Church of England Spokesman: ‘Children Should Be FORCED to Learn About Islam’


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If they learned about 1,400 years of jihad warfare, land appropriation, cultural annihilation and enslavement, this would be fine. But Derek Holloway wants to force British children to learn a whitewashed version of Islam that will soften any potential resistance to their coming conquest and subjugation.

“Church of England Spokesman: ‘Children Should Be Forced to Learn About Islam’”, by Donna Rachel Edmunds, Breitbart, April 28, 2017:

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The Church of England has called for parents to lose the right to withdraw their children from religious education classes – because some parents are apparently using it to pull their children out of lessons on Islam.

Currently parents can choose for their children not to take part in religious education (RE) lessons, and can do so without giving a reason.

But Derek Holloway, the head of RE in the Church of England’s education office, has called for that right to be removed from parents and for their children to be taught other world religions regardless of the parents’ views.

“Seemingly [some parents] do not want their children exposed to other faiths and world views, in particular Islam. We are concerned that this is denying those pupils the opportunity to develop the skills they need to live well together as adults,” he told The Times.

He added: “Anecdotally, there have also been some cases in different parts of the country of parents with fundamentalist religious beliefs also taking a similar course. This is not confined to any one particular religion or area of the country.”

In a blog post on the Church of England’s Facebook page, he insisted that children should be taught about all religions to prepare them for life as global citizens.

“Religions are global in their reach and are global in their organization. The UK is part of a global community and so the time is now right to consider the RE curriculum content balance in global terms rather than in terms of parochial English census data,” he wrote.

The Church of England runs approximately 4,700 schools, of which around 200 are secondary or middle schools. The Church is, therefore, responsible for educating around a million children each year.

However, although Government guidelines stipulate that religious education must reflect that “the religious traditions of Great Britain are in the main Christian”, they continue that it must take “account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions”.

In his blog, Mr. Holloway supported this principle, writing: “Church schools are not ‘Faith schools for the faithful, they are church schools serving the community’. Therefore, we do not seek to deliver a Religious Education (RE) curriculum suitable only for those from Christian backgrounds but a Religious Education that is an essential component of an education that enables all the pupils we serve from all faiths and none to flourish and be prepared for life in modern Britain.

He added: “The right of withdrawal from RE now gives comfort to those who are breaking the law and seeking to incite religious hatred.”

However, Mr. Holloways’ blog has raised concerns from parents over state interference. Martin Earnest commented: “This is an appalling proposal and crosses the line too far of church interfering in the State and privacy of conscience.

“I will be pulling my child from RE to avoid religious indoctrination via the State.”

Another reader, Eric Norton, accused the church of hypocrisy, taking issue with Mr. Holloways assertion that church schools are not faith schools….”

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Ed Heavner
Ed Heavner
7 years ago

Liberals in general are bad enough to promote Islam and the hijab and invite all these Muslim speakers to deliver wonderfully slanted lies about the goodness of Islam. Never understood how Church Leaders though would stand up for Islam while Christian Church’s and Christian people are persecuted and killed world wide.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ed Heavner

They are the ones the Bible warns about.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
7 years ago
Reply to  Ed Heavner

30 pieces of arab silver will go a long way in convincing some alleged Christians to turn into chrislam tools.

shirley versace
shirley versace
7 years ago
Reply to  Ed Heavner

they are not church leaders – I have had dealings with enough of them to know that they are for the most part anti-Christian Masonic plants… just like Welby himself… who is actually from a non Christian background

7 years ago
Reply to  Ed Heavner

So called Christian leaders should be forced to go back and read the Bible and it’s meaning. Because there’s NO comparison between faux prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ, or the compatibility of Qur’an vs. the Old and New Testaments (Bible)….None whatsoever period
comment image

7 years ago
Reply to  Ed Heavner

Rev. Franklin Graham tells the truth about Islam and their intentions all the time and gets slammed for it! The Pope on the other hand praises Islam as the wonderful religion of peace.Who would you believe? I’ll put my money on Rev. Graham, a Bible believing Christian!

7 years ago

I attended a non-denominational private high school in the USA (way back when), and we were required to study all the ”major faiths”. It was more a subjective historical overview (dates, key people, relevant scripture, sacraments (if any), major holidays, etc.) than an indoctrination to any other faith.

All were given “equal time”, and we actually visited Catholic Churches, Jewish Synagogues, Buddhist Temples, Mosques, Christian Cathedrals, Hindu Shrines, a Monastery, and even Storefront denominations. It was quite interesting. It really was no different than classes I took on Western Europe, Asia and the Pacific, Africa, and South America, basically, a “cultural overview”.

HOWEVER, in the CURRENT CASE of the “Church of England”, noted are the remarks:
“…children should be taught about all religions to prepare them for life as GLOBAL CITIZENS…”
“…time is now right to consider the RE curriculum content balance in GLOBAL TERMS…”
“The Church of England has called for parents to LOSE THE RIGHT to withdraw their children from religious education classes”
“The right of withdrawal from RE now gives comfort to those who are BREAKING THE LAW and seeking to INCITE RELIGIOUS HATRED.”

In THAT CONTEXT, particularly the remark “comfort to those who are breaking the law and seeking to incite religious hatred” goes beyond “cultural overview” and DEEP INTO POLITICAL INDOCTRINATION. Parents should have the FINAL SAY in how their children are educated in the context of faith.

Mark Steiner
Mark Steiner
7 years ago
Reply to  RealEngineer2

Trouble is, parents seldom get involved in children’s education – unless it is to support a student’s athletic abilities. All I hear is “how great the Cherry Creek (or other – you name it) school district (Denver) is”, when this district is as humanistic and anti-Christ as any other public school district in America.

7 years ago
Reply to  RealEngineer2

Politicians love to proclaim ideas that sound good but have no sound basis in practical logic. But since logic, reason, analysis and objectivity are no longer taught or recognized as positive assessment tools it is becoming more and more acceptable to act as if the ideal exists and the future is full of sunshine, lollipops and roses.

Wayne Ville ... a Deplorable
Wayne Ville ... a Deplorable
7 years ago

I whole-heartedly agree. Children should be forced to learn that the muslim hoard invaded Europe once before and that led to the crusades. They need to learn that the muslim prophet was a child molester. They need to learn that it is the duty of every muslim to lie to and enslave all non-muslims.

Why is it so easy to fool us
Why is it so easy to fool us
7 years ago

Why are you helping muslims? Do you not know that they will never teach the truth, but will sugar-coat it and present a lovey-dovey version of islam, that enable islam to be mainstream into the society and firmly establish itself into our culture?

Wayne Ville ... a Deplorable
Wayne Ville ... a Deplorable
7 years ago

Are you reading impaired?

7 years ago

Are you mentally handicapped?

7 years ago
Reply to  disqus_diyb76

No he is not.
But there is good reason to believe that you are.

7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

Why did you not reply from the same account? Are you mentally handicapped?

Msw3681 sw
Msw3681 sw
7 years ago

But that is not just what is taught. They are taught to recite the shahada, which has such implications, this twat knows nothing about. It means any kid that has recited it is no longer Christian. All that can be taught by the parent, not the school.

7 years ago
Reply to  Msw3681 sw

That is a myth. Reciting the shahada does not make you a muslim, except possibly in the eyes of some dumb muslims.
That does not mean that non-muslims (children or not) can or should be forced to repeat it.

Msw3681 sw
Msw3681 sw
7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

Wrong, it is not a myth. It happens to be true. Several ex muslims told me, and I read it in the quran myself.

7 years ago
Reply to  Msw3681 sw

That’s garbage.

Ex-muslims have been brought up in the muslim tradition which severely undermines their credibility. Being an ex-muslim does not make you an absolute authority on islam.

A muslim is someone who actually believes the shahada, not someone who repeats it like a parrot. [unless you believe that parrots can become muslim]

It suits muslims very well to believe that repeating the shahada makes someone a “muslim”. Then muslims can kill the “muslim” for apostasy if the “muslim” later rejects islam, Recitation of the shahada does not make you a muslim.

A muslim must recite the shahada. That does not make everyone who recites the shahada a muslim.

Many muslims do not speak or understand the Arabic of the shahada. Recitation of the shahada does not make you a muslim.

If reciting the shahada made you a muslim, you could never cease to be a muslim or become an ex-muslim (as above).

Before a non-believer can recite the shahada as a muslim, she/he has to go through training in islamic doctrine.
These are the steps that a non-believer must take before becoming a muslim – Reciting the shahada by rote is not enough.

It is *allah* who decides whether she/he is truly a muslim. The empty repetition of shahada – which may fool some muslims – is not enough to fool *allah*.

I have just pronounced the shahada (of sorts). I am not now a muslim, nor will I ever be one.

As I said earlier, noone should be forced to recite the shahada even though it doesn’t make him/her a muslim.

Dan Knight
Dan Knight
7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

Are you claiming then that all Muslims who are not violent, lying Jihadists are actually not Muslim because they do not understand their own religion?

It’s a great argument in a philosophy class – but show me any White European committing any crime at all for any reason – and I will find you a Lietard Libtard who will call that criminal a Christian.

Islam does not get any credit for people who do not follow its tenets until Christianity at least gets credit for what actual Christians have done – which btw will never happen.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dan Knight

No I am claiming exactly what I claimed.
Reciting the shahada per se does not make you a muslim.

Here is my detail rational refutation of this nonsensical claim.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dan Knight

Paragraph two, of which I support the underlying sentiment, has no bearing on the truth of the claim (reciting the shahada makes you a muslim)

7 years ago
Reply to  Dan Knight

Paragraph three is incoherent and as expressed has no bearing bearing on the truth of the claim (reciting the shahada makes you a muslim)
Please try rephrasing it, that is if it has any bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim.

Msw3681 sw
Msw3681 sw
7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

You really are a complete twat. I’ve done my research, you have not.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
7 years ago
Reply to  Msw3681 sw

Quote the text you are referring to.

Msw3681 sw
Msw3681 sw
7 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

quran, surah’s, hadiths, and the history of mohammed and islam including several books written by ex-muslim psychologists on mohammed.

7 years ago
Reply to  Msw3681 sw

Then quote us just one text that proves your claim.

Here is my detail rational refutation of this nonsensical claim.

This provides one text (and there are more I could produce) which refutes your claim.

7 years ago
Reply to  Msw3681 sw

Insulting your opponent in a debate is a sign of intellectual laziness/incompetence.

Your research is inadequate and your conclusion is faulty.
My research is sound and my conclusion is correct.

7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

Take your Al Taqiyya and shove it where the sun don’t shine:

7 years ago
Reply to  IzlamIsTyranny

I am not a muslim.
I don’t indulge in taqiyya.
I hate islam more than anything else in the world.

This my twitter handle with tweets.

Next time before you make a accusation, with or without the rude orders, check the facts.

7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

I quoted an imam’s opinion lying son of kalb.

7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

You insulted me by calling me a complete twat.

I pointed out that this was lazy/incompetent. That is the fact.

I presented a reasoned case for my view.
That was not intellectually incompetent.
That was not intellectually lazy.

You provided nothing to rebut that case.
Either that it was because you are intellectually lazy.
Or it was because you are intellectually incompetent.
Or maybe it’s even both.

7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

I have wasted enough time, trying to show you are wrong. It’s like flogging a dead horse.
I now have to get back to exposing islam.

As here –
And reference one of your other suggestion, I shall be coming back to this forum, whenever I deem appropriate.

7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

You have no power to block me.
But you talk like a fascist.
You behave like a muslim.
You are totally deluded.

7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

You are totally deluded.
Nothing I have said can be construed as supporting or defending islam or muslims.

7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

You have been teaching the muslim myth that reciting the shahada rote means one is a muslim.
You are a muslim.
You are trying to prevent me teaching the truth about the evil doctrine of islam.
You are a taqiyya muslim.

6 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

I hate to break it to you, but reciting the shahad does make you a muslim. But I agree, islam is evil.

6 years ago
Reply to  emma

I hate to break it to you. I have recited the shahada and I am not a muslim.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

There are no fools like muslims, a demon is their prophet.

7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

Try stating the shadada publicly in any muslum state lying dirtbag — see if that doesn’t classify you as a muslum by then renouncing islum.

7 years ago
Reply to  IzlamIsTyranny

Reciting the shahada by rote does not make anyone a muslim.
Just because some muslims consider that to be true, does not make it true.
All muslims believe in islam. Does that make it true?

This is my refutation of this claim – (see later in thread) – reciting the shahada does not de facto make anyone a muslim.

6 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

…. that is

….considered by idiots, mainly muslims, but there are some others around.

6 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

Go ahead, recite the shahada.
Do you now believe that you will become a muslim?
If you do, then you are already thinking like a muslim.

6 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

Hate to break it to you, you have been converted. I’ve spoken to muslims as well. So you can stop your load of bollocks.

6 years ago
Reply to  emma

I hate to break it to you, but I have not been converted.
Don’t trust anything a muslim says. muslims are so stupid they
believe that *allah*, the ignorant idiot at the rotten heart of islam, created the universe.

I totally and absolutely hate islam, its followers or its vile beliefs.
islam is morally/intellectually bankrupt.
muslims are morally/intellectually depraved.
Apologists for islam are mentally/intellectually defective, or both, or even worse.

Now, you can stop your ignorant load of bollocks.

6 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

Whether you think you have not been converted, islam will count it, and so, good luck trying to leave.

6 years ago
Reply to  Msw3681 sw

You’re so gullible!
Do you belief everything that ex-muslims tell. Let me tell you I have come across some very ignorant ex-muslims, many of whom carry on thinking like muslims.
You know muslims don’t you?
They are the ones who believe that an ignorant idiot called *allah* created the world.

6 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

allah is actually a pagan moon deity, to do with Baal worship.

Yvonne Qualls
Yvonne Qualls
7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

Once you repeat whatever it is that makes you automatically a muslim, you can only be an ex-muslim by death.

7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

It’s not a lie.

Here is my rational refutation of this nonsensical claim:

It’s not taqiyya [sic] as I am not a muslim.
There is nothing I would like more than the elimination of islam from the earth.
Check my Twitter time (@TamiMisledus) where you will find the hatred I feel for this evil doctrine.

7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

It is a fact that it is the belief of some muslims as I myself pointed out.
I have never denied that.
But …

It is a belief, like all muslim beliefs about islam, which is not true, as I pointed out.

7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

If I refute this belief only once (as I did in several ways ), then this muslim belief is false.

It is not a fact that simply reciting the shahada makes someone a muslim.
No matter how many times you shout it.

7 years ago
Reply to  tamimisledus

I have been fighting against islam itself for five years.
I have been fighting against the evil which is integral to islam all my adult life.
I will go to any forum I choose to continue my fight against islam.

This my fight on twitter.

7 years ago
Reply to  Msw3681 sw

This is my refutation of this claim – (see later in thread) – reciting the shahada does not de facto make anyone a muslim.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

Trouble is that that is not the Islam they will learn about. It will be a whitewashed version that the liberals love to portray. The religion of peace and all that other BS they want you to believe about the wonderful world of Islam!

Yvonne Qualls
Yvonne Qualls
7 years ago

It says the children are being taught a white-washed version of the Koran which will soften their minds (to the control that Muslims will gladly take.) Do you honestly think a religious class will teach that Sharia law is bad and that the Koran was made-up by a sick pedophile….I don’t think so.

7 years ago
Reply to  Yvonne Qualls

The moron whom you replied to…is too stupid to be able to understand the logic.

7 years ago

I wonder if he thinks Muslim children should be forced to learn about Christianity, namely the Church of England, for the same “global community” reasons.

shirley versace
shirley versace
7 years ago
Reply to  NickandLynds

hardly ! plus that would get him killed… not only is he a hypocrite, but I am sure, a coward too..

Infidel Task Force
Infidel Task Force
7 years ago

Sure..educate them. But teach them the truth about Islam. The evil, sadistic, destructive, murderous and superior ambitions.
Yes..teach them the truth!!

7 years ago

By all means. Because the evil Qur’an is owned by it’s creator, an evil Muhammad. All Muslims must worship Muhammad, who is Allah under penalty of death, who was a mass murderer, thief. liar, slaver, pedophile, and extortionist. Today, wherever Muslims plant their feet, is then followed by Islam’s darkness, death and destruction.

7 years ago

Now you know they won’t do that!

7 years ago
Reply to  Janet

Hi Janet, more reading for you if you get the chance on Bill Clinton arming the Muslims, but what gets me is the missing papers

When you do a Google search “ 1997” iran it brings up so many links but not tge government papers that should be available to read.

7 years ago

Thank you! Hope you’re doing well.

7 years ago
Reply to  Janet

Doing ok, just tired of all but have to fight on and try to nake people think for a change and stop been sheep

So many wrongs so many cover ups and the worst is Islam, when not many know much about Islam history and that they want to make us slaves and rape all non Muslim females

Sunday I hope Marine Le Penn wins as I am sure France will go to rack and ruin under Sharia, and that is what the French do no need to lose everything to the Muslims and far left. I will pray for France and hope many will.

The trouble is when a few own the Media, they have the voice and control peoples opinions as people just do not think, only a minority and that is not good.

7 years ago

I’m sick about Le Pen loosing the election in France. I hoped so much that she would win the way Trump did in the US. The Islamification of France will continue and there’s no turning back now. More terror attacks are on the horizon for them sad to say. Why they don’t get it is mind boggling to me. Btw what’s your name? Keep up the good work you’re doing. Even if you can change the mind of one person it’s worth it! Take care ok!

7 years ago
Reply to  Janet

Hi Janet, Max is the name. Thanks for your words.

Hope the below makes sense, since I am not a writter or long reader.

I am disappointed as well, but we only live on a planet ruled by the Prince of Darkness. We have to wait for the King of Kings, Lord of Lords (Christ) to return.

The only hope is still prayer that Macron sees truth. Baptised a Romsm Catholic at the age of 12

I do not like to hear about the pain, suffering many go through but we are just part of the world and must remain strong in Christ no matter what happens. I just hope I am that strong as I am just like all others a sinner, that Christ sets us free in believing in him. I do not see myself as the Christain who is strong, but will defend Christ and knowing truth is a must to defend Christ.

What ever I share with people, I hope they continue to discover and question things to know truth. So much has been covered up, changed through history and if any one rocks the boat and does not follow the given rules is a heretic, as I am. Heretic sounds a bad word that one is against the teachings of God, but it is only a different view that have made it to sound one is against God but is really against those that have altered the teachings of Christ as I see it. There is only one law and that is of Christ, not by those that have altered the teachings, burnt scripture, destroyed and called all others heretics. They have judged themselves.

Revelation 22:18-19King James Version (KJV)
18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Papal Claims to Authority

See the problems with this statement

#18. “As to papal authority, the Pope is as it were God on earth, Sole sovereign of all the faithful of Christ, chief king of kings, having a plentitude of unbroken power, entrusted by the omnipotent God to govern the earthly and heavenly kingdoms.”

Be strong in Christ, never surrender be stronger than I am. There is good to come with the real prophets to come to preach the truth. You should know the true phophets by their works, not the mamy false prophets that are here. I already feel we have many false prophets preaching Islam, calling it Religion of Peace.

Everyone who preaches, speaks against the Christian God is a false prophet or makes themselves above Christ or equal.

6 years ago
Reply to  Janet

Hi Janet

Next round, many things happen with Turkey
especially with many Muslim refugees passing through Turkey

Below you can discover how Constantinople fell thanks to Pope Innonocet III with the Fourth Crusade. I have also included same Pope annuling the Magna Carta that King John signed.

Last I included movie documentary on JFk with Kevin Costner, and more on the CIA and the Vatican, Redcross

Pope John Paul II apoligises for Fouth Crusade sacking Constantinople. That was Roman Catholic against Orthodox Constantinople

Magna Carta: an introduction

How the world’s first concordat came about (documents and

The Pope cancels the Magna Carta (1215)

Siege of Constaninople

The buildings of Constantinople

1204 Sack of Constantinople, St Marks Square Venice

Battle Map of Constantinople attack

Have to listen to it carefully as it also covers Bill Clinton, CIA arming Nasser Oric the Muslim leader, and how UN supplies went to him, best from 29 minutes and 33 minute parts and on
Srebrenica A Town Betrayed (60 min. made by Norway) not seen at CNN


We’re learning more about the CIA ‘cover-up’ surrounding JFK’s assassination

The CIA and the Vatican’s Intelligence Apparatus

Amanda Wait
Amanda Wait
7 years ago

I agree Infidel Task Force, but political correctness is at the order of the day, so you can forget about that. Islam is not a religion, it is a cultural political system with the aim to dominate the world under Sharia Law.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
7 years ago

Looks stupid, as you re an einglishstininan, therefor the title of “stupid” deserved. earned and most appropriate. Why of you think like a muslim? Why do you think that some useless outdated cowardly snivelling submissive stodgy and destructive cult like the once semi useful Church of England, has any right or authority to tell parents what they can and cannot do pertaining to religious instruction? Why do you not encourage muslims to participate, tolerate and accept divergent thoughts and beliefs? Did you hold out for the full thirty pieces of arab silver to sell out Christianity, of did you give them a discount? People like you are disgusting fools. Global citizens? That is the stupidest concept since islam was invented. There is such a thing as different wants, needs, resource availability and conditions influencing life. It is not an all inclusive chicken coop where people are placed in their own little space and expected to be human. Socialists, are simply too stupid to be allowed in public any more.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

IMO, every child in England, and even here in the USA, should be given a 1611 KJV version of the Bible. Because that’s England’s, as well as our roots. They can scream all they want about separation of church and state, but our founders were basically all Christians, and arrived in many areas of the Constitution using the Bible. Love it or hate it, most of our laws today are based on the Ten Commandments of right vs. wrong, good vs. evil.

Further in my thoughts, our country and children have been going in the wrong direction and what’s needed, are a spiritual awakening.

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
7 years ago
Reply to  JacksonPearson

Well said, agree completely.

Mark Steiner
Mark Steiner
7 years ago
Reply to  JacksonPearson

Speaking of children in jolly olde England, there is one name everyone knows who, had he received some crucial truth from a God-fearing, KJV minister, would NEVER have achieved the notoriety he has in these end times.

Once, this young man asked his pastor something about origins, science, etc. He was met with a stiff upper lip and cold demeanor, never actually answering the young man’s question with Scriptural authority, dismissing him. Soon afterward, to get his answers, he boarded the Beagle, sailed to Galapagos, wrote erroneous conclusions of finches beaks, eventually concocted Origin of the Species, died while at war with God, and is worshiped by every God-hating, fanatical environmentalist each year his birthday is observed.

As the late Paul Harvey would say – you know the rest of the story: ’twas Charles Darwin. All because a man of the cloth would not give the young man a simple, honest answer to his question, now we have Darwinian genocide and rank apostasy in the Church of England, etc …

7 years ago
Reply to  Mahou Shoujo

Definitely gave them a discount 🙂

Mahou Shoujo
Mahou Shoujo
7 years ago

Sure looks like it.

7 years ago

‘Church’-of-England has been a joke for quite some time,

Mark Steiner
Mark Steiner
7 years ago

“Thus saith the LORD!” hasn’t been uttered in the Church of England for a long time. Totally apostate.

7 years ago

The knowledge that modern English youth have of being English: their history, culture and legacy is so debased and clueless and p.c. that I think they should first learn who THEY are.

Michael Copeland
Michael Copeland
7 years ago

Maybe Mr. Holloway should be FORCED to learn about Dar al Harb, Islam-approved slavery, Jihad (the “communal obligation” to “wage war on non-muslims”), daughter-killing, the filthy kuffar, stonings and amputations, the handicaps and taxation imposed on Christians, the duty to hate non-muslims and so on.
Let him learn how “it is unbelief to hold that the remnant cults now bearing the names of formerly valid religions, like “Christianity” and “Judaism” are acceptable to Allah” (“Reliance of the Traveller”, w4).

Nice to know you are in a “remnant cult”, Mr. Holloway.

7 years ago

If Holloway isn’t aware of the vile nature of islum it’s only because he doesn’t want to be made aware (i.e. like the three wise monkeys who see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil).

7 years ago

Do you think that Hollowhed knows the similarities of the koran and Mein Kampf

7 years ago

England has had some interesting religious wars in its history.

Pedro Alves
Pedro Alves
7 years ago

I agree that children should all learn about the REAL Islam not forgetting any of the atrocities commited by them in the name of religion. That would be a very positive advance for the western civilization.

7 years ago

Know islam .. as in … KNOW THINE ENEMY!!!

JoAnn Dolberg
JoAnn Dolberg
7 years ago

If one really wants to prepare their children for globalism, they ought to teach them about Jesus Christ who paid our penalty for sin on the cross on Golgotha, “the Place of the Skull.” We’re in a spiritual war, the likes of which even many Christians know nothing about; the worst hasn’t even happened yet…it is past time to get serious about repentance, prayer and a personal relationship with the Bible that the Apostle called the mind of Christ, (whose name is called the Word of God), Revelation 19:13b; John 1:1, 14

7 years ago
Reply to  JoAnn Dolberg

Agree entirely

AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
AR154U☑ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ DEPLORABLE 2020
7 years ago

Meet your Neo-Church goers !!!

comment image

7 years ago

Look at them! They’re all crazy! This is what they’re bringing into our countries and believe they will assimilate. Fat chance!

R. Arandas
R. Arandas
7 years ago

Indeed, we should all know more about this religion, for it is best to understand one’s enemies. However, one should not compel one’s children to do so, especially at such a young age.

7 years ago

Yup . The wonders of commingling church and state – The intent of the 1st is to prohibit that very thing , and it is not a prohibition against religion .

Validate your 2nd Amendment Rights… Carry

7 years ago

“To be prepared for life in a modern Britain” We all know what that’s going to look like. ?

7 years ago

This is just a roundabout way of forcing children to suffer indoctrination into the Christian dogma.

Like many other “progressive” “liberal”, of every shade, this is an example of using islam for their own ends.
Stupid, stupid, stupid liberals.

Alleged Comment
Alleged Comment
7 years ago

IT might be OK if they teach the TRUTH about Islam. Show them the beheading, the female genital mutilations, the misogyny, the pedophilia and bestiality and stories of what it is really like living under Islam.

Will the Church of England really do that? If they won’t you are really in trouble.

7 years ago

‘Children Should Be Forced to Learn About Islam’

Children should be forced to learn about the dangers of State religion.

Amanda Wait
Amanda Wait
7 years ago

He is one of the seeds planted by the devil….a tare among the wheat, because he sees how worldwide Christianity is removed from schools, yet here he is advocating that Christian children be taught about Islam the religion NOT of peace, the religion that denies the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the religion that preaches another Jesus called Isa who was not crucified, not resurrected from the dead, a Jesus that is not the Son of God, a Jesus whom they claim is only a prophet. They deny the deity of Jesus as God. Sorry, but no Christian would want what this man wants!

The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.”’

The Parable of the Tares Explained
Then Jesus sent the multitude away and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him, saying, “Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.”

He answered and said to them: “He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man [Jesus]. The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom [Christians], but the tares are the sons of the wicked one [Satan]. The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels. Therefore as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!

Benton Marder
Benton Marder
7 years ago

Interesting. Funny that he doesn’t say that children should be fprced to learn the Prayer Book Catechism. The Church of England is established b Should not English children learn the Catechism?y law in England.

7 years ago

Holloway, like the catholic Pope, is a heretic! Christian leaders should be getting their inspiration and guidance from God’s Word, the Bible. The Bible teaches that salvation is exclusively through Jesus the Christ. Why would a Christian leader insist on training that leads children away from God. God and the fantasy Allah are not the same. There is no moral equivalence between Christianity and Islam. Christians worship a risen Savior. Muslims worship a dead lunatic called Mohammed. Holloway is truly a deluded jerk, ignorant of the teachings of the Bible.

Dan Knight
Dan Knight
7 years ago

Derek Holloway, the head of RE in the Church of England’s education office believes “not faith” schools should teach “Islam?” … i.e. the Big Lies Islam wants to tell our kids.
“Seemingly [some parents] do not want their children exposed to …” Big Lies by Big Leftist Lietards promoting a barbaric Hate Ideology known as Islam.

…there fixed it for ya Derek.

Melo Gardener
Melo Gardener
7 years ago

So not only is the Papal Caholicism is whoring with the Beast of Islam. now the Church of England whores like its’ braindead government is whoring with the Beast of Islam…the pieces fall together and strange, all our countries who whore with the Beast of Islams’ hellish sharia and rights to rape everything living thing that moves…even their goats, shall be killed by the same Beast it whores with. The Lord shall divide His own from these monsters for the time of the Judgement of the Whore and its’ Beast is come! These churches are become the whores of Satans’ Beast of Islam. They are more doomed than they force us all to be. The Muslim whores shall be sent back to their own countries the scripture says…for there they shall fall by Gods’ Sword.

Grant Woodside
Grant Woodside
7 years ago

I read somewhere throughout history there has been 8,000-12,000 Gods that have been worshipped at some time.
What will happen when children in schools argue and ultimately resort to violence over whose God is the real God
I also doubt if parents want to argue with their young children about which religion is the true religion.
Just teach right from wrong.
Ban all religion in all schools.
Including the ridiculous religion of muhammad.

Dan Knight
Dan Knight
7 years ago
Reply to  Grant Woodside

To work – you need to ban Atheism too. … After all that has worked so well …

Grant Woodside
Grant Woodside
7 years ago
Reply to  Dan Knight

Ban atheism in schools?
Of course, if all other religions are banned as well.
Not sure what you mean by “after all that has worked so well”

I do think that religious beliefs in “gods” have caused
And will continue to cause
More hate, bloodshed and death
Than anything else on this Earth
It was not that long ago
That innocent women
Were “burned at the stake”
Burned alive, tied up to a post and burned alive
For being “Witches”, so claimed the religious fervents
These are the types of things
The belief in omnipotent gods can cause people to do
Does the good the “gods” belief bring outweigh the bad
If we count death and torture
My opinion, my opinion only, would be an emphatic No

As a young child I went to Sunday School
I was afraid of God, thought God would punish me
Should I not say my prayers each night before bed
(Think about that for a few minutes at least)
When we think about anyone “teaching” children religion
Especially without a child’s parent present
(In my Sunday School, my mother was always there and ready to answer any questions I had as we walked home)

7 years ago

Suggested Course #1:
Islam Is a political system founded by Mohammad, a sadistic, psychopathic, warrior, thief, pedophile, sex addict whose fantasy was 72 virgins in paradise. Islam was spread by the sword, convert or die (Mo beheaded a tribe of 600, etc.) Mo’s revelations were brought about due to his seizures/hallucinations many of which were self-serving. Mo fabricated himself as the true prophet. Jews did not believe Mo was a prophet, one reason Muslims hate Jews. He was surrounded by four friends, two versed in the bible and two were poetic writers (which explains his knowledge as Mo was illiterate.) Goals of the Islamic movement, which encompasses Muslim Sharia-adherents, is to promote a political ideology that seeks to subjugate all the world’s peoples, by physical force, under the supreme governing authority of Sharia law, in every area of life and thought for the sake of Allah all based on the life of Mo., ‘The Perfect Man.’

7 years ago
Reply to  RiverFred

Yes and any and all land swaps w/the pallyswine should include the lands and properties stolen from the people of Israel in Soddy Barbaria.

7 years ago
Reply to  RiverFred

Yes, islam is a lie.
And mohammad as created by muslims is a part of that lie.
mohammad never existed.

Yvonne Qualls
Yvonne Qualls
7 years ago

Is Holloway getting paid, or is he just ignorant?

7 years ago

Wow, that would be an ordeal.

Ron Johnson
Ron Johnson
7 years ago

Parents have authority over their own children, not the state. If parents don’t want their children to learn about heathen religions it is there right to withdraw them from the religious education class. It is all the more bothersome that it is the church of England schools that are trying to usurp christian parent’s rights. Also, since allah is not the Biblical God, to declare “allah is God and mohammed his prophet”. By declaring publicly this lie in a mosque a person can become a muslim and becomes spiritually legal game for demonization. It looks like the church of England is blind to this danger and is thus also ill equipped with ministers capable of deliverance ministry. 🙁

7 years ago

Muslims in order to gain legal citizenship in any European country should be forced to read the bible !!! Otherwise it is back to your hellhole from whence you came…

7 years ago

The more Western culture is being subverted by its own governments, it does bring to mind the possibility of a “new world order(s)” quite possibly involved in some form(s) or fashion(s). While this may or may not be the case, I do think that such “secret movers” , if they exist may be getting more credit than credit due. Sure, they may play “hide and go seek” and, quite possibly exist in various groups with power and wealth, but, in fact, if one looks at present day accounts of governments and their activities, as well as historical accounts of interactions between cultures including literature,religion, technology and so forth, one sees time and again that the fall of a people is often the work of the usual vices that have always tempted humanity at all levels. Whatever bonds these “secret clubs or groups” may have or may not have and/or desires of self-promotion/or other gain, they are still flesh and blood like us. It is likely that their motives are not far then from those in the past who served dis-humanity to its terrible ends. That is to say, they served evil. Of course that falls on deaf ears to anyone disavowing evil as real.

One way evil is served is by the occult. Its existence is well documented in the West and that says something about the belief of many – though they might like to call it the “nice occult” or some other PC name – certainly not evil. Those people certainly believe or aspire to something more than just reading the NYTs or watching Cnn. Of course most people it seems are obliviously going about 9 to 5 lives cued to all the things that lead us along. Curiously, in searching, I’ve discovered that muslamics, like the West, have a long history of interest in the occult. I encourage people to do a search on it. It certainly could be that such activities may very well provide deeper motives driving terrorism and unrest we are seeing in the world more each day with a common theme of evil. As far as occult involvement with the West and/or the East, think about this – if people like soros have all the money they can spend, what else might motivate them.

7 years ago

History yes on how they killed cultures, left destruction and destroyed lives
That Muslims do not build societies in mass.

Instead of just using for example in WW1we fought Turkey, but we should refer to them as Muslim Turkey, then tell the horrors of what they did to the Armenians as they were Dhimmis. Just using Turkey children got no idea they are Muslims and children do not asdociate that Islam is one force.

How Franco used Muslim Moors to kill in Spanish Civil War.

Dhimmitude, Jizzay and Jihad should also be learnt and the meaning of Gennocide and why created. So much to history children should learn Indonesia, India genocides, even how India had universities and Islam left the country rack and ruin.

Indonesia Genocide of Chinese, East Timorese, West Papuans and so many others

When they drink coffee, eat Bagels, Croissants that came about against the invading Muslims at Battle of Vienna

The meaning of these words Muslins use to decieve
Hudna tactical

Taqiyya (Shia) or Muda’rat (Sunni): tactical deceit for the purposes of spreading Islam. [4][5]
Kitman: deceit by omission.[6]
Tawriya: deceit by ambiguity.[7]
Taysir: deceit through facilitation (not having to observe all the tenets of Sharia).[8]
Darura: deceit through necessity (to engage in something “Haram” or forbidden).[9]
Muruna: the temporary suspension of Sharia in order that Muslim immigrants appear “moderate.” So through the principle of Hijra (Muslim Immigration), the early Muslims are a “red herring” or a Trojan n. The Kafir or Kuffar community gets the false sense that the early immigrants are not a threat, at least until the Muslim community has gained strength.[10]

Tom Dickson
Tom Dickson
7 years ago

Bye-bye Muslin queen Elizabeth. Your father is mourning in his grave for England, even cursing the Church of England for bowing to Islam. This generation sees the end of the English monarchy.

7 years ago

To take his argument about church schools serving the community how come turn around isn’t fair play with muslamic schools not serving the community. We know the answer. They and he as their mouthpiece are tools for the invasion.

7 years ago

Well…we all now about The Church of England and their polite way of saying “you will join”

7 years ago
Reply to  Merchantseamen

Dorrie….Thanks for the reminder. I just remember the Pilgrims fleeing persecution. Church of England involved in that?

7 years ago
Reply to  Merchantseamen

Dayuuuum, Public Education rears its ugly head. I blame it all on the 70’s. That is my story and I am sticking with it. Must have been something in the air. I will hear after refrain from making comments I no nothing about. World War II however I will jump in. Also scale model building. Thx Dorrie.

7 years ago
Reply to  Merchantseamen


Again thx for the enlightenment. I went back and studied few things. I think i knew it. but drifted off. Anyway if I was a libtard I would have been offended and argued for arguments sake. I learned something that is what it is all about. Take care.

northern vigor
northern vigor
7 years ago

When the Church of England proclaims the needs of the state, instead of the Gospel of Jesus Christ… this church is becoming irrelevant.
Every knee shall bend to Him.

6 years ago

What’s happened to England? They’re so unlike themselves. Why do they allow this abuse? Pull all the kids out of school and protest that you aren’t going to go along with this liberal nonsense.
Why don’t they teach the students British history, since it still supposedly is Britain.

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!