WND: Ad war erupts over meaning of ‘jihad’ in U.S.


Good piece over at WND. And as Atlas reader, Auntie Izlam, points out, "if jihad is actually what CAIR says it is then why are the weak, infirm & disabled  told they are exempt from jihad in the koran? Surely those people could still conduct an inner struggle & the multitude of lies CAIR is trying to sell?"

Qur'an 9:91 "There is no blame on those who are old, weak, ill, or who find no resources to spend (on Jihad, holy fighting), if they are sincere (in duty) to Allah and His Messenger."

"Ad war erupts over meaning of 'jihad' in U.S."

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'It's reprehensible to put a happy face on mass murder'  WND

An advertising war has erupted over just what the Muslim word “jihad”
means in America and why it’s important not to let the term be

And the latest volley in the battle is both sly and stunning.

The most recent flare-up began with a controversial series of advertisements from the American Freedom Defense Initiative
on New York subway station clocks. The ads depicted the burning towers
of 9/11 and a Quran quote: “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of
the Unbelievers” (3:151).

Pamela Geller, the group’s executive director, believes the clock ads
convey an important message about the immediate danger of jihad.

“Metaphorically it’s so powerful,” she explains in a new column on WND.
“The clock is ticking, from a civilizational point of view. Bombs, at
least in movies, tick and are set off by clocks. The urgency of our
message is mirrored in the placement.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, however, called
the ads “Islamophobic” and “bigotry” and responded with a series of bus
advertisements of its own designed to put a more America-friendly spin
on the Islamic practice of jihad.

CAIR’s advertisements link to a site called MyJihad.org
and portray “jihad” as merely a person’s goal or ambition, showing
smiling Muslims and such innocuous struggles as staying fit or building

“My jihad is not to judge people by their cover,” states one ad. “What’s yours?”

Gellar, however, claims the CAIR ads are “designed to distract from and obscure the true meaning of jihad.”

The word “jihad” is defined by Muslim apologists as the personal
struggle of the individual believer against evil and persecution, yet it
is also the term for a religious war against infidels undertaken by
Muslims, a holy obligation often cited by terrorists as the reason for
their violence.

“Freedom fighters have successfully educated the American people
about the most brutal and extreme system of governance, the Shariah:
Americans know how inhuman it is, and Muslim Brotherhood operatives are
still reeling from that stunning defeat,” Geller explains. “So now they
hope to whitewash jihad? That’s oceans of blood they would have to
conceal. Oceans of blood.”

Now Geller announces the latest volley in the advertising war, a
series of bus ads that will recast the “MyJihad” banners according to
the word’s other definition.

“‘Jihad, holy fighting in Allah’s cause, with full force of numbers
and weaponry, is … and obligation and duty in Islam on every Muslim’ –
Times Square bomber Faisal Shazad,” reads one of the new AFDI ads.
“That’s my jihad. What’s yours?”

Another pictures Osama bin Laden, accompanied by one of his quotes:
“‘The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.’ That’s my jihad.
What’s yours?”

Still another variation in includes a victim’s description of the
Fort Hood mass murder by Major Nidal Hassan: “Reloading, firing again,
reloading, firing again, while screaming Allahu Akbar.’ That’s my jihad.
What’s yours?”

These new ads direct people to MyJihad.us, a web address that redirects to a page on Geller’s Atlas Shrugged site.

“Our new ads depict actual jihadists carrying out their own jihads
and is a truth antidote to CAIR’s deceptions,” Geller states. “This
usage of jihad is much more influential and widespread among Muslims
worldwide than the benign and whitewashed understanding of it being
pushed by Hamas-tied CAIR, and the fact that some Muslims don’t think of
jihad as involving violence does not cancel out the fact that many do.

“It is reprehensible to put a happy face on mass murder, ethnic
cleansing, honor violence and religious persecution,” she continues.
“Our AFDI campaign shines the light of truth to break through the fog of
CAIR’s deceptions.”

As WND has reported, AFDI
has run advertisements on buses and other public areas before in a
effort to educate Americans about violent nature of jihad and the
dangers of “Islamization” in America, but efforts to have them banned by
court order have been defeated.

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11 years ago

Excellent point, Aunti Izlam, nailed it! If jihad is all about inner struggle then the weak and infirm would have the most to gain from striving to overcome difficulties. Most religions call that having faith, even 9:91 in the Koran alludes to being “sincere in duty.”

11 years ago

Jihad is Allah empowering Moslems with the license to kill, conquer, sujugate for Islam.

11 years ago

and subjugate for Islam.

11 years ago

An absolutely BRILLIANT Counter-Attack to the CAIR TAQYIA ADS.
Pamala,Robert,and AFDI just turned that “by their own hands” statement from the 1993 captured Document of the Muslim Brotherhood,on them.
TRUE QUOTES from REAL JIHADIS,referencing the Koran.
They’re BOXED-IN.
AFDI HAS A VICTORY ,with each Ad “deployment.

11 years ago

So when any of the multitudes of Jidahist groups declared Jihad against the West…. it’s nothing more than personal reflection.
One would have to be Uncle Tom Friedman to believe this crap!

11 years ago

Actions speak louder than words, so there can be no doubt as to the meaning of jihad. That the media choose to hide the truth is aiding and abetting jihad. Disgusting!!!

11 years ago

talmud ‘jews may kill..lie to..steal from and enslave nonjews’…its in the most authorative text in judaism

11 years ago

@ sam (aka muhammed) – just what version of the Talmud are you reading?

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!