Pamela Geller, American Thinker: Femi-Not


I am speaking today in DC, so posting will be light — but do check out my piece on the feminazis in today's American Thinker:

The recent feminist "flash mob" in Philadelphia denouncing Israel and supporting the Palestinian jihadists showed yet again the abject failure of feminism and the true face of this phony movement.  And that failure has to do with more than just supporting jihadists.

In a recent television interview I gave to CTS Television's"On the Frontline with Christine Williams," Williams asked me what message I had for feminists who support the burka, etc.  I said, "shame on them."  And I addressed feminists themselves: "I say, shame on you. Shame on your silence when it comes to honor killings and gender apartheid."

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I also said that I am not a good person to ask about feminism "because I am a male chauvinist."  Feminism is a phony movement rooted in Marxist-Leninist ideology.

Peter Schwartz of the Ayn Rand Institute nailed it way back in 1991:
While feminists claim to be pursuing justice for women, it is becoming ever more apparent that their actual goal is the obliteration of justice.  More precisely, their aim is to eliminate that which makes justice possible: objective standards.  Instead of urging employers, for example, to adopt objective standards of merit in hiring and to apply them consistently to all candidates, irrespective of the (irrelevant) fact of gender, feminists call for the very opposite.  They demand the lowering or the suspension of standards, in order to accommodate certain women.
Caroline Glick eviscerates the phony feminist movement in a recent column, "The Feminist Deception," in which she says that "the feminist label has never been solely or even predominantly about preventing and ending oppression or discrimination of women.  It has been about advancing the Left's social and political agenda against Western societies."  Glick adds that "rather than being about advancing the cause of women, to a large extent, the feminist movement has used the language of women's rights to advance a social and political agenda that has nothing to do with women.  So to a large degree, the feminist movement itself is a deception." 

he proof of that is how feminists react to genuine oppression of women.  Every time they are approached after an honor killing, feminist groups defer and redirect the media inquiry to Muslim groups.  Why?  Is there a form of femicide acceptable to feminists?

Apparently so: Gloria Steinem's Ms. Foundationprovides funding to the American Society for Muslim Advancement, one of the pseudo-moderate Islamic supremacist groups behind the Ground Zero mega-mosque.  I guess Steinem doesn't care that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is an open proponent of Islamic law (Sharia), the most oppressive system for women ever devised in human history, or that his wife Daisy Khan counsels women in how to deal positively with polygamy (multiple wives is de rigueur in Islam).

These vicious, parasitical feminists are worse than useless.  They are dangerous, as evidenced by the Jew-hating, pro-jihad feminist mob in Philadelphia.  Do these women know that lesbians are executed in Muslim countries?  Do these women know that the jihad in Israel is about Islamic anti-Semitism, not land?  Do these women care about the gender apartheid in the Muslim world?  How do they look at the faces of the victims of honor killing and then look in the mirror?  The craven silence of feminists in the face of the left's withering criticism of my honor killing taxi ad campaign and freedom buses for apostates from Islam is a stunning indictment of their motives.

Feminists' mission by objective is not empowerment, but just the opposite: slavery.  They want government-funded independence.  Oxymoronic.

To say that feminism was one of the worst things to happen to women is being kind.  I blame the left for the feminization of men.  A woman recently wrote me that the world of male chivalry and respect for women is "gone forever," and said, "It is most upsetting as the mother of sons, you can't beat what's going on, and it's hard to watch your girl having to deal with these dudes today.  The other girls have happily and nonchalantly declared themselves sex slaves.  We have destroyed our young men!"

The demon seeds of the women's "liberation" movement are everywhere — from the epidemic of single motherhood, the breakdown of the American family, the street vernacular of "bitches and hos," the emasculation of men to and the bone-crushing responsibility of being mother, father, breadwinner, chief cook, and bottle-washer.  Having it all, indeed.
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Gayle Farrow
Gayle Farrow
13 years ago

I understand that silence is often seen as consent, or at least as tacit or implied consent. During the late 1980s AIDS groups starting displaying posters with the SILENCE = DEATH message.
Doesn’t that also apply here?
Pamela, have any of the feminist groups ever issued any statements directly addressing these Muslim anti-life issues?
The left is so, so selective in its outrages.

13 years ago

You make some very valid points here.
Have you considered, however, that you may be painting with brush-strokes just a little too broad for credibility?
Factors other than the “feminist” bogey-woman have come into play in the last five decades that have gotten us to where we are now.
To suggest that feminist women like Phyllis Chesler are somehow responsible for women-hating, violent gangsta rappers and their lyrics is beyond silly.
And it just wasn’t Camelot for everyone back in ’53.

13 years ago

As one discusses cultural feminism, third-wave feminism and legal feminism constituting the North American feminist narrative, Muslim notions of feminism are also thus defined according to these subjective perceptions of gender equality.
Please read this :
Farhat Hashmi, Professor of Arabic from the University of Glasgow is one such “progressive”. Teaching theology to ardent students enrolled in her year-long diploma program in the GTA, Hashmi preaches total subservience of women to men in the interest of maintaining domestic harmony, suggesting women are thus its ultimate beneficiaries. Clearly her views fall short of any objective standards of feminism, though Hashmi perceives her discourse as feminist. She even advocates polygamy as benefiting women. In the same spirit she urges Muslim women to willingly give consent to their husbands who wish to take second, third or fourth wives.
Why not control more the educatio ?

13 years ago

The uncomfortable, unacknowledged fact for Western feminists (the elephant in the room, in fact), is that the so-called Western feminist “revolution” took place in a culture where, overall, men were, and still are, essentially chivalrous to women. Decent men (i.e most men) did not, and do not, have a problem with decent demands or requests. Indeed, many men actually helped to bring feminist concerns to the fore. Whatever the “problems” (imagined and real) that Western feminists thought they were dealing with, they were nonetheless operating in a society that regarded peace and security (hard-won by male sacrifice in war, and in peace) as the norm for ALL its people, women no less than any other. The phrase “women and children first” will not be found in Islamic literature.
This vital element does not exist in Islam, and thus Islamic women will not be able to rise up unaided. Western feminists actually have no experience of the oppression beyond their imagining that is Islam; and if they want to help their sisters trapped in Islam, they will have to find a NEW courage, way above that which they think they already have.
The West’s pampered soi-disant “feminists”, protected by the sacrifice of several generations of courageous men, have NO IDEA what’s in store for them if Islam wins the next one.

13 years ago

1960’s Feminism and the continued lingering stench, is like so much of the drug culture of that period. It promised new enlightenment and power and freedom. It delivered confusion and weakness and enslavement.
Is it any surprise that the Gloria Steinam’s and latter Naomi Wolf’s of feminism seem to have turned 180 degrees in backing the nightmare of sharia? There could not be a more demeaning opposite to what they claimed they stood for. They are so intensely focused and close to their own delusions that they can’t step back and see that they are the most crazed and fanatical of sell-outs. It’s madness.

13 years ago

A lot of time and energy is being WASTED on attacking and hating the wrong people. Feminists are for women’s rights. If some are misguided, maybe talking to them reasonably and asking them to not support
Muslim organizations linked to terrorism would help. Treating them all like criminals, the enemy, stupid, etc. is foolish and wrong.
Like the woman said, it wasn’t Camelot for everyone in the 50’s. Some people don’t have supportive men around them and they need a framework from which to defend themselves and survive. This country isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. There isn’t really liberty, freedom and justice for all. When people seek to right the wrongs, it doesnt’t help for others to come rain on their parade in the name of doing the same thing.
Picking on dancing college students is silly bickering. If you want to change their minds, try using reason instead of insults and belittlement. You might find that a little compassion goes a long way.

13 years ago

For me, a hard line anti feminist, Pamela does not go far enough. Feminism has a madness in it, a desire to alter God created roles. A married woman, especially a mother, should not be out there trying to smash through so called glass ceilings etc. We have the scenario which must be often played out whereby due to political correctness and so called equality, women have been given employment over equally or even higher qualified men. A man who is equally qualified as a woman may need the job more than the woman. He may be the sole breadwinner in his family whereas the woman candidate may have a high earning husband. How many times have men lost out on jobs and advancement through this vile philosophy ? Several years ago in the UK a cabinet minister admitted after a woman was chosen over a higher qualified man for a job where the cabinet minister was hereself on the interviewing panel, that she had cast the deciding vote in favour of the woman simply because she was a woman. The current UK Equalities Minister (a woman) has urged companies to be favour women candidates. She said that firms who did not have large percentages of female board members and the like would be exposed. Where is merit ? Where is equality.
Women are different to men physically and emotionally. Gender is not a social construct. Women are good at things men are not generally good at. One has to admire them greatly. But women have different roles. Sarah Palin is not a serious feminist but even she is pursuing a feminist line. What about her family ?
As for the shariah, burkha thing; feminists have shown their gross hypocrisy and lack of concern for the oppressed women in Islamic society. Some feminists have perverted things to the point where they claim the burkha “empowers” women. Really ? Is that why the Quran is full of mandates against women ? Because it empowers women ? I think not.
Feminism, like gay rights, has been a curse over the last 40 years. No doubt about. Whatever good feminism has done, it has done a great deal of damage. It is political correctness. It would be good if it were eliminated.

13 years ago

Pamela, don’t be ashamed: you are a “yes-feminist” though real and genuine. not faked. David against the big lie.
Let us find out some inkling into the murk’s ideological dilemma in which we find ourselves today. You may named it “in the trail of deception”.
Right after the fall of the Berlin’s Wall in 1987, the entire socialist camp went into a disarray, but soon they regrouped themselves and plegded alliance to the fallowing agenda:
The members of THE INTERNACIONAL SOCIALIST ORGANIZATION gathered in Milan, Italy, aired the following statement: “….in some way this crisis favour us, since for years we have been advocating for a socialism with democracy”.
Th ITALIAN SOCIALIST PARTY declared: “…. we must privatize all the companies in the hands of the Estate”.
Giorgio Napolitano, the boss of the ITALIAN COMMUNIST PARTY said: “…..we must imprint a drastic turning toward the right; we must abandon the outmoded consing of class struggle; and must important: we must embrace ourselves to the pacifistic movements; the feminist movements; the human right movements and the conservation and defence of Nature’ movements”.
Barbara, do you get the idea? For just in case you don’t remember!

13 years ago

Pamela, your terrific article at American Thinker helped inspire me to address this subject as well, and I cited some stuff from you in my own piece. Here is my take on the whole thing:
You are a hero to me, a true Femininican, which is a strong woman who actually DOES care about issues of female oppression. Thank you for all that you do on behalf of women, children and infidels everywhere.

13 years ago

Complete garbage. People should get jobs SOLELY on their merit, not based on how many people they have to support. I hate to burst your little bubble, but MANY women are the sole support of their families. We live in an economy – people need to support themselves.
There is nothing wrong with men and women sharing domestic tasks and sharing the economic and domestic workload.
For your information, thewarly 19th century feminists posited feminism as a liberation for BOTH sexes – for women to have financial equality in the work they had to do to support their families, and for men so they did not assume the sole burden for supporting their family.
“God-given” roles indeed!!

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