AFDI’s Two Pro-Israel, Counter Jihad Ad Campaigns Submitted in Seattle
Now Metro Considers Changing Policy Over Anti-Israeli Bus Ads


I put the finishing touches on the two ads AFDI will be running in Seattle to counter the nazi-style propaganda designed to incite violence and hatred towards the Jewish people.

Here are the two ads that have been submitted to Titan — Seattle transit.

Bus 2

Story continues below advertisement

And this one:

  Bus 1

As for the Jewish blood libel being sponsored by the notorious antisemite Ed Mast, Seattle Mass Transit is having second thoughts.

"It's not clear if the ad campaign will run as scheduled. It was supposed to roll out on Dec. 27. Metro is scrambling to re-assess its advertising policies before next week."

If they ran that poison, they will run the truth.

Metro considers changing policy over anti-Israeli bus ads

SEATTLE — Calls and emails continue to flood into King County as Metro deals with a political firestorm over its bus billboard policy.

An anti-Israeli ad campaign is scheduled to appear on buses starting Dec. 27. A group called the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign is behind the ads. It's the two-year anniversary of Israeli military action in Gaza, aimed at stopping rocket attacks on Israeli citizens.

Metro is considering changing its ad policies for non-commercial groups, but says it could be costly and tricky. But if they ban the anti-Israel ads, they might have to ban ads for causes that have public appeal, such as the Boys and Girls Club, Puget Sound Blood Center and United Way.

The American Civil Liberties Unions is urging Metro to run the ads, saying they may offend people but they should be protected under the First Amendment.

News of the ads has led to tighter security at the Jewish Federation in downtown Seattle. Four years ago, a mentally ill man claiming to be angry at Israel broke into the building, shot and killed a woman and shot five others. The fear is an ad campaign could fuel more violence.

"We're always on a heightened sense of awareness in the Jewish community and this heightens it," said Richard Fruchter with the Jewish Federation.

"Mentally ill man?" He was a Muslim slaughtering Jews. It was jihad. Here's what was presented in the jihadi's prosecution:

Prosecutors opened their case against a man accused of opening fire on a Jewish Federation office by playing a tape of the gunman who called 911 as he held a pregnant woman hostage at gunpoint."I have this gun pointed at her head," said the man, who identified himself as Naveed Haq. Haq told the person handling the call that "I just want to get us out of Iraq," and that he was upset by U.S. policies that left Muslims "repressed."Haq, 32, has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity in the shooting rampage that killed one woman and injured five other women at the downtown office of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle on July 28, 2006.In her opening statement Monday, King County Deputy Prosecutor Erin Ehlert told jurors that Haq carefully planned the attack, making four trips to gun shops and using the Internet to map the route from the Tri-Cities to Seattle.Haq is charged with murder, attempted murder and other crimes.Haq railed against the Iraq war and Israel during the call, telling a woman on the other end of the line that "Muslims are very upset about you sending bombs to Israel. And that we're very upset that you stay in Iraq, and that you follow foreign policies where we are repressed."

SEATTLE – King County Councilman Peter von Reichbauer is calling for a review of proposed advertising on Metro buses that blasts Israel and the U.S., claiming U.S. tax dollars support war crimes.

Von Reichbauer says the ads could incite violence.


"I know hate when I see it," he said. "A number of people in King County see hate in this advertisement."


E-mails have been pouring into von Reichbauer's office since KING 5 broke the story of the planned ad campaign. He's asked Metro to reconsider.


Although Metro attorneys say the ads are covered by the First Amendment, they are now reviewing their policy on non-commercial advertising.

"We don't need to see a public transportation system be a medium for a message of hate," said von Reichbauer.


It's not clear if the ad campaign will run as scheduled. It was supposed to roll out on Dec. 27. Metro is scrambling to re-assess its advertising policies before next week.

 Even the murderous Muslim Hamas leader admitted that Israel killed mostly terrorists in Gaza.

Emotions Heat Up Over Bus Ads in Seattle

anti-Israel ad in Seattle

Advertisements to be displayed on King County Metro Transit buses are generating controversy a week before being displayed.

The Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign has purchased ads to be displayed on 12 buses beginning December 27 that feature the slogan, "Israeli War Crimes: Your Tax Dollars at Work."

The Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), a program of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), has declared that it will run counter-ads that read, "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Islamic jihad."  The group's executive director, Pamela Geller, complained that SIOA is not getting the same price break as the Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign and issued a statement,

According to Seattle's KING 5 News, Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign paid $1,794 to run the ads. However, King County Metro Transit would not offer the same price to AFDI/SIOA Executive Director Pamela Geller. "I asked for the same deal as the Jew-haters received, but was told that the price in the article was 'misquoted.' So of course they are charging me more." SIOA was quoted a price of $2,760 for its ad.

The ads have generated so much controversy that the King County Metro Transit is thinking about changing its advertising policies for non-commercial groups.

UPDATE: Thomas Lifson of The American Thinker weighs in:

All of a sudden, Metro is reviewing its advertising policy. While the public agency was fine with the anti-Israel ads, the anti-Hamas terror ads apparently are cause for worry.

We salute Ms. Geller heartily. Stay tuned as the Metro grapples with the issue. Can you imagine someone like her running the RNC?


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13 years ago

The first ad is very powerful! Great work!
Now let’s hope they run it.

13 years ago

Wow, that middle picture with the child on the bus is so sad. If that doesn’t get people thinking and seeking more information then nothing will.

jake Neuman
jake Neuman
13 years ago

Excerpt from New Book; Islam Evil In The Name of God
Go to:
A good, moral American believes in the following:
Democracy and Freedom
Constitution of the United States
Rule of Law
Equality Before The Law
Equality of Men and Women
Equality of All Races
Dignity of All Human Beings
No Right To Own Slaves
No Right To Sex Slaves
No Right to Rape Any Woman Including Their Wives
No Right to Have Sex With Children
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Press
Freedom of Legitimate Religion
Freedom of Assembly
Equality of Believers and Non Believers in Any Faith
The Right to Leave Any Religion
The Right Not To Be Stoned, Lashed or Beheaded For Any Reason
The Right To Sexual Freedom
Women are Not The Property of Men
Children Cannot Be Killed By Their Parents For Any Reason
Dogs are Wonderful Creatures
Theologically – no. . . . Because his allegiance is to Allah (of the Quran)
Humanity – no … Because to be a good, moral, moderate, Muslim you cannot be a good, moral human being.
Constitutionally – no … Because all manmade constitutions are an obscenity against Allah and must be destroyed and replaced with Sharia Law.
Democratically – no … Because democracy means equally of kafirs with Muslims. A kafir can never be the equal of a Muslim.
Morally – no … Because he can own and rape kafir women, murder their husbands and sell her children and herself into slavery if he does not want her as his sex slave.
Legally – no … Because kafirs can never be equal before the law.
Freedomly – no … Because he is the slave of Allah and must obey Allah without question. There can be no freedom of thought, conscience, speech, press,
Equality – no … Because he is superior to all other races,
Religiously – no. . . Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except Islam (Quran, 2:256)(Koran)
Scripturally – no. . . Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.
Geographically – no .. Because his allegiance is to Mecca , to which he turns in prayer five times a day.
Socially – no. . . Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews .
Politically – no. . . Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America , the great Satan.
Domestically – no. .. . Because he is instructed to marry four Women and Beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34 ) He can rape his wive(s). His wives are his property.
Criminally – no … Because he has a right to murder non believers, gays, apostates, chop off thieves hands, stone/lash adulators.
Intellectually – no. . Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt. Again, a good Muslim must replace the Constitution with Sharia Law. If he swears allegiance to the Constitution and is not lying then he is no longer a Muslim but an apostate of Islam and must be killed.
Philosophically – no. . . . Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.
Spiritually – no. . . Because when we declare ‘one nation under God,’ The Christian’s God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran’s 99 excellent names.

13 years ago

The ads punch ya right in the gut, which is what many people need to wake them out of their compliant, sheep-like slumber. GREAT WORK!!

13 years ago

“I put the finishing touches on the two ads AFDI will be running in Seattle to counter the nazi-style propaganda designed to incite violence and hatred towards the Jewish people.”-Pamela
It is Nazi-style propaganda and it is a desperate attempt to divert people from the real issue: the dogmas of Islam. This guy Ed Mast’s bait was put together with Muslims involved. Bet on it. This guy is dialogging with Muslims on this one.
There is a saying: “Gd writes straight with crooked lines.” Ed Mast’s bait is a perfect opening for an IslamiLeaks campaign that will really open people’s eyes and minds re the dogmas of Islam, and the very cozy relationship Islam and Muslims had with the Nazis both before and during WW2. (The Grand Muffy was an adviser to Hitler. If memory serves me correctly, I think the Muffy spent the war in Berlin. He was “Hitler’s Muffy.”)
I hope Seattle let’s this Jew-hating crap go forward. It’s a perfect opening for the IslamiLeaks campaign. This Jew-hating stuff will not fly in America. This is not Nazi Germany and we don’t want Grand Mufffys here either.

Paulo Mendonca
Paulo Mendonca
13 years ago

Powerful messages.
Going to Paypal.
GOD Bless you.
Rio – Brazil

13 years ago

For the vast majority non-Jewish audience however, this comes across as Hatfields v. McCoys and too easy to dismiss.
You have to involve THEM; Israel is at the FRONT LINES of a war not just on Jews, but all non-muslims. I’m afraid if you confine this to anti-semitism, it will be ignored, even though it is horrific. It’s an opportune time, not to be missed, for you to draw in the NON-JEWISH audience, because Amerians are indeed waking up to the threats against their own security.
You have to show Israel realistically to them; they are the punching bag front line element to a war against all nonmuslims. I can’t voice this enough….though we care about those horrifical pictures, the “other side” will try to make it look like Israel is just as bad. But the grotesque mistake of Islam is that it attacks everyone, everywhere, and Israel does not!
I am not Jewish, I am from Seattle, I am just giving it to you in the sense I think many here would take it. You need to combine Hamas with the commands to kill the kuffir (which just includes Jews) in the koran (quote them).
You need some gory pictures that say “Mumbai”, “Beslan”, “London”, “New York” (911)…
I’m just saying it would be a shame and a squandered opportunity to miss the bigger picture because if you give people a reason to dismiss an issue…they will.

SumDum Phool
SumDum Phool
13 years ago

JUST re-use THEIR OWN ADS, replacing “ISRAEL” with “ISLAMIC”…
That’s it.
and maybe a URL showing the billions of dollars wasted on pretending islamic and arabic countries are our friends and allies… and the biggest waste of all- the arabic fraud that recently decided to start calling itself “palestinians”.

13 years ago

Tbf, I see your point but the non-Jewish audience is here. We are here reading, consuming and distributing. And it is up to us, all of us, to spread the word.
If you were to ask me say, four years ago, “What does Islam mean?” I couldn’t tell you. However, since reading this site and others, links to news articles on Islam, etc., I’ve learned so much. From there you tell your spouse about things that are happening, you tell your friends (who look to you in shock “I didn’t know that”) and they, in turn, start seeing the red flags and the cycle continues.
Tying the ad in with Mumbai, Beslan, London and NY is a great idea and I’m not disagreeing with you there. I’m just saying that we non-Muslims are paying attention and have a duty to counter misinformation as well.

13 years ago

“However, since reading this site and others, links to news articles on Islam, etc., I’ve learned so much.”- Brandy
You speak for a lot of people with your comment. Ten years ago, I was indifferent to Islam, thinking it just another religion. I would buy the “Islam forbids killing the innocent” crap because I did not know that all non-Muslims are considered Guilty in islam. Nor did I know that the chronologically earlier “peaceful” suras peddled to Unbelievers have been canceled by Gds updated orders to Moe that command deceit, domination, and finally the extermination of Unbelievers.
I would read the Qu’ran (which is set up longest to shortest sura) and see peaceful and violent verses etc. and think that Muslims must interpret the suras differently. I did not realize that to understand the Qu’ran one has to understand the chronological order. There is no room for interpretation in Islam because is not a collection of “inspired” books-but allegedly direct dictation-orders from Gd.
Islam is a “religion” that rationalizes deceit, domination and violence to Unbelievers. It is not a religion of peace, and all true Muslims see the Qu’ran as the literal word of Gd. (This ain’t the Book of Job, or psalms, or some Buddhist or Hindu text. This (the Qu’ran is supposed to be Gd. directly giving orders to Moe.)
Because of IslamiLeaks many Unbelievers now know that Islam has no Universal Golden Rule, that it has Jew-hating suras that make it a kind of “religious” Mein Kampf.
Islam and Muslims are not worth hating. The whole belief system is repulsive in its supremacist delusions and the deception required to advance this nonsense.
The Communications Revolution is going to cause Islam either to reform-or it will die. No Unbeliever should “tolerate” this so-called religion (really more of a domination-exploitation ideology) that is without a Universal Golden Rule, and which is a moral lunatic’s rationalization system for oppression of Unbelievers.
Once again re abrogation: Ibn Warraq, page 115,Why I am Not a Muslim: “Now we see how useful and convenient the doctrine of abrogation is in bailing scholars out of difficulties. Of course, it does pose a problem for apologists of Islam, since all the passages preaching tolerance are found in the Meccan, i.e., early suras, and all the passages recommending killing, decapitating, and maiming are Median, i.e., later: “tolerance” has been abrogated by “intolerance.” For example, the famous verse at Sura 9.5, “Slay the idolaters wherever you find them,” is said to have canceled 124 verses that dictate tolerance and patience.”
Ibn Warraq, page 11,Why I am Not a Muslim: The term “Islamic fundenentalist” is in itself inappropriate, for there is a vast difference between Christianity and Islam. Most Christians have moved away from the literal interpertation of the Bible; for most of them, “it ain’t necessaraly so.” Thus we can legitmately distinguish between fundamentalist and nonfundamentalist Christians. But Muslims have not moved away from the literal interpretaion of the Koran; all Muslims-not just a group we have called “fundamentalist”-believe that the Koran is literally the word of God.”
“Repetition is the mother of learning.”-Yogi Berra

dee dee
dee dee
13 years ago

Pamela accomplishes more than anyone, I wish she was President

13 years ago

I wish to add this: I think the doctrine of abrogation (i.e. chronologically earlier suras CANCELED by later suras that contradict earlier suras) is very important to understanding Islam. It is a kind of Rosetta Stone for Unbelievers.
For example: in an earlier sura Gd tells Moe that wine is good, but later forbids all booze. Therefore Gds later (booze forbidden) order is the final word of Gd on the matter.
The same principle applies to the so-called “peaceful” suras. They are all canceled. Muslims, as per Gd’s updated communications with Moe, are ordered to deceive, dominate and finally exterminate the Unbelievers.
I can understand why Muslims resent and resist all IslamiLeaks on the matter of Islam and go into full deception (and worse) mode against anyone who dares speak the truth re Islam. But as someone once said: “The cat is out of the bag.”
In this case of Islam, a lot of cats are out of the bag, and Muslims will not be able to herd them back into the bag. The cats are running all over the place because of the Communications Revolution (which is as powerful as the Industrial Revolution).
(The Industrial Revolution was a revolution of transport (trains, ships, planes etc.) that brought the people of earth in easier contact with each other. The Communications Revolution is now making contact among humans a matter of an instant-especially via the Internet.)

13 years ago

Islami-Leaks, I like that, Frank! It seems that Wiki-Leaks, well, that is news, sensational, interesting, and it is no problem if it damages America’s image.
But Islami-leaks; well, people seem to routinely not listening to, shutting out everything bad about Islam. It seems many people are immune to criticism on Islam, standardly reacting as they do with: This is hate-speech, fear-mongering, racism and “Christianity is just as bad, the Israeli’s, Americans, Westerners are doing the same wrong things etc.”
That said, freedom-lovind, Islam-wise people should go ahead anyway, and we do see that people get much more aware and wary about Islam. And you are right, it is good that the other side started this. They opened this door …
And now, for the first time in history, it seems to me, they get back such a magnificent response from Pamela and her allies. Great!

13 years ago

When I said that it was no problem if it damages America’s image, I meant to the leakers and most of the readers, I did not mean me myself.

13 years ago

I don’t know if people know just how bad it is in Seattle. On the High Holiday’s we have Seattle Police guarding our Synagogue!!! Some synagogues have hired security guards for every Shabbat!!! Can you imagine how this must feel??
Pamela THANK YOU for what you are doing. The community has been calling and sending emails, but it wasn’t till you decided to put up the ads, that they are thinking about not allowing their ad to run.
Asher Koach,

13 years ago

Agree…the first ad is perfect.

Infidel Task Force
Infidel Task Force
13 years ago

“It’s not clear if the ad campaign will run as scheduled. It was supposed to roll out on Dec. 27. Metro is scrambling to re-assess its advertising policies before next week.”
Well …NOW they are re-thinking…it took all our web sites posting this to get them to ….”re-assess” their policy. Get them now!! They are scared. Roll out the campaign in other major cities as well.

13 years ago

send respectful, yet insistent emails to King County Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer
[email protected]

Major Jew LUVVAH
Major Jew LUVVAH
13 years ago

In a forthcoming display of even GREATER AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM (despite what lame-o in charge says), look for nearly all great American Christians to come to the aid, compatriotism, and support for the great American Jews of THIS WONDERFUL COUNTRY and who will continue to live, love, respect, and honor in mutual admiration.
The line being drawn is being more defined!
NEVER expect ANYthing ‘good’ to come from the anti-Jew, anti-white, anti-Christian, muzzie-sympathizing O-hole and E-hole in the Dept. of Jihad

13 years ago

Great ads. Need to be run around the complete Atlas!

then there's this...
then there's this...
13 years ago

how ’bout a screenshot of the 10-12 yo boy DECAPITATING a
recently MURDERED man as A RITE OF PASSAGE, while other
adult male muzzies disguised with their manly headjobs
observe the TEN-MINUTE PROCESS removing the
offending item with a 10 inch knife

kate b
kate b
13 years ago

Well done, excellent ads blog these all over the world.
In comparison to theirs, these are factual. At the moment Israel are having to defend its people around the Gaza area as Hamas have tank-penetrating weapons, but not until Israel retaliate will it enter the media as “IDF kill palestinians, kill citizens, 2 women, 3 children and a baby” but they won’t mention that Israel is responding, the EU, UN and USA are ignoring all this, and the fact that terrorists recruit their families, hide behind them and strap bombs to their kids.

Alicia Antolin de la Hoz
Alicia Antolin de la Hoz
13 years ago

Great Ads! Congratulations! Superb work!
Merry Christmas

13 years ago

Go to hell!!! this is not America!

13 years ago

The Islamofacists’ brought their unholy war to the west and instead of fightening against them the left join the Jew haters. I hope the bus company’s insurance is up todate, legal libel can financially ruin a company especially if those Nazi like ads incide violence against Jewish people.

13 years ago

Muslims are watching one pipe after another burst and every leak they plug has two more to replace it. It looks like the Islam stooges set-up the Qu’ran’s pipe system. They will have to close the main valve of Islam to stop the leaking. Their dogmas (the doctrine of abrogation e.g.)are all wet.
Once again re abrogation: Ibn Warraq, page 115,Why I am Not a Muslim: “Now we see how useful and convenient the doctrine of abrogation is in bailing scholars out of difficulties. Of course, it does pose a problem for apologists of Islam, since all the passages preaching tolerance are found in the Meccan, i.e., early suras, and all the passages recommending killing, decapitating, and maiming are Median, i.e., later: “tolerance” has been abrogated by “intolerance.” For example, the famous verse at Sura 9.5, “Slay the idolaters wherever you find them,” is said to have canceled 124 verses that dictate tolerance and patience.”

Bruriah Sarah
Bruriah Sarah
13 years ago

Thank you Pamela for all that you do. It seems that political Islam is getting bolder. Our government seems to be asleep. Hopefully, that will all change when Peter King takes on Homeland Security

13 years ago

While waiting for SIOA’s very excellent ads to hit the bus routes, there are very large “magic markers” available that could be purchased and used for editorial comment across those fascist, Nazi, murder-inciting anti-Israel signs whenever the side of a stopped bus presents itself. There is NO property issue here, just as there never has been an issue of property rights about the Ground Zero Victory mosque. Those signs are war propaganda. The American people have the same right to reply to them in kind as they would if Nazi propaganda appeared on public transportation during WWII. Our government, led by the Obammullah and his czarimams, refuse to accept their responsibility to properly evaluate the situation, name the enemy, and defend this nation. The people have the right to defend themselves and to reject the enemy’s propaganda.

13 years ago

Is that video a few years ago? I recall watching a video like that about a year ago. If I remember correctly (how can I forget) it took the child a long time to actually finish the job. (I can’t even find the right words!). They were on a rocky hillside right?

13 years ago

How correct you are Frank! People are waking up and seeing Islam for what it really is and they don’t like it. Imagine the PR show they’re going to try to put on when Rep King begins his hearings. How grateful we are to have him!! However, he will be target No. #1 from the likes of CAIR and their cohorts in the business of deceit. That’s when it’s so important for all of us to present the facts about these people. Write letters to your newspapers, call C-Span, debate on other websites, etc..
The cat is out of the bag.

Laura L
Laura L
13 years ago

Very powerful, effective ads.

13 years ago

The first one is particularly powerful.
How about a defunding campaign against universities that support terror groups such as, ISM, GUPS (PLO), MSA etc.?

13 years ago

Just out of curiosity, doesn’t that quote about supporting the civilized man over the savage come from Ayn Rand? I seem to remember her saying something similar in response to a question about Israel in the days of the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

13 years ago

I’m WITH you,Telly.
DEFUND &DETERMINE WHO is Funding “Chairs and Departments” and WHAT their AGENDA is?

13 years ago

Speaking of advertising . . .
Please sign up to get the Tea Party to TAKE ON THE GROUND ZERO MOSQUE
Watch the VIDEO at
John Press, Ph.D

13 years ago

In my humble opinion, most American gentiles do know that Hamas is arguably the most extreme jihadi genocide group. You don ‘t need a deep understanding of the Quran, just take a look at their charter. They make it completely clear that their ultimate goal is genocide of all Jewish people in the world. They don’t even pay lip service to border issues with Israel.
I don’t believe it is possible that Americans who support Hamas don’t know what they really supporting. The US government should not have any direct contact with this or any other terror groups. Just acknowledging them gives them legitimacy, and we’re giving them money!?!?!
Not a lot of people will find this to be new information. But we need to be reminded from time to time.

John Nosser
John Nosser
13 years ago

I think they were both great ads. If I had to pick just one, I would probably give the first one above a slight edge. However, if possible I would run both ads. Everyone who loves freedom should help advertise the truth, so go to Pay Pal now and help Pamela get this done!

13 years ago

Are YOU, Pam, coming to Seattle? I live in the Seattle area and would love to be your host…

13 years ago

O yes, it IS America because freedom of speech is best protected in the world in America. Your mild attempt of censorship THAT is NOT America.

13 years ago

In the end their 51 generation first cousin inbred 15 IQ point lagging brains will just not be able to keep up.

13 years ago

Well I see a lot of really stupid kuffirs wearing keffiyeh as if it’s some fashion statement…yet if they were asked they would say they support the oppressed (aka fat fakestinians).

13 years ago

I used to live in Seattle, almost all my fam lives in Seattle. They are all libs, I used to be a lib. That is untill I left 🙂 Seattle and got a taste of the real world. Now I live in the great state of Texas, witch has its share of libs, and Muslems but is also full of good truth telling peeps. (with guns) 😀
Truth, over
Liberalism, just like Islam (and cockroaches) Scuttle away from the light. (of truth)

13 years ago

What’s the fuss? Is it wrong to be anti-Israel? If we’re skeptical of Israeli policies, and the huge Israeli lobby influencing the U.S. gov’t and evoking terrorist retaliation from most other mid-Easterners, does that make us evil, Jew-hating, anti-Semites? How does that work?

13 years ago

WE WON ONE FOR THE GIPPER! King Co. Metro rejects controversial ads on buses

13 years ago

but even with the abrogation of wine, paradise is set up to have wine that doesn`t cause headaches or dull the senses. also, paradise is full of young boys, kind of cute young boys according to the great prophet, peas be up in him, and it strikes me as highly probable, based upon clear evidence of his amoral and questionable behavior, that the big m was a gay as a guy can be gay.

13 years ago

I know. But their problem is not lack of information. They know exactly who and what they are supporting.

Geller Report
Thanks for sharing!