SIOA/AFDI Pro-Israel Bus Ads Campaign Slated to Counter
Jewish Blood Libel Ads in Seattle


My organization, American Freedom Defense Initiative, will be running king-sized pro-Israel ads on the Seattle buses to counter the Jewish blood libel advertisements the left wing city accepted so hungrily.

Jew-Hatred Bus Ads Run in Seattle

I asked for the same deal as the Jew haters received, but was told that the price in the article was "misquoted." So of course they are charging me more.

Story continues below advertisement

If they reject my ads, a lawsuit will be filed that day. Watch this space for the ad creative. I will be unveiling the ad shortly.

Want to donate to the campaign? You can Paypal the funds to [email protected]. I think we should roll it out nationwide, don't you?

Seattle Metro's "Israeli War Crimes" Bus Ad Draws Complaints — Keith Ervin

An advertisement alleging "Israeli war crimes" slated to appear on Seattle Metro Transit buses has ignited a political firestorm. Metro spokeswoman Linda Thielke said the transit agency received 600 e-mails as well as a large number of phone calls protesting the ad.

Richard Fruchter, president and CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, said Metro shouldn't have accepted the ad. "We feel that this violates Metro's own policy that running ads shouldn't insult specific groups," he said. "This is an ad that's designed to insult Israelis and the 50,000 members of the Jewish community, many of whom support Israel." Fruchter said the Jewish Federation was "particularly sensitized" by Naveed Haq's fatal shooting of one woman and wounding of five others at the organization's buildin g in Seattle in 2006. (Seattle Times)

UPDATE: From Linda:

The anti-Jew, anti-Israel bus ads are profoundly evil. At least two Jews of the people commenting on the article on

said it was no longer safe for them and other Jews to ride Seattle buses. The ads are definitely hate incitement with a very strong possibility of resulting in attacks on Jews. I made a few comments on the article, and then after that I was blocked from making comments; when I made the comment and pressed submit, my comment was deleted. I have tried repeatedly but my comments are instantly deleted. Many comments being made are very disgusting, full of lies. But I am not able to counteract the comments! PLEASE click on the above link and make comments giving truth and facts.

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13 years ago

Hashem Bless you Pam.

David Ha'ivri
David Ha'ivri
13 years ago

Good move. Kol hakavod! Thank you from Israel.

J.T. Wenting
J.T. Wenting
13 years ago

Your ad violates their content guidelines as it incites violence in certain religious groups.
If they ban it because of that, what you should do is go national with headlines that state explicitly that Seattle Metro bans your ad because they expect muhammedan violence in response to a peaceful advertisement.
Let them eat their own words nationwide, worldwide if you can get it out that far. Worth as least as much as any lawsuit I guess.

13 years ago

Check this out!
What to do with a koran witten in Saddam’s blood?
Sounds like a biological nightmare to me. I think we better burn it.

loo loo
loo loo
13 years ago

What is happening to our country. Thank you Pam for being a light that shines into the darkness, these ads make my heart heavy, but your efforts give me hope….praying for you. Love and peace.

Linda Rivera
Linda Rivera
13 years ago

The anti-Jew, anti-Israel bus ads are profoundly evil. At least two Jews of the people commenting on the article on
said it was no longer safe for them and other Jews to ride Seattle buses. The ads are definitely hate incitement with a very strong possibility of resulting in attacks on Jews. I made a few comments on the article, and then after that I was blocked from making comments; when I made the comment and pressed submit, my comment was deleted. I have tried repeatedly but my comments are instantly deleted. Many comments being made are very disgusting, full of lies. But I am not able to counteract the comments! PLEASE click on the above link and make comments giving truth and facts.

torah yid
torah yid
13 years ago

Yasher Koach Pameleh!
you are right in tune with this weeks’ parasha, shemot, the first book of ‘exodus’. the egytptians wanted to make it hard for the jews….
shemot/exodus 1:12
“for as much as they would afflict it, so it would increase and so it would burst forth”
rashi says: as much as the egyptians would set their hearts to afflict israel, so the heart of the Holy One, Blessed is He, was set to increase them and make them burst forth.
may your pro-israel bus ads burst forth all over the country!!!

13 years ago

Amein! That’s what I wanted to say.

D'v in Tel Aviv
D'v in Tel Aviv
13 years ago

I second David’s sentiments…Kol Ha’Kavod Pamela, bite like a Pit Bull and don’t give up, don’t let this nazi and his sympathizers dictate the narrative. Another Todah Rabbah from Israel.

D'v in Tel Aviv
D'v in Tel Aviv
13 years ago

Linda, unfortunately the percentage of people favoring that the ads not be stopped is over 60%…all the Jew/Israeli haters are now coming out of the woodwork. And, that’s because those who spread hate are always the loudest and shout over everyone else. This grievous situation is turning the clock back to before WW2 when anti-Semitism was prevalent. Watch the movie “Gentleman’s Agreement.” That’s how it used to be for Jews, and it wasn’t that long ago. The Obama Administration and their ilk are dragging the USA back to the dark ages when lies and misconceptions were thought of as truth. And, instead, as Pamela has quoted many times, “Truth is the New Hate Speech.”

13 years ago

hope you can get interviewed on television in seattle.
would looove to see you debate one of them.

13 years ago

from king5:
•As long as the images and material used don’t interfere with public safety or insult specific groups to the point that a riot could be incited, vandalism could occur or public safety could be threatened.
King County Metro Transit spokesperson Linda Thielke acknowledges some people will be offended by the campaign, but that is not enough to prevent the rolling billboards from hitting the streets.
do what they do – form a group specifically to be offended and git the shit off the buses.
you just plain have to get down to their level – all’s fair in love, war, & propaganda
being “the better person” is completely lost on savages

13 years ago

Metro considers changing policy over anti-Israeli bus ads
Posted on December 21, 2010 at 6:41 PM
Metro is considering changing its ad policies for non-commercial groups, but says it could be costly and tricky.
Read more…
SEATTLE — Calls and emails continue to flood into King County as Metro deals with a political firestorm over its bus billboard policy…….
An anti-Israeli ad campaign is scheduled to appear on buses starting Dec. 27. A group called the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign is behind the ads. It’s the two-year anniversary of Israeli military action in Gaza, aimed at stopping rocket attacks on Israeli citizens.
Metro is considering changing its ad policies for non-commercial groups, but says it could be costly and tricky. But if they ban the anti-Israel ads, they might have to ban ads for causes that have public appeal, such as the Boys and Girls Club, Puget Sound Blood Center and United Way.

Yaakov Cohn
Yaakov Cohn
13 years ago

Will the Seattle bus ads run through Martin Luther King Day? Perhaps the counter-ads could quote from MLK Jr.’s “Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend,” Saturday Review_XLVII (Aug. 1967), p. 76.
“And what is anti-Zionist? It is the denial to the Jewish people of a fundamental right that we justly claim for the people of Africa and freely accord all other nations of the Globe. It is discrimination against Jews, my friend, because they are Jews. In short, it is antisemitism.
“The antisemite rejoices at any opportunity to vent his malice. The times have made it unpopular, in the West, to proclaim openly a hatred of the Jews. This being the case, the antisemite must constantly seek new forms and forums for his poison. How he must revel in the new masquerade! He does not hate the Jews, he is just ‘anti-Zionist’!

13 years ago

Thank you for the quote from MLK Jr.

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!