Pantano Wades Into Sharia Firestorm at CPAC


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Pantano Wades Into Sharia Firestorm at CPAC

Joins Activist Pamela Geller and AFDI/SIOA in partnership with the Tea Party nation in taking on the Obama Justice Department and Attorney General Eric Holder on their tolerance of Islamic law in the U.S.

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Washington, D.C.: On Friday, February 10, Iraq War veteran and former deputy sheriff Ilario Pantano will be speaking at the must see event of this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC): “Islamic Law in America: How Obama’s Department of Justice is Selling Us Out.” CPAC is the largest and most important conservative event of the year.

Pantano said the following about his appearance: “As a Marine Corps officer who lead a platoon into Fallujah in 2004, I’ve seen the carnage and the killing, and I myself have been the subject of death threats by Islamic jihadists. I know very well the threat posed by the spread of this violent and wholly anti-American ideology.”

Pantano continued: “Sharia and Islamic law are fundamentally incompatible with the American way of life. To deny that fact is to deny the Christian underpinnings of our society and the Scriptural doctrine, which is the source for our morality, law, and culture. This is an ideological struggle that has been going on for decades if not centuries, and now this administration is playing into the hands of the Islamicists by rapidly dismantling Christian institutions. The repeal of DADT, the federal funding of abortion, and the furtherance of gay marriage have all been priorities for an administration that has managed to label our founding belief, Christianity, “hate speech.” Tragically, these same liberals who would deny our history and usher in Sharia are the same ones who would be killed by the sword of its rigid doctrine.”

Pantano will be joining Pamela Geller, executive director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, as well as Robert Spencer of the American Freedom Defense Initiative and director of Jihad Watch, former Department of Justice official and whistleblower J. Christian Adams, and Islamic law expert Robert Muise in what is sure to be a standing room only event. Previous speakers included Congressman Allen West, Steve Coughlin, and Wafa Sultan.

This year, Pantano will be speaking at the same time as West, and joins Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Laura Ingraham, Governor Scott Walker, Governor Bobby Jindal, and former Governor Sarah Palin who are also speaking on Friday.

“Not surprisingly,” said Pantano, “the “Occupy DC” crowd has threatened to disrupt this year’s conference.” But Pantano is not deterred, he said. “”Occupy” threatens to quash a conversation about the very ideology that would behead them for doing so.”

For more information on this year’s CPAC conference, see the attached complete schedule of events.

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12 years ago

Stay strong!! Fight the good fight.

12 years ago

Not all gays are liberals. Please let Mr. Pantano know. His comments are very offensive to gays who are religious and upstanding citizens, some of whom are willing to serve and sacrifice their lives in defense of this nation.

William J. Elizalde SFC ( retired)
William J. Elizalde SFC ( retired)
12 years ago

Jamcam69 that type of comment in itself is Devisive, offensive statements happen; its a way of life. This president is teatering on the destruction of our understanding of life as we know it today. freedom isn’t cheap it was won and now it is being destroyed from within. control is thier goal thinking we are incapable of ruling ourselves. our nation was formed by men with insight !!! they created the founding Documents in belief that free men could govern them selves better then any dictator. Freedom itself would be the best tactic at world stability. but to many nations are set in thier ways , our problem is to many of our Representitives are profiting from these other countries giving our luxuries away to foreigners. without any regret about our common man or his welfare.

12 years ago

(video) Sharia law or the Constitution
Shari’ah law – America doesn’t want it or need it!

12 years ago

William you are wrong. You never even honestly addressed Jamadagnii’s comment on the DIVISIVENESS of Pantano’s comment on same sex marriage. In fact you completely ignored it. She is correct, that remark IS offensive. Why can’t all conservatives just accept the fact that gay people exist, we have the right to exist and further, that our government needs to keep it’s big fat, expensive, intrusive nose out of OUR business as well? Some of us identify as American FIRST, and guess what? The same out of control government that tramples ALL OVER the lives of supposed “true conservatives” does the SAME damn thing to every other American including ME, a gay conservative.

12 years ago

Patti, we conservatives are not trying to stop two consenting adults living their life the way they want too. The problem is gays want to change the definition of marriage. If the definition of marriage is going to be changed what will it be changed to? Is it now two humans who love each other? If so, why can’t we allow polygamy? I mean if a man loves two women, why can’t he marry both? If not, why not? What will the definition of marriage be?

12 years ago

Have a great day. Stay safe, all of you.

ex mossad
ex mossad
12 years ago

Man, I wish I could go to CPAC this year!
The American people have voted overwhelmingly in most states that I know of to keep marriage between a man and a woman. We don’t care what you do with your bits and pieces. That’s a private matter. I swear, its like an opportunity is never missed to further the gay agenda. I agree with Pantano and so do most Americans.
That’s my $0.02. Keep the change.
I am NOT trying to get a debate started. Please.

12 years ago

To expand on gullah’s comment and just lay this out there: The liberal agenda to legalize same sex marriage is a means of opening the door for polygamy and by extension the sharia.
Personally I’m opposed to gay marriage, but then I’m conflicted – part of me thinks that gay folks have every right to be as miserable as straight married folk.

12 years ago

What’s so ironic Richard is gay marriage would really accelerate the destruction of our society, thereby leaving a vacuum that Islam would fill. Under Islam, gays are hung or thrown off buildings. If gays were smart, they would leave the institution of marriage alone and work to save our Judeo-Christian heritage instead of working to destroy it because a Judeo-Christian society is the only society where gays are safe to live their life as they want.
Your last line is funny.

12 years ago

I don’t intend to wade into a fight about gay marriage at this time and place. Some of the comments must be refuted however; for instance, the concept that gays should not expect equal rights because doing so would bring in sharia — not exactly a rational line of thought. Allowing sharia law in our courts is what will bring in polygamy, not gay rights.
For those interested in a reasonable argument based on the Constitution, as opposed to their own emotional biases or religious interpretations, I recommend the following video. Lawyer Ted Olson, a noted conservative legal expert, who is arguing the case for gay marriage, is interviewed on Fox by Chris Wallace. I’ve seen other excellent interviews with Olson and David Boies on this topic, some more recent in connection with the latest Prop. 8 ruling, but this one explains why “gay marriage” is not a redefinition of marriage and is not a threat to our liberties or way of life.

12 years ago

PS — The notion that there is no difference between a union of two individuals, regardless of gender, and the union of multiple partners is false. Regardless of the Islamic directive that multiple wives should be treated equally, in practice that is impossible. And polygamous marriages invariably results in reducing women to chattel. That is in direct opposition to our Constitution which guarantees equality of all citizens.
Gay marriage is obviously an ongoing debate which will settled in due course without threatening our Republic. The issue of sharia on the other hand is a direct threat to our Republic because it does set up inequality between the sexes.
It’s extremely disappointing to see Pantano scapegoating gays as some kind of threat, and rather sickening to see this happening at CPAC this year with the 2012 election. But this is not altogether surprising considering the influence of Muslim operatives in the convention, i.e., banning GOProud this year. I can’t help but wonder if this is part of a strategy to guarantee Obama’s reelection, given that the majority of the US (52%) now are in favor of gay marriage.

Gullah is incorrect
Gullah is incorrect
12 years ago

“Allowing sharia law in our courts is what will bring in polygamy, not gay rights.”
No, Gullah, I have already heard the argument made, “Why can’t two or three or more people who love each other and want to be married as a group get married?” and the arguer was not muslim, but a person who was extrapolating from the idea that if two people of the same sex can marry, why not ….
My only concern about homosexual marriage is that it opens this door — and it does!

12 years ago

I know you are very busy, but if you get the chance,
could you ask Romney and Santorum if the would investigate CAIR, ISNA etc. if they became President and let us know?
Knowing where they stand would mean a lot for our anti-sharia movement.

Edward Cline
Edward Cline
12 years ago

Pantano said: “Sharia and Islamic law are fundamentally incompatible with the American way of life. To deny that fact is to deny the Christian underpinnings of our society and the Scriptural doctrine, which is the source for our morality, law, and culture.”
No. The underpinnings of American culture and its political system are reason and the recognition of individual rights. If it were truly based on “Scriptural doctrine,” the difference between Muslim and American cultures and societies would be barely distinguishable, and a blog site like Atlas Shrugs would not be possible in either. The altruism of Christianity is also incompatible with the American way of life. “God” had nothing to do with it. People, will you get a clue! I’m growing tired of Islamic jihad and stealth conquest being opposed by advocates of another irrational “faith.”

12 years ago

The arrogant left actually believe they can use Islam to attack western civilization and once the destruction is achieved, step in to take control. Islam is the more rabid and ruthless of the two and will eat the left. Sadly, they are both after the semi-free west now, an alliance of mass murder cults with us in their sights. Totalitarianism has many faces.

12 years ago

Same sex marriage is NOT OK! Homosexual men
Can live together all they want but do not warrant
A legal status.

Kafir Harby
Kafir Harby
12 years ago

Great! That’s good news.

John Hickey
John Hickey
12 years ago

Pantano cites “the Christian underpinnings of our society and the Scriptural doctrine, which is the source for our morality, law, and culture.” So we can’t tolerate Muslims because we are ruled by Christian scripture? The unfounded fear about Shariah law dominating the United States arises from these folks seeing themselves in the mirror, imagining an enemy who seeks to impose religious law the same way they seek to impose Christian scripture.

jus sayin
jus sayin
12 years ago

“I swear, its like an opportunity is never missed to further the gay agenda.”
boy, that’s no kidding.. spun up like a top then to let all hell loose like a tazmanian devil**facts and factual history matter not to the horibbly indoctrinated
obtw, why ain’t goproud there this year.. were they really conservative or just infiltrators. like moderates in the rep party that are really democrats?

12 years ago

the majority of the US (52%) now are in favor of gay marriage.
and why is that most everybody 30 and under believe that gays have a right to get married? doubtful it comes from home schooling .. probably from the leftist agenda pushed onto the leftist NEA and forced into the curriculum in every public school in the country JUST EXACTLY like the BS propaganda of global warming, amnesty for illegals, ‘medicinal’ marijuana, and the government granting of rights

Auntie Izlam
Auntie Izlam
12 years ago

@ “Jamadagnii” Thank you for your astute postings, the link and your calm and logical approach to the topic of gay marriage. I’m sick to death of the conservative fear mongers & haters always taking center stage on the issue. This was a refreshing & timely change.

12 years ago

@ Auntie Izlam You’re welcome and I thank you. Nice to know that there are others who are open to a rational approach to a very irrational subject, i.e., sex.

D. Sanchez
D. Sanchez
12 years ago

I think you meant “kill them in cold blood and leave a sign on them.”
Pantano is a filthy war criminal.

jus askin
jus askin
12 years ago

“Pantano is a filthy war criminal.” that’s quite an allegation you’re making there, dirty.. wanna give us about 70-500 linx to back that up?

12 years ago

@Gullah is incorrect, I believe that non muslim you talked to was me. How’s your business going? You miss the point on the polygamy argument. It DOES open the door to polygamy and muslims practice it and would use that as a justification. You can deny it all you want, but remember: If you asked people 50 years ago if people would be pushing for gay marriage, the answer would have been “NO”. This is a pandora’s box that is being opened.
@Aunti Izlam we are not “conservative fearmongers and haters”. We just don’t want to see the foundation of our society ripped apart. Gays are free to live their life, but I don’t think it is a good idea to change the definition of marriage. That is what would have to happen in order to have “gay marriage”.
Anyway @Gullah is incorrect, I am GLAD to see you read the material I gave you and that you are here getting informed.

Auntie Izlam
Auntie Izlam
12 years ago

@ “gullah” I stand by my comment because it is the truth
And “D. Sanchez” my last comment disappeared but I too would like some proof. You forget that fighting a war is not easy but fighting an asymmetrical war is nigh impossible when one side has no rules and any “civilian”, man , woman or child could be the enemy. Could it be that someone who wishes to be elected is using this smear campaign to promote his cause? Again, where’s the proof?

Ornery Eagle
Ornery Eagle
12 years ago

Homosexual Conservative, maybe?…homosexual Christian; NO.
Either you believe in Christ and practice the scripture, or you don’t.
By the way, we want the word “gay” back and used as it was originally meant to represent; gay as in happy, not gay as in demented or perverse.

Auntie Izlam
Auntie Izlam
12 years ago

@ “Ornery Eagle” I beg to differ, I’ve met homosexual Christians who are far better examples of good Christians than the supposed heterosexual good Christian. In my experience it’s the “good heterosexual (fundamentalist) Christian that desperately needs to learn the meaning of the Golden Rule. These supposed “good Christians” are the most hateful , nasty group of people I have ever come across. Any excuse to attack homosexuals will do, even if the topic is about something else. They try to hide their hatred behind their scriptures and they profess love for their enemies but they are liars and either to blind or too stupid or too brainwashed to see themselves for the spiritual hypocrites that they are.
Matthew 7:16 “By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?”
“Do unto others what you would have them do unto you,” a staple of most religious traditions, is a philosophy known as the golden rule.
And from the encyclopedia of Judaism:
“The generally used appellation for the statement in the New Testament (Matt. 7:12; Luke 6:31), “As you would that men should do to you, do you also to them likewise.” This is no more than a rephrasing of “Love your fellow as yourself” (Lev. 19:18). Hillel (1st cent. BCE), when asked by a gentile to teach him the entire Torah “in a nutshell,” produced an operative rewording of this same idea, “Whatever is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow” (Shab. 31a). Hillel also phrased this positively (Avot 1:12): “Love all creatures.”
Most of the so-called good Christians I’ve come across need serious re-training in the basic tenets from Sunday School.

Auntie Izlam
Auntie Izlam
12 years ago

@ ” “Ornery Eagle”
OH, and no one is stopping you from using the word gay, only homophobes and cowards are afraid to use it in the context of happy.

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