Salon: “Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber Is a white American”


The destroyers and defamers over at Salon magazine ran this headline:

Let's hope the Boston Marathon bomber Is a white American

Can you imagine if I ever said, "Let's hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a Muslim"?

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Can you imagine the media firestorm that such a sick comment would elicit? But these quislings can say and do anything without consequences.

Salon trots out the decades-old strawman — McVeigh! — to morally equivocate between one incident versus  20,712 deadly acts of jihad since 911.

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Chris Wolf
Chris Wolf
11 years ago

What does this ludicrous, hateful, cowardly mentality say about the slant Salon will report when it’s revealed that the Pressure Cooker Bomber was — SURPRISE! — a muslim POS?

Chris Wolf
Chris Wolf
11 years ago

Dontcha love the way the press secretary and reporters refer back and forth to The President* as “he,” “him,” “his”?
Laughable if not so sad.

Chris Wolf
Chris Wolf
11 years ago

There are a lot more Americans who SAY they trust obama than who actually trust obama.

Chris Wolf
Chris Wolf
11 years ago

If he’s from a family of jihadists the chances are good that he’s a jihadist.
The proof is in the fact that he’s alive.

11 years ago

Wow, what a legitimate website to use as reference!?!?!?! Guess if it is on the internet then it must be true!

11 years ago

We are guessing it is a Pakistani origin national. Pakistanis are ultra anti-American, hate the U.S. with a venom, and the Pakistani/Indian terrorists have been using similar pressure cooker bombs in attacks in India.

11 years ago

Delete the critical comments… nice

11 years ago

For as long as this will be allowed up…
“Can you imagine if I ever said, “Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a Muslim”?”
Didn’t you put “Jihad in America” on your site accompanying your first “reporting” of this?
Yeah, ya did. And you had no idea what happened. You’re being a phony and a coward to boot by taking down my comments. Long as you know that, I don’t care if you take it down or not. You’re a racist phony reveling in the misery of others in hope that your inane predictions about ihad come true.

11 years ago


11 years ago


Chris Wolf
Chris Wolf
11 years ago

What the Hell is bullshit obama bellowing about his failure to incrementally disarm the American people exactly TWO DAYS after his friends the jihadists struck another devastating blow to our people and our sense of freedom in our country?
He mentioned the terror attack obliquely in passing one time as a prop for his monotonous, anti-Constitutional donkey show.
What a loser we picked in this jerk.

11 years ago

The FACT that YOUR POST above IS there ,in order to be commented on ,is just one more example that Pamela believes in Free Speech and PRACTICES IT!
You’re just another Lefty Loon who is FALSELY ACCUSING Pamela of “deleting” a post YOU NEVER MADE.
Your tactics DON’T WORK HERE!

11 years ago

Guess one psycho American (mcveigh) is supposed to equal 20,000+ islamist attacks, eh?
…isn’t that rather “racist” of the media?

11 years ago

I find this laughable anymore. If the bomber or bombers were white then not only would their names, faces, residence, families and kindergarten teachers be posted, video taped and plastered all over the modern media. This is not happening yet so the wish of the accomplice being white is probly not so. That is until this government can manufacture a white perp to balme this on. Remember it was only hours ater after the bombing that our government was trying to pin this on some right wing extremist who opposes paying taxes. Al the while the MSM was claiming a man of interest , being of middle eastern decent, on a school visa was in a form of custody at a hospitol.
The MSM is running an angle now of Irish connections. The IRA had used pressure cookers for years, yadda yadda. Remember how all previous “terrorist attacks” are individuals. The man who alked into a Jewish cente in oregon and shot Jews. Work place violance at a military base in Texas, Maj. Nidal (?) not a terrorist but post tramatic sufferer who was being forced to go against his cult (oops religion). Work place violance.
Now the pictures of the two men that is now being circulated to police could very well be white men, however I will bet they are of Croatian origion and muslim to boot. It is of now surprise that this happened. The fact it was not worse then it was is surpriseing though.
Welcome to the surrender policies of Obama that is now the new United States.

11 years ago

What if the bomber, or bombers, are Salon readers? What color would that make their skin? Yellow? What politics would they have? Socialist? Progressive? Democrat? How about Illegal Alien? What religion would they have? Atheism? Or Islam? What would their IQ be? Low? Or Salon reader low?

11 years ago

Thank you for this, Ann.

Kevin Stroup
Kevin Stroup
11 years ago

Jews, first and foremost, then whites, are the new whipping boys. Whites act in a subservient manner and we wonder why we get treated like the jailhouse bitch. Just do not try that crap on me. I will gnaw your leg off.

11 years ago

SALON hates white Americans. That we all knew a long time ago.

LTC Wheatex
LTC Wheatex
11 years ago

Here’s a thought, salonholes, let’s hope the guy is identified and brought to justice. Let’s try not to politicize this tragedy.

LTC Wheatex
LTC Wheatex
11 years ago

Here’s a thought salonholes. Let’s hope the guy is caught and brought to justice. Lets not try to politicize this tragedy.

LTC Wheatex
LTC Wheatex
11 years ago

Here’s a thought salonholes. Let’s hope the guy is caught and brought to justice. Lets not try to politicize this tragedy.

LTC Wheatex
LTC Wheatex
11 years ago

Here’s a thought salonholes. Let’s hope the guy is caught and brought to justice. Lets not try to politicize this tragedy.

11 years ago

Anytime someone trots out Timothy McVeigh I trot out Hussain Al- Hussaini and ask if they’ve ever heard of Jayna Davis or her book, “The Third Terrorist”.
Then I explain the reason they are under the same impression that McVeigh’s was a case of domestic terrorism is because Clinton kept the FBI from pursuing an investigation into the Iraqi who was behind the bombing. Clinton didn’t want an act of Islamic terrorism on his watch and so he made certain the truth would not be discovered. Truth will percolate, eventually. Some are willfully blind to facts not in line with their agenda. Soon after the jihad connection to the Boston bombing is discovered, the news cycle will somehow circle back to Newtown and Sandy Hook and most people will see this as normal. Of course there will be more, and I expect more bumbling and false reports from all agencies and news outlets, and I expect outrageous handling/manipulating of the situation by the Obama regime.

Pamela Filth
Pamela Filth
11 years ago

You didn’t hope you outright said it, your truly awful. Posting that video, you immediately said that the Jihad was behind it.

11 years ago

It was jihad. You would be a liar or moron or TROLL. Why don’t you go back to Egypt?

11 years ago

You called it Jihad in america even before knowing the identity of the bomber. You want it to be muslim.

11 years ago

Many non-Muslims and even many Muslims, think of Islam in the traditional religious sense of sacredness, intentions, spirituality, peacefulness, goodness, giving, loving, etc. In truth, Islam is not such a traditional religion. Islam is a ‘stand alone’ {only one of its kind} because killing unbelieving men, women and children, are not only permitted in Islam, but is actually demanded by Allah {Muslim God}. In Islam, Allah is not love, {he could be merciful, at best. A Christian would say ‘who needs mercy without God’s love?’} In Islam, total obedience to Allah is demanded, irrespective of rationality. Followers must unquestionably, even be prepared to kill a human, to protect this Allah because a ‘human life is meaningless’ {Ishaq: 676 – After killing the mother of five little sons, Muhammad said, “as meaningless as two goats butting their heads”} Instead humans are precious in Christianity and God calls us to value and respect human life, as God loves every human being, irrespective of race, creed, colour, nationality, etc.

11 years ago

Muslims generally claim, “Islam is peaceful and does not permit killing humans” but this is a blatant lie, in contradiction to their Allah’s commands in the Quran. This is because there are two types of Muslims a) The vast majority of Muslims do not understand Arabic (are only taught how to recite the Quran in Arabic, like a parrot, minus the meanings and they are the type generally fooled and lied to, by their own Islamic clergy, and make up almost all of Islamic suicide killers) b) The second type of Muslims, who are a small elite minority, do understand (including almost all Islamic clergy), but choose to lie for Allah hoping to get extra merit points selfishly, in defense of Allah, at the expense of the first gullible type of Muslims. They themselves never commit suicide for Allah {Have you ever heard of a Ustaz, Imam, Ulama, Mufti or Kadi sacrifice their generally well-off and polygamous life and commit suicide? The answer is NO.} Then ask yourself WHY. It is because these Islamic clergy are already having the good life at the expense of the Majority Muslims, just like in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, etc. They are generally, the well off, higher echelon, among Muslim societies} It is the first type, {the vast majority}, who swallow everything said by these Islamic clergy, and this gullible type are enticed with the rewards promised by Allah. Islamic suicide killers are generally unmarried young sex-maniac desperados, for whom Allah has promised 72 Houris {voluptuous, young, well-bosomed, pretty virgin girls} and for homosexuals “boys as fresh as hidden pearls” in addition to many other rewards.

11 years ago

Knowing it was another islamofascist pigs attack on innocent people isn’t the same was wishing it were another group so it can fit your political agenda. You haters just got to keep on hating.

11 years ago

You are a fake and a liar! Pam Geller never said any such thing. COWARD!!!

11 years ago

The boston bombing suspects are brothers Dzokhar Tsarnaev & Tamerlan Tsarnaev are islamic terrorists

Morgan Michaels
Morgan Michaels
11 years ago

Hoping that a fellow American of a specific race committed mass murder against his fellow Americans is qualitatively, fundamentally different that believing that irrational Islamist enemies of both reason and America were responsible for a vicious act of terrorism.
Salon is a magazine people read to reassure themselves they aren’t a dumb as they fear they are…

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