#ProudSavage Video


Fantastic video over at you tube. I don't know who the YT user is, but major props.

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Walt Parkman
Walt Parkman
11 years ago

I am ready for war against this savage and all her buddies.

Debi Brand
Debi Brand
11 years ago

Remember,We are fighting “them over there, so we do not have to fight them here.”

11 years ago

The only thing that would have made this better is if they started making out.

11 years ago

‘Obama and the Threat to Israel’: See the ‘Absolutely Uncertain’ Video That’s Gotten 650K Hits in Three Days

11 years ago

This belligerent c**t will probably get the Nobel Peace Prize for exercising such restraint that she only spray painted Pamela Hall instead of beheading her.

11 years ago

Blindreason, well, Obama got one for doing absolutely nothing. 😉
Great video! Thanks for sharing.

11 years ago

Nonviolent? Looked to me that she sprayed the one woman with paint. That is assault! That is violent. It still dumbfouns me when these people (liberals, islamist, etc) all claim nonviolance and peace when they are both violent and hatefull in thier pursuit of oppression.

11 years ago

The best video ever about this, wonderfully done. Shows up Mona really good. Librulls just bleet “racism” about everything so it doesn’t matter if it’s racist or not. The ad is definitely NOT racist at all it doesn’t mention any race or religion. It just talks about evil people called savages that’s all.

11 years ago

She sprayed her in the mouth!

11 years ago

Her disturbed (spray painting a person is an VIOLENT assault) self-indulgent, narcisstic behavior reminds me of the periodic encounters with schizophrenic mentally ill people New Yorkers have to put up with in the subways.
Wikipedia: “Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity. This condition affects one percent of the population. First formulated in 1968, it was historically called megalomania, and it is closely linked to egocentrism.
Applied to a social group, it is sometimes used to denote elitism or an indifference to the plight of others.”
Aggressive narcissism
This is Factor 1 in the Hare Psychopathy Checklist, which includes the following traits:
Glibness/superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Pathological lying
Lack of remorse or guilt
Callous/lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
The combination of these traits are diagnosed in Dr. Scott Peck’s book “People of the Lie” as EVIL.

11 years ago

If you want to wage war against this liberal savage sympathizer and her enemedia buddies, join the boycott against the big three networks of CBS, ABC, and NBC!! Click this link and join in: https://www.facebook.com/#!/events/426980227359776/

r. dUNNE
r. dUNNE
11 years ago


Tom TB
Tom TB
11 years ago

This is assault with a deadly weapon. I use spray paint (legally) and it says on the can that it may cause permanent brain and liver damage. WE don’t want this nut-job wandering about in OUR subways!

Mary Houston-Harvey
Mary Houston-Harvey
11 years ago

Dear Pamela, You are an American Hero, my personal idol! Thank you for sticking your beautiful neck out for all of us! I am posting your link everywhere.We have you in our prayers. From Another Patriot whose wings they’ve tied for now.

james ghost
james ghost
11 years ago

all of y’all are a bunch of racists freedom of religion to y’all means just Christianity i fought over there and none of you all are even brave enough to step up to the challenge so stop calling for war unless your willing to fight so how about enlisting and really seeing what war is about

11 years ago

If “you” had two drunken saylors, one from Mexico and one from Cuba, fighting on your front lawn, would you cheer them on, or would you tell them to go home and do the fighting.? America and Americans do not deserve it. We are pissing up the wrong tree, it is not the muslims you should go after, is the ones that “opened the gate”
and let them in. Not the ones that walked THROUGH the gate. Let’s find the people that will do something good for………..yes you guess’ed right, good for AMERICA.
To the others we should say: ” go home and do your fighting”.

11 years ago

Thank you Pamela for alerting us to the great video, showing the religion of “PEACE” in action. These two muslimas need to be concealed in burkas. I wouldn’t mind seeing these savages marched towards a New York street {Slaughter Trough}. If we had brave leaders in the United States, they would insist upon a war on Islamist TERRORISTS right here in our own country. Thank you, Berengaria

11 years ago

I noticed this closet-fascists waited until AFTER she got her Citizenship approved befor engaging in attacking free speech. She should have it revoked over her failure to admit her plans were to aid and abet the Jihadist destroy the USA from within.
canada just revoked a near 10’000 Citizenship applications from Middle east Arabs and pro-jihad muslims that tried to scam the system. One of the fraudsters was Palestine House that aided in 300 pro-hamas muslims to pretend they were living in canada for 3 years. The scam is to get a canadian passport as Maher Arar did and then globe-trot to know Terrorist producing Nation for jihad training.
Mona should be sent packing and go cry to the Mullah’s in her Utopic islamic hell-holes run by Shariah Law.
Scratch a Moderate and you’ll find a fascist .

11 years ago

Islam means patriarchy. Of the worst sort. I know, the poster only says Jihad. So, Jihad leads to the worst sort of patriarchy. What is it liberal women don’t get in this? What’s more, she asked what she was doing wrong. Ummm… defacing someone else’s property? It no doubt is true, plenty of posters have been defaced in New York’s subways, but most vandals have the good sense to do that when no one is watching, let alone be caught on video.
Oh, and “James Ghost” up there. Are you a policeman, or fireman? If not, you better not ever call them if you need them. By the way, if you don’t have a problem with Jihad, savages, or terrorists, why did you sign up for that war? Who, or what, were you fighting?

Oved Zucker
Oved Zucker
11 years ago

this brave woman Pamela Hall protecting your free speech by preventing the defacement of the truth

Tom TB
Tom TB
11 years ago

REAL justice would be to treat this woman like any other graffiti-tagging hood-rat, and sentence her to clean the subways, or spend time at Rikers.

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!