Muslims Target Over 200 Jewish Students in Pogrom at Florida University, Hamas-CAIR Cries “Backlashophobia!”


Jewish students were targeted by Muslim students at Florida Atlantic University. 200 Jewish students received "eviction notices." Who gave the Muslims the students' names and addresses? Students for Justice in Palestine is a militant Muslim group, virulently anti-Jewish. This century's brownshirts.

SJP is one of the founding organizations of the anti-Israel propaganda group known as the International Solidarity Movement. The SJP website outlines the group’s demand for “the full decolonization of all illegally held Palestinian lands.” It also calls for the “end of the Israeli occupation of the Gaza, Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.”

A closer examination of these positions shows how extreme they really are. Currently, U.S. foreign policy envisions two democratic states, side by side and living in peace. However, since the SJP calls for an end to any Israeli influence in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the first paragraph clearly implies that all of the land of Israel is a “colony” and “illegally” held. In other words, the SJP seems to deny Israel’s right to exist within secure borders—anywhere in the Middle East.

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Calls for the destruction of Israel are tantamount to incitement to genocide.

What's the response to this pogrom by Muslim groups in America? As expected, these bullies and thugs are whining like little girls about non-existent "threats." They claim now that they are receiving death threats. Who do they think they are kidding? Muslim reports receiving faux threats — tell 'em to get in line. I've got thousands of real ones.

Over 200 Jewish Students Receive Mock 'Eviction Notices' INN

Over 200 Jewish students at Florida Atlantic University received fake “eviction notices” from ‘Students for Justice in Palestine.’

Over two hundred Jewish students at Florida Atlantic University’s (FAU) Boca Raton campus received fake “eviction notices” from the anti-Israel group, ‘Students for Justice in Palestine,’ last Friday, the Sun Sentinel reported. “Some students who didn’t read the document believed they were really being evicted,” said Rayna Exelbierd, a 20-year-old Jewish sophomore, who returned to her dorm room to find the “eviction” letter attached to her door.

The ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ (SJP) sought to use this ploy to draw attention to their claim that Israel’s “occupation of Palestine” results in the demolition of “Palestinian” homes. 

“We’re taking it very seriously,” said Exelbierd. “We’re considering it a hate crime. The flier promotes hate; it doesn’t promote peace. People were scared by it. People felt threatened by it.” 

A group of Jewish students met at the offices of Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach on the Boca Raton campus, on Wednesday, to discuss the incident, noted the Sun Sentinel.

Scott Brockman, Hillel executive director, said in a statement, “While protecting and ensuring free speech on campus, the tactic used by Students for Justice in Palestine is unacceptable” and “[d]oes not promote civil discourse on campus but provokes, incites and intimidates.”

The Zionist Organization of America has also demanded that the university condemn the recent acts, and noted that the flyers were university-approved, despite the fact that FAU was previously notified of SJP's public calls for violence against Israel. 

Noor Fawzy, identified as the leader of SJP, as well as Charles G. Brown, FAU senior vice president for student affairs, could not be reached for comments, noted the Sentinel.

The university issued a statement, late Wednesday afternoon, asserting that, “The University, as an institution of higher education, prides itself on being a venue for free expression, regardless of viewpoint. However, the distribution of printed material on University property is subject to FAU policy and regulation… The recent mock eviction postings did not comply with the policies of University Housing and Residential Life or the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership concerning the distribution of printed material, and therefore the postings were removed.”

Ironically, this occurred as Jews were evicted from the Machpela House they had purchased in Hevron, ostensibly for fear of "disturbing the peace".

CAIR EMAIL ALERT: CAIR Contacts FBI About Threats to Fla. Students
Florida Atlantic University students say they're receiving death threats after putting fake eviction notices in support of Palestinian rights on dorm doors.

FAU Eviction Notice Goal: Intimidate Jews

While support for Israel remains strong among most Americans and their representatives in Congress, American college campuses have become a hotbed of anti-Zionist propaganda that can sometime blur the line between inflammatory political arguments and outright Jew-hatred. The latest example of just how close to that line Israel’s foes go comes from Florida Atlantic University, where Students for Justice in Palestine posted mock eviction notices on the doors of more than 200 dorm rooms at the school.

The leaflet seeks to inculcate the idea that Israel is a brutal oppressor that deliberately murdered an American supporter of the Palestinians. These charges are a malicious distortion of the facts and are part of a hateful campaign whose purpose is to delegitimize Israel. Israel’s critics have a right to express their opinions, but by pasting these fake evictions on the doors of a dorm with what one supposes is a considerable Jewish population, the action raises questions about whether the intent was to intimidate Jews as well as demonizing the Jewish state.

Compounding the problem is the fact that the notices were actually approved by the school’s housing department, one of whose employees accompanied the anti-Israel activists as they put up their work. Subsequently, FAU disavowed this move but as with past incidents at other universities, it looks as if the school has not considered whether they have facilitated a hate crime against Jews.

The problem here is not just that the leaflet was false and defamatory. In public forums, such ideas can be put forward, debated and debunked. It is that the tactics employed by the Israel-haters are intended to silence and intimidate opponents. The student group that put up the leaflets may claim they are seeking to help others to understand the Palestinians, but in practice what they are doing is serving notice on Jewish students that they are the ones who could be thrown out. While Israel’s government is no more entitled to impunity from criticism than any other, the idea that efforts whose aim is opposition to the existence of the Jewish state by demonizing its inhabitants ought to set off alarms at institutions that are covered by Title VI of the U.S. Civil Rights law that ban discriminatory behavior and actions. But as COMMENTARY noted in an article about anti-Semitic incidents at the University of California at Irvine, both educational institutions and the federal government have been reluctant to take a stand against this sort of behavior.

In its efforts to monitor the growth of international anti-Semitism, the U.S. State Department has prominently reported on the connection between anti-Israel incitement and hatred of Jews. As the Zionist Organization of America, a group that has been at the forefront of the fight to defend Jewish students against this sort of intimidation, noted in a release protesting the FAU incident, the State Department report said efforts to demonize Israel and Israelis “as barbaric, unprincipled, selfish, inhumane, etc. is anti-Semitic and has the effect of causing audiences to associate those bad attributes with Jews in general.” So while free debate about the Middle East is not to be interfered with, universities should be as careful about actions that target Jews as they would about those that sought to single out African-Americans or Hispanics through the use of double standards and innuendo. In the case of FAU, for the school to literally put its stamp of approval on the leaflets and allow them to be pasted onto the doors of students is an act of brazen intimidation. The university cannot undo its mistake with mere retroactive statements. FAU and other campuses where the bullying of Jewish and Zionist students has become commonplace need to understand that acquiescing to the creation of a hostile environment for Jews is not only immoral; it is a potential violation of federal law.

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12 years ago

Religion of f****ng Peace!

Mad Jewess
Mad Jewess
12 years ago

Jews that are left wing had better start waking the f up.
They can thank this MUSLIM Prez for this.

An extremely concerned jewish citizen
An extremely concerned jewish citizen
12 years ago

Fight back. I’m sick and tired of seeing jewish students get trampled on by these Palestinian and anti Israel students with ZERO consequence for their actions. And yes, would any of this kind of behavior targeting hispanic or african students be tolerated? Of course not, and to boot, people would probably get beaten, stabbed or even worse as a result. Last time I checked, we jews swing a pretty big f*ckin stick this side of the pond. Let the University know, donations will run dry from its jewish contributors if this sh*t doesnt stop. And hit them at their own game; they want to call Israel a barbaric state, child killers, rapists, etc? Its time these Palestinians over here got a dose of why Israel treats them the way they do over there. Make them feel like the dogs they are! Issue all these “students” ID cards, or tell them to report to the nearest checkpoint and turn themselves in! DO SOMETHING!

12 years ago

How this is reActed to is crucial.
The University ,either takes IMMEDIATE ACTION AGAINST THE MUSLIM STUDENTS,or the Jewish Students have to be TOUGH and DO IT TO THEM.
As the Sean Connery character so eloquently put it in “The Untouchables”:
” The Chicago Way”- paraphrase>Do NOT bring a knife to a gunfight,bring a cannon
They put one of yours in the hospital,you put one of theirs in the morgue.
The Jewish Students MUST STAND UP NOW!
Now it’s fake eviction notices,next ?????

12 years ago

One minute they’re the aggressors, the next they’re victims!
Can’t have it both ways!

12 years ago

Along the same vain.there is precedent.
During the 1930’s and up until Pearl Harbor Dec.7,1941,TOUGH JEWISH GUYS in New York and Chicago used to BREAK -UP NAZI BUND MEETINGS.
I know a couple who are still alive and knew more when they were still alive in the 70’s, 80’s,90’s and earlier this century.
When they heard of a Bund meeting somewhere in Chicago,they would drive flat-bed vegtable/fruit vendor’s trucks down Roosevelt Rd,the main street of the neighborhood,picking up TOUGH JEWS on EVERY Corner to bust-up the meetings.
A Chicago Legend was a TOUGH Jewish guy from Chicago’s ALL-JEWISH WEST SIDE Lawndale Neighborhood,named Red Gorenstein,who waited for nobody,got there first,and when the other West Side Jewish Guys got to Bund HQ ,found the Nazis beaten ,bleeding,and a badly injured Gorenstein. ONE TOUGH JEW KICKED THE S#!+ out of a whole lot of German-American Nazi Bundists.
THIS is WHAT I’m talking about re:the college students.

12 years ago

This is the result of the PC obsession at Unis.
On every form, application, loan or survey they ask you to specify what race, sex, sexual orientation, ethnic background etc… you are.
This is why they have records on who is a Jooo who is gay or who is whatever.
All it takes is one person taking the data and ditto : Pogrom time !!
I don’t want to sound like Alez Jones but all this data collection is bound to lead us into some form of fascism.

12 years ago

If 200 Muslim students had eviction notices placed on their door, it would have been all over the news. Seems like they just targeted any Jew for being a Jew and therefore guilty, not only the ones who openly supported Israel. Jews need to stand up now against this blatant act of Judeophobia both against the students and University that participated in the act. They should get this in the national news.

Revnant Dream
Revnant Dream
12 years ago

Can’t have it both ways!
Posted by: Alan
In Obama’s America they can. Europe as well.

karl anglin
karl anglin
12 years ago

Don’t expect Obama to condemn the actions of
the Muslim students!

Auntie Izlam
Auntie Izlam
12 years ago

Mean, just plain mean! But what else could one expect from complete idiots who are stupid enough to buy the fakestinian propaganda hook, line & sinker?

12 years ago

Just to be clear,the TOUGH JEW approach is for DEFENSIVE PURPOSES ONLY.
Also, After watching the video with the Muslim student,Taqyia is THRIVING at FAU.
“Random” dorm rooms received the HATE-ISRAEL Flyers according to her.
Amazing coincidences,Random turns out be all Jews.
Has Gomer Pyle would say,”Shazzam,Shazzam,Shazzam”.

12 years ago

This is a veiled threat, plain and simple. Basically a way of saying we know where you live, and we can hurt or kill you at any time. Very Nazi-esque of these New Age Nazis, the Muslims.
Having gone to schools that would be considered “normal” (not in bad or excessively Muslim areas), I have seen the way these vermin operate.
First, they seek to identify the Jews. In this case, I would bet that there was a Muslim doing data input for the school’s admin office, inputting student statistics or enrollment records.
Once they have identified their targets, they can proceed to start working to their goal of isolating them, under the guise of political issues. Hitler Anyone?
Adding insult to injury, “eviction notices” were frequently distributed to Jews during Hitler’s reign in Germany and Axis countries. They proceeded target killings of Jews, and rounding up of Jews to ghettos and concentration camps.
The fact that these “eviction notices” were distributed to Jewish students only, is a clear hate crime where the perpetrators need to be identified and punished immediately. Anything less than a swift expulsion from the school for the perps is a miscarriage of justice. If the university fails to do so, they should be punished by being cut off from Federal funding, since what they are allowing to happen is a violation of federal law.
SJP should be banned from campus immediately, and anyone in charge of the group face suspension, if not expulsion.
Further, the Jewish students targeted should sue these vermin!
Damages need to be awarded to teach these scum infested fleabags a lesson: you cause distress to students and target them because of their religion, you pay!
Further, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights needs to take swift action. Call them at 1-800-872-5327 and let them know you are not happy about what is going on at Florida Atlantic University!

12 years ago

That these haters would go to the HOMES of the Jewish students is disgusting, reminiscent of Germany in the 30s.
It would give me the creeps that they targeted my home, and every last one of them should be expelled for starters.
Aren’t there any stalking laws in Florida?

12 years ago

You ask where the Islamists got the names & addresses. I’ld look to the local “Hillel” chapter. The proved at UNC Chapel Hill they are traitors
to their Jewish heratige.

sabo thomas au
sabo thomas au
12 years ago

Most what i read online is trash and copy paste but you definitely add value. Keep it like this.

12 years ago

Disgraceful, but understandable in this country where the White House protects Islam at all costs, the Attorney General is in League with the Black Panther Spokes-Bitch who called whites pink pigs, and The Vice President considers Al Franken an intellectual.
Jews need to stop bashing Christians through their Communist-Hollywood connections such as the new Three Stooges Movie where a sleazy skanky wh0re of an actress portrays an over-sexualized Catholic Nun.

12 years ago

I wonder how many of these Muslime students actually PAY for their own college education. Here in this household, my husband and I pay for our kids college educaiton. If my kid spent a day of his/her expensive and valuable education doing crap like this, I’d have them outa there soooo fast their heads would spin. If our tax dollars are contributing to these rats and they are behaving like brainless animals for their own political agenda, they need to be kicked out of school. I would be very interested to find out who is paying for these kids to be educated. My guess, it’s US.

12 years ago

The Muslim Arabs and their friends are thieves who have stolen the land in the Middle East from the indigenous inhabitants which include the Jews.
The stupid Blacks like Obama who think that non-white Arab people are somehow better for them then whites are ignorant of their own history.
America better wake up soon before it is too late.

Guy Macher
Guy Macher
12 years ago

Was I snoozing when this story ran on the national enemedia? Did I also snooze through Obama’s apology? I’d better wake up, I suppose.

12 years ago

At Florida Atlantic University:
On Friday, April 6th, Palestine-lovers post eviction notices on “random” Jewish doors. On Tuesday, April 10th, Obama visits to make a speech.
No news article has made a connection yet…..

All Too Much
All Too Much
12 years ago

Title VII is implicated, at a minimum.

Nat's daughter
Nat's daughter
12 years ago

AGREE 100% with all the great comments! If THIS doesn’t wake the “jews” in Florida from their damn slumber, NOTHING will. Florida residents, DO SOMETHING NOW!!!!!!!!!!and yeah, where the hell is the motherf*ckin’ media?????

12 years ago

Stories like this, makes my blood boil. My heart goes out to the those poor kids having to put up with all this evil shoite.
The college should make it their priority to root out the culprits (and whoever it is that approved the eviction letters), but I feel they won’t, unless outside pressure is applied.
If people do not assert themselves and complain/demand they root out the culprits, then scenarios like this will no doubt occur again, the consequences next time could be far more serious. It needs nipping in the bud, but it won’t be if people don’t put pressure on to weed out these nasties.
I would expect those responsible to be found and then expelled or at the very least, suspended.
from Archie’s post further up: ….U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights needs to take swift action. Call them at 1-800-872-5327 and let them know you are not happy about what is going on at Florida Atlantic University!
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton:- Telephone number: 561.297.3000. (Dean of Students 561-297-3542) Contact page:
The Hillel statement pointed out that the fliers contained the university housing department stamp, which Brockman said was “a clear violation of university guidelines.”
Brockman said the Jewish student campus organization is giving the university “space” to investigate the incident.” from Sun-Sentinel
Space? Space? Fgs! Give them no space or rest. Pressure needs to be put on them to weed out the ‘haters’. It’s not as if this is first time this uni has proved to be infested with Jew haters.
In 2006 alone, FAU (Baton Raton), Swastikas were found, with the words “All Jews report to the ovens”

Ronald Morgenthaler
Ronald Morgenthaler
12 years ago

There should be no federal funding of any schools. That is not federal domain and this practice expands federal the governments authority.. Those responsible should however be prosecuted for breaking the law, not just expelled. When crime goes unpunished, it re-occurs.

Auntie Gin
Auntie Gin
12 years ago

WTF…How can the University legally allow this BS to continue. Lawsuits should be filed against the University. And the anti-Israel students that participated in this should be expelled. The Jewish students cannot expect any help from the government. The current WH administration will ignore it. POS.

12 years ago

This is illegal. Our Constitution does not permit this. The ISM/MSU/”Palestinian” groups are enemies of our country despite what the current Administration in Washington thinks. The students have a right as a whole to SUE the college and/or the Department of Education (or Edumacation) for going against Article III/Section III of the US Constitution – to support an enemy of the nation (which is what Hamass and Muslim Brotherhood is) IS a violation and the guilty party would be held accountable. Since the MSU group had violated the privacy of the students in gaining their information – plus the College is held accountable for the leakage of this information – putting the students in danger of their lives (if now are pink slips will tomorrow be car bombs as in SF state univ?) the MSU needs to be disbanned and the guilty parties put in Club Gitmo – or in my opinion, Tarred and Feather (as the colonists did against the British supporters in the Revolutionary War). Stand Up!

Eugene P Podrazik
Eugene P Podrazik
12 years ago

The Muslims got names, somehow linked those names with a Jewish religious affiliation, and address. Did someone leak that from the school administration? Did someone stand outside the Hillel Center and count noses? Or, the local synagogue?
Given the sudden jihadi syndrome that seems to afflict these evictors, this represent a very real threat to these Jewish students’ safety. We know who you are and where you live. Where’s the local DA in investigating this breach of privacy?
And, in the age of Obama and Holder, these students are on there own. So, I got one word. Glock.

Truth Lover
Truth Lover
12 years ago

These Jewish students need to do two things NOW:
1. Make sure that hate crime charges are brought against the perpetrators of this hate crime.
2. Sue the shit out of the Muslim students and their hate-filled group that did this.
Either way, they need to hire some good attorneys and they need to do it NOW.

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