition the enemy knows that this creates total contempt and weakens you militarily as the enemy exploits it(shooting at medics/ Ambulances/Firefighters etc.(,. The Communists did this for some 75 years but islam has used it for 1350 yrs. Time to send them all to allah and he can sort them out.

Daniel FX Dravot
Daniel FX Dravot
6 years ago
Reply to  Michelle

Michelle: Kindly forgive my gloss of your excellent post.

“Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.”
Cistercian Abbot Amalric, Albigensian Crusade, 22 July, 1209, Siege and sack of Béziers in southern France.

There is a film clip, I think on MEMRI, showing HAMAS or PLO terrorists using Red Crescent ambulances to attack, then to escape from Israeli border guards. Ambulances donated, one might add, by the American taxpayer.

The original and subsequent Geneva Conventions were created by Europeans and based on European basic moral principles. If one surveys the content of the Conventions – there are 4 of them – one cannot but notice that the Islamic rules of war are directly opposed to all the humane provisions of the Geneva Conventions. Murder, rapine, wholesale slaughter and looting are now and have always been Islamic principles – or in more accurate language, pure barbarism. HAMAS, those brave killers of children and blind kittens, represent Islam in action.

Daniel FX Dravot
Daniel FX Dravot
6 years ago

I’ve considered converting to Islam on my deathbed on the premise that it is better that a Muslim die than a non-Muslim. Nah. Bad idea.

While remodeling the guest washroom, I rerouted the plumbing for the toilet. Now anyone seated on the loo is pointing their arse directly at Mecca. At my house we give Islam the respect it deserves.

Gator Hogg
Gator Hogg
6 years ago

Well said.

“Yet there are still authorities who will tell us that ISIS and all other jihad groups have nothing to do with Islam. The willful ignorance and denial is near-universal.”
– Pamela Geller

Gator Hogg
Gator Hogg
6 years ago

Describing islam as a barbaric hostile intolerant racist evil child raping murderous system sucking cult is not insulting muslims, it’s describing islam.

6 years ago

Whatever you say about Russkies, and as a Polak I don’t have much nice to say about them… but sure as s*it these sob’s are f’ing tough! Hopefully God will give them mercy!

6 years ago

they would have been murdered anyway, right after reading the script, as other arabs have…”this is what they were killed by those gangsters for.’” giving gangsters a bad name, the italian version had true honor at one time.

Listen to this soldier’s description of albanians in the kosovo war (killing serb civilians, strapping bombs to men, women, children): ON KILLING S1 • E6
Lance on Killing: “It’s more of a relief when it was done”

6 years ago
Reply to  wpjokari

thank you Sir

6 years ago

Nothing but respect goes to them. They have balls. The western leaders and armies should follow their example.
If they were really paid to fight their attitude is even more courageous.

6 years ago

Islam is surely in Russia! Why isn’t the government there doing anything, besides fighting them in Syria, when they need to be fighting them at home! Just like every other country, who allowed thousands of them in there. (Like the US!)

Russia Steps Up Investigation Of Knife Attack Claimed By Islamic State

VIDEO/Photos: Smiling axe-wielding jihadi stabs 8 people in supermarket in Russia

AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
6 years ago

“.. they were executed in a town square …”
Why does ISIS have a town ? ,…. or a square anything ?!!

comment image

Mark Tomlin
Mark Tomlin
6 years ago

As a Human, I am sad to see two people of such strong conviction gone from this Earth. Russians are a tough group! They have known diversity and strife on a scale greater and a time frame longer than any other nationality I can remember. My Son and his Wife traveled Europe for a while. Working along the way to pay for travel and expense.
The Stories from Russia were interesting as were the Russian people.

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!