American Thinker: Huffington Post’s Pro-Jihad Propaganda


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HuffPo's Pro-Jihad Propaganda
Pamela Geller
John Feffer, co-director of Foreign Policy in Focus, has written a curious apologia for the irrational murders and riots taking place in Afghanistan in response to the inadvertent burning of Qurans at Bagram Airfield. More

John Feffer, co-director of Foreign Policy in Focus, has written a curious apologia for the irrational murders and riots taking place in Afghanistan in response to the inadvertent burning of Qurans at Bagram Airfield.  In "America's Image Problem in Afghanistan" in the Huffington Post, Feffer says that "the United States definitely sends mixed messages to the Muslim world."

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Feffer is, of course, referring to the burning of Qurans.  He says: "You'd think the U.S. army would be a little more careful. Last April, when members of the Dove World Outreach Center burned a Quran after putting it on trial, riots broke out in Afghanistan and left scores of people dead, including seven UN staff."

Terry Jones of Dove World Outreach Center didn't kill those people; Muslims did.  Our soldiers didn't desecrate those Qurans at Bagram Airfield; Muslims did when they wrote messages of killing and jihad inside them and used them for jihad plotting.  What's more, why should we be bound by sharia rules regarding treatment of the Quran?  That is not our holy book.  It will never be our holy book.

Yet Feffer nevertheless says that "the United States obviously has a serious image problem."  The United States' image problem is freedom.  It is a problem for those who wish to impose the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth on the rest of us.  Feffer notes that "the Pentagon takes great pains to avoid charges of Islamophobia," but where is the cultural training for the Muslim world?  Where is the sensitivity training for the Muslim world?  When do they learn to play well with others?  Jihad is cutting its bloody swath across free and not-so-free countries, and hundreds of thousands of non-Muslims and non-practicing Muslims are paying the horrible price.  Ferrer can't ascribe all that to "Islamophobia."

Feffer complains: "It doesn't help that so many U.S. politicians talk about Islam as though it were the greatest enemy of humanity. … Indeed, rarely does a day go by in the Republican primaries that one of the candidates doesn't defame Islam. Santorum and Gingrich have both laid it on thick with their wild accusations about the threat of sharia law and their misrepresentations of the Park51 Islamic cultural center."

We don't apologize for our greatness.  We don't apologize for who we are.  We are the greatest nation on earth.  John Feffer, on the other hand, wants us to surrender; Feffer likes what he sees on the other side of the abyss. Feffer ought to back up his admiration and reluctance to criticize the human rights abuses inherent in Islamic law and go live under the sharia.  Maybe then he wouldn't be such a self-important clown.

But in the meantime, he whines that "fire-starters like Pamela Geller or Robert Spencer continue to badmouth not Islam or 'bad Muslims' or 'Islamic radicalism,' but mainstream Islam itself. Park51, which expanded the Geller-Spencer soapbox to monstrous proportions, was hardly the threat they made it out to be. If they'd only bothered to read the writings of the cultural center's founder, they might have discovered a philosophical co-religionist."

The problem for Feffer is that we actually did read Rauf's writings. In his book, he advocated for the sharia — the most radical, oppressive and extreme ideology on the planet. But then he told lemmings like Feffer something else entirely. Yet in reality, Rauf was a prominent member of the Perdana Organization that funded the jihad warship flotilla designed to provoke the tiny Jewish state into war. On board, the "peace activists" were chanting a genocidal jihad chant referring back to Muhammad's massacre of the last Jews of Arabia. And Rauf refused to condemn Hamas for months until pressed.

You have to read the whole thing here.

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12 years ago

If a US citizen, currently residing in the USA, decides to destroy their own koran, by whatever means they see fit, what is the penalty?

12 years ago

March 8, 2012 5:10 PM
Ex-Mossad chief: Iran rational; don’t attack now
(CBS News) The former head of Israel’s intelligence service believes the Iranian regime is a rational one and even its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad – who has called for Israel to be annihilated – acts in a somewhat rational way when it comes to Iran’s nuclear ambitions. While the possibility of a nuclear-armed Iran becomes an election year issue, ex-Mossad Chief Meir Dagan sits down with Lesley Stahl to discuss the Iranian nuclear program and stress that now is not the time to attack it. The 60 Minutes interview will be broadcast Sunday, March 11 at 7 p.m. ET/PT.
“The regime in Iran is a very rational one,” says the former top Israeli spymaster. And President Ahmadinejad? “The answer is yes,” he replies, but “not exactly our rational, but I think he is rational,” Dagan tells Stahl.

12 years ago

I can see the near future.
America will implode economically and socially.The Dhimmi will hasten this collapse and there shall be Race Wars,Marshall Law and tens of thousands of people killed.
Obama has helped to destroy this country from within and shall continue to do so.
I fear this election is rigged and he will rule with his Marxist/Socialist/Communist/Dhimmi approach.The golden years for America are over.America will be taken by foreign powers with the help of our own government.Of course, our highest officials will get what they want in return…but that will be a temporary situation. They too shall be discarded in short order.

Auntie Izlam
Auntie Izlam
12 years ago

Puff Ho- a cesspit of deluded and hysterical leftard democraps. If you dare post any truth or common sense a feeding frenzy attack ensues . And if someone reports you , you get banned if you don’t follow the democrap party line. I’m proud to say that I rank among those who speak the truth and possess common sense who have been banned from Puff Ho.

Noone Umea Kno
Noone Umea Kno
12 years ago

@moa2169 America has been selling itself to foreign entities since Reagan, howevere it is not the government who has been doing the selling it is your precious “Free Market.” Our jobs, our debt, and our innovative dominance have all gone overseas due to the financial leverage of the Federal Reserve. The dollar is dependent on the price of oil; the higher the price the stronger the dollar and vis versa. allowing Corporate America to write the laws that pass through Congress has allowed Corporation to pillage America and rape the worker.
America Can not afford another war in the Middle East. We cannot afford to police the world. We have to make peace with our neighbors as Jesus stated “Love your enemy…”
The Koran not being “Our” Holy Book, is not an excuse to burn books in general, however in this case I would consider them trash as I would a Bible had it been defamed with unholy messages of killing. Pamala Geller’s logic is flawed with this sentiment. By her logic it is ok to burn the American flag because it is not their flag, yet such actions in the Middle East have been met with calls for violence. If a Moslem-American neighborhood Cleric called for a Bible burning, how would Christians react? Every one has to step back from this absurd violence and rhetoric over symbols, most of which are made in China.
On September 10, 2001 99.9% of Americans didn’t give Islam a second thought. Moslems in American society were just another Minority, and all all that goes with that. Today those same people are hated and looked upon with suspision even though many of them have family histories that predate the constitution. Not all Moslems are radical terrorists, as not all Christians are abortion clinic bombing terrorists.
Much has changed in America since the WTC attack, after which George W. Bush took America by its trembling little hand, and led us down the garden path, to war with a secular nation (Iraq) under the pretense of persuing the Terrorist son of his close friends the Saudi Royal family, who’s persuit and apprehension he left in the hands of the Pakistanis. What a “bang up job” they did. I’m surprised Bush didn’t give them the Medal of Freedom.
After months of selling war in Iraq to a divided Ameica the headstrong President launched Opreation Iraqi Liberation (OIL) or as it renamed Operation Iraqi Freedom. What we were freeing all the Moslem terrorists, who the Right has dubbed all people from the region, from must be their lives, and their oil. Now, if left up to the Right, it must be Iran’s turn, don’t pretend it is to protect the Jews, their just another pawn in our game.
They claim they escaped Egypt, but if they were treated anything like they have been since, it lends one to suppose the we’re ejected, just like the Romans tossed them out of Palestine in the first place. Now they want it back, sixteen hundred years after the fact. As a child I remember how the Right lead the hatred of the Jews parade. The only reason the America supports Israel is under the delusion that if peace can be achieved all the Jews in America will migrate “home”.
Following the collapse of the Roman Empire Europe was mired in war that ravaged the landscape destroying the forests and farmland, the entire white race nearly perished from the earth, a time known as the Dark Ages, until, one king rallied the peasants and led them to Persia, where they plundered the region of there wealth and knowledge, the first of thirteen crusades which gave rise to Islam, much as the Roman occupation gave rise to Christianity. Everything, mathematics, science, astronomy, the land on which America is built is all stolen property. Such is life.
The Government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.
– John Adams

12 years ago

With all his bowing, scraping and apologizing to the Moslem world what does our Butt Kisser in Chief have to show for it after three disastrous years of nauseating appeasement? According to James Zogby (an anti-Israel leftwing pollster) Obama is more unpopular with the Arab Street than George W. Bush before he left office. Why? His bowing and scrapping have made him utterly contemptible to people who, looking to the warrior prophet Mohammed as their model, admire power and strength in leaders.

12 years ago

Huffington Post likes to censor the truth…Just wait till Islam gets stronger in USA….Huffington Post will then be taught how to not just censor the truth but tell outright lies….They deserve it… They and the democrat party are responsible for what is happening in America right now

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