Police Launch Child Beatings investigation at Three Glasgow Mosques


Many more child beatings are being exposed at leading mosques in the UK and Scotland. Under investigation are Glasgow Central Mosque, Scotland’s biggest place of worship of any faith, the Masjid Noor in Pollokshields, and the Zia ul-Quran nearby. In the UK, the very same madrassas and Islamic schools where children are systematically beaten and taught hatred and violence towards non-Muslims were praised by inspectors for their religious teachings. Is it any wonder that the zombies that emerge from these islamic institutions of higher learning are anti-human?

I exposed these same beatings in shariah class in a Tennessee mosque, and law enforcement and child services refused to investigate. A first-hand undercover investigation was done in Al-Farooq mosque in Nashville, TN. Despite the audio and video posted at Atlas here, the Nashville DA refused to investigate the child abuse and the beatings in shariah class. Atlas readers called, wrote and contacted the DA's office, but nothing was done.

One of my sources on the story told me at the time that the child who is heard in the video was in imminent danger. Her mother was, too. We do not live in an Islamic state.

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Police have launched child assault investigations at three Glasgow mosques.
Evening Times, Scotland February 15th 2011 (hat tip Zeminkaya)

Their inquiries are understood to be focusing on madrassas – Islamic schools – at Glasgow Central Mosque, Scotland’s biggest place of worship of any faith, the Masjid Noor in Pollokshields and the Zia ul-Quran nearby.

A police spokeswoman said a report on a 49-year-old woman had been sent to the procurator fiscal.

The investigations came after prominent Muslims raised concerns about teaching methods and child safety regimes at the mosques and their associated madrassas.

Scottish-born parents are understood to have complained that some teachers in the madrassas recruited from Pakistan were using corporal punishment against their children.

Scotland News Net, February 10th 2011

The 14-year-old schoolboy who blew himself up at a Pakistani army training camp on Thursday was a student at a local madrassa, a Qur‘anic school.

It has been suggested such schools have become virtual recruiting centres for aspiring suicide bombers

Research last year by an international organisation revealed that Pakistani madrassas promote violence and intolerance.

Boys are taught jihad, the holy war, as well as hatred for non-Muslims.

According to AsiaNews, Qur‘anic schools are virtual brainwashing centres in which ideologues, do not hesitate to indoctrinate young students to accept martyrdom in the name of religion.

We can see how madrassas are being used in Pakistan. Is this what Britain can expect in a few years time? When the young pupils at British madrassas are suitably terrorised, brutalised and indoctrinated to hate kuffar, will they be ripe for recruitment as home-grown suicide bombers?

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Rocky Lore
Rocky Lore
13 years ago

And the Islamofascists and liberals play the race card in 3,2,1…

13 years ago

That’s likely because the Nashville DA probably rapes and beats his own kids, kind of would make them look bad to have a different standard.

13 years ago

I hope someone has sent this to the DA in Tennessee as an example.

13 years ago

“Many more child beatings are being exposed at leading mosques in the UK and Scotland. Under investigation are Glasgow Central Mosque, Scotland’s biggest place of worship of any faith, the Masjid Noor in Pollokshields, and the Zia ul-Quran nearby. In the UK, the very same madrassas and Islamic schools where children are systematically beaten and taught hatred and violence towards non-Muslims were praised by inspectors for their religious teachings. Is it any wonder that the zombies that emerge from these islamic institutions of higher learning are anti-human?”-Pamela
You need to be more “open” to other cultures, not make judgements. There is no objective universal right and wrong, all that is relative, dependent on the culture. So if Muslim culture promotes FMG (as in Egypt) it is not your business to criticize that, nor should you make judgments about kids being beaten either.
We no longer search for the good, or believe there is such a thing, not that its opposite (evil) exists. That is “education.”

13 years ago

It’s a cultural thing. Please don’t be disrespectful and try to destroy people’s religion, because if you take all the bullying, thuggery, violence, rage and hatred out of Islam, there will be nothing left!

13 years ago

OMG! You’re serious aren’t you. Guess what? It is SO our business we are gonna make your life hell.

13 years ago

You’re kidding, right??? Screw being “open” to cultures that promote nothing but hate, torture and death. Islam must be crushed. Period. How’s that for making “judgement”?? Arrogant 7th century males with the dirty beards who beat women and children must be crushed!! How about that “judgement”??
Do you really believe that you and your family are immune from the tenants of Islam?? When the throat cutters are pounding on your door will they issue you a pass because you are an apologist for Islam????
I tired of the Unicorns shitting Skittles, rainbow flag, peace and love, religion of peace bullshit. I’m tired of people being forced to cower in fear when Islam is involved.
In America, the men must ask permission from their wives before they can retrieve their balls from her purse.
God Bless the EDL! They are the only ones left in the UK with the balls and spines to take the evil known as “Islam” head on.

Jew Lover
Jew Lover
13 years ago

Thank you Ms. Geller for your continued work. This is a repost from JihadWatch dot org with Spencerman.
The letter below is intended for Mr. Geert Wilders, but is relevant to any and all in EU who are seeing their countries destroyed.
Dear *********:
Truth is not hate and deception is not love.
Good is not evil, and wrong is not right.
Multiculturalists and moral relativists believe that no culture, society or religion are morally better or worse than others. They are wrong.
Truth is morally better than deception. Love is morally better than hate. Saving someone is morally better than killing someone.
Consider the following:
1. Is there any behavior that is always morally wrong?
2. If no, then all behavior is sometimes morally right.
Many multiculturalists say, “Who are we to judge?”
If we cannot judge, how can we distinguish good from evil, right from wrong?
Is it morally wrong to say that rape, extortion, torture, etc. are OK?
Is it phobic to say that rape, extortion, torture, etc. are morally wrong?
Is it Islamaphobic to say that prepubescent child rape, child marriage, child divorce is wrong, even though that is allowed in the Koran? (Koran 65:4)
Is it Islamaphobic to say that we reject your Islamic ideas of requiring 4 Muslim male witnesses in good standing to prove rape? (Koran 65:4).
May I be allowed to provide many dozens of other examples that Western Civilization has found morally wrong, socially damning, and therefore made illegal?
I would like Mr. Spencer of JihadWatch.org to help me in explaining Islamic thinking by Muslims per the Koran to us non-Muslims, i.e., pigs and apes (Koran 5:60, 7:166, and 2:65).
Thank You.

13 years ago

Are you a paedophile by any chance? only someone as depraved as that would say” we no londer search for the good etc” YOU no longer do, because you wouldn’t know good if it stood right in front of you. You are a depraved relativist: anything goes. Like Aleister Crowley the satanist:
“do what thy wilt shall be the whole of the law”.

R.K. MacUalraig
R.K. MacUalraig
13 years ago

Man was that an inspiring post. Loved every word.

R.K. MacUalraig
R.K. MacUalraig
13 years ago

Mosques in the land of the HIGHLANDER? It breaks my heart.

Redneck Woman
Redneck Woman
13 years ago

Really…is there any redeeming quality that we would wish to save from the Islamamentians satanic adoration of Mo’Baby ( PBUH!…Thanks Mac-101…hope you don’t mind me using this!)…Ummmm, can’t think of any….well then, All in favor of letting all of them and their Peaceful Religion die, say AYE!
Micro-chip them all…let them talk instantly to Allah!

Redneck Woman
Redneck Woman
13 years ago

Where’s Braveheart when you need him?
Are there no longer any men such as he that could show these Islamamentians what side of the water they really need to be on?

Tom Billesley
Tom Billesley
13 years ago

A disproportionately large number of recruits to the UK armed forces (you know, we still have some left – the ones that have been steadfast comrades of the US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan) are from Scotland which has always contributed some of our best fighting men (and women nowadays).

Tom Billesley
Tom Billesley
13 years ago

Would the islamophiles who happen upon this thread please take note that Pamela, oft slighted as an islamophobic bigot, has been scrupulous in giving due credit to the muslim parents who brought the child abuse to the attention of the authorities in Glasgow.

Jim Baxter
Jim Baxter
13 years ago

The ‘relativists’ say there is no universal definition of good,
right, wrong, etc. That is stupid humanism at work!
There is a universal paradigm definition of ‘human.’ Human is
earth’s Choicemaker. Any and all other human features must pass
thru the door of choice to become manifest. Thus, choice is the
key determinate, and each individual human is an earth’s Choicemaker.
And, thus is born Responsibility for Choice.
In the Bible, God’s Word has accurately defined the human being as ‘the earth creature endowed with the ability to choose.’ His natural Rights, therefore, are merely an extension and application of natural human endowments, which all humans – everywhere in the world – possess. Even as goldfish, canaries, and puppy dogs require an environment based on their natural features, so humans require external freedom to fulfill their natural internal abilities of choice, selection, election, and consent. Uniquely, America was founded on this definitive paradigm in human nature. All nations should reject foundational human opinion that teaches otherwise.
Further, God’s gift of criteria for choosing between alternatives supplies us with superior standards for successful visionary choice-making. Humans cannot invent (or replace) criteria greater than self, ACLU to the contrary.
Defining ‘human’ accurately is the first step in establishing accurate and successful environments, institutions, and creative relationships for earth’s Choicemaker. Middle East governments, and all leaders, would do well to pay attention: nature and nature’s Creator speak with an authoritative voice. Psalms 25:12 119:30, 173 Joel 3:14 Selah
No one is smarter than their criteria.
Jim Baxter Sgt. USMC WWII & Korean War semper fidelis http://www.choicemaker.net/

13 years ago

Scotland handed Megrahi back to Lybya remember. Scotland is as dhimmified as the rest of Europe, sad to say. There’s suggestions that the you might bump into jihadists on secret training exercises in the same beuatiful Hghlands where the clansmen used to roam.

Redneck Woman
Redneck Woman
13 years ago

I’m sure there are! It’s just that the enemy has gained ground in the UK and they are needing to be shown the door …or the biggest boot!
I didn’t mean for my comment to sound as if the UK did not have any brave men and women in the armed forces.
Canada and the UK have both contributed some of the their best whenever the need has arisen.
God Bless our troops!

Redneck Woman
Redneck Woman
13 years ago

OOPs, comment was in reply to Tom….

13 years ago

Makes me want to don my kilt, and grab an axe. War is the answer.
I believe those hard men and women still exist, and it’s only a matter of time.

13 years ago

True Tom, I’ve met plenty of them in my travels. Some of them are even distant relatives!

13 years ago

Did laugh when they caught a black EDL league member on camera last week- so much for racism.
Gawd bless the EDL for having their bollocks still attached.

13 years ago

I saw the whole dispatches program that triggered the arrests. Ie wasn’t a surprise that they preach religious hate and intolerance, but it was still shocking to hear it being said so openly. The level of violence waas a surprise though.I’ve put in some YT links to it..
One of the Muslims commenting said that if they didn’t address the problems now they were going to reap the whirlwind later. Very true. If the level of violence Muslim violence goes up much more in the UK people will start bombing the mosques.
Considering there’s an issue with Muslim men in the UK raping and pimping underage white girls, I’m surprised it hasn’t happened already.

Redneck Woman
Redneck Woman
13 years ago

Yes, I have a few on my side also! Unfortunately war is the only answer to the Islam problem happening everywhere. I fear it will have to be sooner rather than later. Now if we could only get our politicians and leaders to understand the grave danger we have all been put in. Some are seeing the light.

Redneck Woman
Redneck Woman
13 years ago

I didn’t mean for my comment to sound as a slight.Sorry if it seemed that way. I know that there are very brave men and women fighting in the armed forces from the UK. I fear they will be needed back home to fight the satanic forces gaining strength, in the near future.
May God Bless all the brave men and women fighting for freedom!

Redneck Woman
Redneck Woman
13 years ago

It is only a matter of time. It’s probably sooner than most of us would wish. All of us will have to don our fighting garb and swing axes or fire our guns. Even those who think they couldn’t possibly do it will find that when it comes down to saving friends and family, they will find the inner strength and be fighting machines.
Now about that kilt and ax…:):) !!!

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