Muslim who murdered Lee Rigby on London street to sue prison for $33,000 for “gross affront to his personal dignity”


The gall of this is unbelievable. But knowing the sniveling, spineless Brits, they will pay him something. In fact, they’re paying him already: “Adebolajo and his accomplice Michael Adebowale, 26, received £200,000 in legal aid after murdering the Fusilier. Adebolajo has hired a lawyer to pursue compensation of £25,000, claiming to ‘suffer distress, loss and damage.’ But the two-year fight could end up costing taxpayers a further £50,000 in legal costs and £25,000 for a police probe – bringing the total to £100,000.”

“Lee Rigby’s brutal killer to sue prison for £25,000 over ‘gross affront to his personal dignity,'” by Tom Pettifor, Mirror, October 4, 2017:

Lee Rigby’s killer is suing for £25,000 after claiming his treatment in prison was a “gross affront to his personal dignity”, court papers reveal.

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Michael Adebolajo, 32, is demanding compensation after he lost two teeth during a scuffle with guards in 2013.

He says he was assaulted by warders at Belmarsh Prison in South East London and suffered “distress, loss and damage”, even though the officers were cleared.

Documents obtained by the Mirror say his “psychiatric injury” was made worse as officials “continue to fail to apologise”.

Islamist extremists Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, 28, ran Fusilier Lee over in their car near his barracks in Woolwich, South East London, in 2013.

The killer then tried to cut off 25-year-old Lee’s head with a knife.

Lee’s father, Phil McClure, 57, said: “He never apologised for what he did to my son and now he wants an apology from the Prison Service?”…

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6 years ago

In Britainistan he will get away with it.

America was lucky Trump won any other politicians on either side would have sold out to lobbyists including saudi/qatar and their islamisation agenda going on for more than 26 years now.

watch Paul Ryan as he Bullshits a nun when she asks him a question

That’s how most politicians/jihadis are.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
6 years ago

In britainistan, not only will he be awarded a large cash settlement, the family of his victim will be social outcasts for merely existing, Adebolajo will be elected to parliament with many indigenous britshstinians voting for him because they would not want to be called bigots or islamophobic.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

“But the two-year fight could end up costing taxpayers a further £50,000 in legal costs and £25,000 for a police probe – bringing the total to £100,000.” Police probe of what? Legal costs concerning what. MS, you are on the $$ — the Brits are nutz.

6 years ago

Ironically, insanely, Lee Rigby’s repugnant murder will likely get the money he is seeking. It is apparent that the Brit Overlords are gormless; more so, weak-kneed panderers to Muslim terror. This is not the only Muslim whose punishment for heinous crimes has been minimized, reduced or handed recompense by the inept and utterly biased government and the judiciary. Britain is on life-support, no one needs to ask why.

Pray Hard
Pray Hard
6 years ago

IslamoJungleSavages wouldn’t know dignity if it sodomized them in Macy’s window on Christmas Eve.

6 years ago

Jezuh, will the government just execute this guy already?

Why does a guy who puts bacon on a mosque door get a year in prison, and then “mysteriously die” half way through his sentence, yet this psychotic nut doesn’t have the crap kicked out of him every stinking single day?

6 years ago
Reply to  Dano50

It’s down to the demographic of his fellow inmates.

David Glynn
David Glynn
6 years ago
Reply to  Dano50

State protected

6 years ago

Awareness is the first step to any solution: lets start with Pam’s article making us aware of the insanity of this (killer). Next lets publicize the name of the attorneys and judges who vindicate in his favor. Those burocrats have freed (and rewarded) too many of societies worst evils the context of “they can’t go home” or religious persecution. That is what they brought here with their “asylum refugee status next< set them free on a boat that don't float. Finally: if the people of the public don't stand up and scream bloody murder- that is what will happen to them while the judges and bureaucrats sit idly by and collect their paycheck and pensions. let's see what effect Denmark has using it's army. Once the cockroaches have set up home-they simply move and never die.

6 years ago

Sure, the mindless muslim POS will get his money and more white Brit females will line up for him. That country is insane and they deserve what they get. Look at British males, with feather boas around their necks, and pushing the gay wad meme. Britain is a cowardly dinosaur that will get what it deserves. I have no feelings for them.

6 years ago

You can’t make this stuff up. This jerk should be in a cell the size of a phone booth, with “God Save The Queen” playing on a continuous loop.

Pray Hard
Pray Hard
6 years ago
Reply to  tom

He should be in a hole in the ground about that size.

Michael Garfinkel
Michael Garfinkel
6 years ago
Reply to  tom

Actually, if Britain had any residual self-respect he would have been hanged long ago.

After WWII, they hanged “Lord Haw Haw” fast enough, but then there were still men in Britain in those days.

6 years ago

Diversity. bah humbug

6 years ago

It’s not enough compensation. Imagine how emotionally hurt is this fellow with people saying all manner of mean things about him. After all he was only doing his job

6 years ago

You don’t know what dignity is, even if we hanged you by your balls.

6 years ago

It is situations like this that give the terrorists confidence that the west is capable of being destroyed. Such incredible stupidity.

6 years ago

UK needs to bring back the Hangman for First Degree Murder……as does Canada. Too much…is way too much. We have gone “soft” on everything that our Fathers and Grandfathers fought for….. Murderers and child molesters (the “8 is too late” gang) are treated with kid gloves…..ordinary citizens are subjugated by perverted minorities and foreigners in the population…… TIME FOR A CHANGE.

6 years ago

Are u kidding me? England is horrendous to permit such garbage.

6 years ago

Might I humbly suggest wrapping his naked body in cheese cloth soaked in
fried bacon grease, then launched down a slide to a pack of 4 starving
Pit Bulls. I don’t suggest 12 only because that would be a quick death. I
did question …….. okay, 2 starving Pit Bulls.

Pray Hard
Pray Hard
6 years ago

Give me five minutes or less with him alone and he’ll no longer be a problem. No, I don’t need any weapons. Thanks.

6 years ago

Just one thing, why the police did not shot him dead on the spot?

Mrs. Lovett
Mrs. Lovett
6 years ago

What country did he originate from, and how would he be treated if he were imprisoned there?

6 years ago

Maybe the Brit prisoners have the cajones to take care of any ‘problems’. Don’t drop the soap. Watch out going down the stairs. Whoops.

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