VIDEO CBS News on AFDI Ads: ‘Killing Jews Is Worship’ Ad Campaign Rolled Out On SF Buses

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Playing for the cameras and getting played. What a racket.

I love when the DA tool District Attorney George Gascon badly paraphrases Edmund Burke’s famous quote that all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Well, Gascon, the only thing worse than doing nothing is actually aiding and abetting the enemy.

Did Gascon and his council of quislings condemn the quotes by the jihadists? Not. a. chance. What is implied here is that Gascon and the craven council associate all Muslims with violent jihad. Whose the phobe now, clown?

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Check out the small pro-jihad group mugging and jumping in front of the cameras.

I’ll say one thing, though: the ads look great. Love the ad? Make it happen. Contribute here.

‘Killing Jews Is Worship’ Ad Campaign Rolled Out On SF Buses CBS, San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) – A controversy has been re-ignited this week
as ten new ads go up on San Francisco Muni buses containing quotes used
by terrorists.

“Killing Jews is worship that draws us closer to Allah,” reads one of
the ads, which has people debating the line between free speech and
hate speech.

“The purpose of our campaign is to show the reality of Jihad, the
root causes of terrorism. Using the exact quotes and text that they
use,” said Pamela Geller of the American Freedom Defense Institute.

Several San Francisco city leaders, including District Attorney George Gascon, have condemned the campaign.

“San Francisco won’t tolerate Islamic bigotry,” said Gascon. “The
only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to look the
other way and do nothing.”

Board of Supervisors President David Chiu said the American Freedom
Defense Initiative is made of “well-known hate extremists” and said he
is introducing a resolution at Tuesday’s board meeting to denounce the

Geller said the ads were a response to another bus ad campaign earlier this year by the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

That campaign sought to disassociate the word “jihad” with violence
and reclaim its meaning as “the struggle,” which is a central tenant of

“When someone attacks our religion it’s like they are attacking us,”
said Oakland Imam Salah el Seeiadi in response to the new ads.

Similar ads have already appeared in Washington D.C. and Chicago.

Geller, whose group also ran an ad campaign last year on Muni buses that referred to Muslims as “savages,” [MEDIA LIE ALERT]criticized the San Francisco city officials for holding today’s event against her campaign.

“They’re holding a press conference to denounce … my pointing out the
truth,” she said. “The purpose of our ads is to show the purpose of

“I am merely using high-profile Muslims and their own words. How does
that paint every Muslim with the same brush? I don’t understand that,”
Geller said.

MUNI and its ad subcontractor decided the signs were well within
first amendment guidelines. However, the transit system decided not to
make any money over the controversy, and is instead donating the
proceeds – about $5,000 – to the Human Rights Commission.

In response to the ads, Muni is also launching its own ad campaign
this week that will promote peace and acceptance of all people, Chiu

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Fritz Katz
Fritz Katz
11 years ago

G-d bless Pamela and the great work you’re doing!

11 years ago

District Attorney George Gascon should read this saying of Cicero a Roman Senator.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
Cicero, Marcus Tullius

11 years ago

Just saw a report on Oakland’s KTVU 10PM news about the AFDI ads and they cited the Southern Poverty Law Center as identifying AFDI as a “hate group”, the assumption being that the SPLC, which recently issued its report on “hate groups”, is an unquestioned authority in these matters while the reality is that SPLC is itself a hate-filled group of radical leftists that considers the Tea Party and some Christian-based groups as hate groups. The news broadcast also showed the head of the city’s Human Rights Commission standing on the City Hall steps with DA Gascon and other members of the Board of Supervisors stating that the city’s transit system will donate the $5,000 fee paid for the bus ads to the Commission. How noble of them. I just retired from the City of San Francisco as an auditor and I know how disfunctional, disruptive and unaccountable the Commission is and suspect the money will likely never be used for any so called “good” purpose as they claimed. The only purpose it really serves is for grandstanding by a crowd of hard core leftists who will not stop until they have stamped out all vestiges of disagreement or dissent from the party line in their little patch of utopia. My respect and admiration to Pamela Geller, and to AFDI, for their courage to stand up to these thugs and to bring a voice to many who are too timid or afraid to speak the truth.

Bob Smith
Bob Smith
11 years ago

Thanks Pamela, keep up the good work. You are winning. They know who you are.

11 years ago

The fact that there’s even a question about this being “hate” speech shows that the country is doomed. I wouldn’t be surprised if CA has “the Big One” after this.

11 years ago

When is the term up for this whimpy mayor? I think he needs to lose his job to me.

11 years ago

It’s abnormal for a country of people to IGNORE the terrorism perpetrated upon innocent non-muslims.
It’s dangerous for leaders of this great nation to pretend they don’t understand the response from normal
freedom loving Americans like our Pamela Geller.
These leaders are hopelessly dangerous because the response to terrorism is free speech to denounce these
bloody jihads being waged across the globe.
Remember in the post 9/11 world, the mantra….”If you see something, say something”…do not be afraid to
report what you see.
These bus ads are reporting what we see, it’s telling the truth about the religion of peace and what the jihad
has been telling US as Americans about them. This is what we know. We could say that everything we needed to
know about Islam we learned painfully on 9/11. In this post 9/11 (because of the PC=tolerance police)
the narrative has been forgotten. The media censorship, the lies told by the elected elite, particularly this administration
has had the effect of whitewashing the truth. It’s wrong, so much so, that a powerful voice in all of this darkness
NEEDED TO EMERGE and the TRUTH needed to be a harsh REMINDER to those who forgot or pretend
because they are a danger to America and her identity as we know and love her. Thanks Pamela!

11 years ago

Well, we have news for them, there wont be any peace and acceptance of all until everyone wakes up to Pamela’s ads and realises the source of enmity and intolerance.

Guy Macher
Guy Macher
11 years ago

Pamela, you are spreading the truth about civilization’s greatest threat. Even in San Francisco some minds will be opened to see that Islam is pure evil. History will deal harshly with the dhimmis and the ignorant kafirs who refuse to learn, but you will be lauded. Deservedly so.
God bless you and your work.

Larry S.
Larry S.
11 years ago

Amazing stupidity on the part of those purport to inform about the world. The question at hand, for CBS, apparently is whether or not AFDI and Pamela are engaged in “hate speech or free speech” (they seem to discount the possibility that something could qualify as both, which is indeed possible).
Let me make sure I understand. Pamela quotes representative- not “extreme” or bizarre- Muslim holy texts and Muslim leaders. In ways I just don’t understand, the question becomes whether or not she is engaged in “hate speech”. This is the sheer idiocy of “kill the messenger” mentality.
As for the (presumably) Muslim gentleman who proclaimed (slightly edited for clarity), “When someone attacks our religion, he attacks us”. Well who attacked your “religion” (I call it a mindless creed), sir? The person who uttered the words you find offensive, or the person who quotes them? Do you, within your Muslim community, inveigh against the sentiments of the original commentator? While I would be interested in how he would respond to these questions, I think I know the answer: he find AFDI/Pamela to be the offensive person, and he says nothing critical within the Muslim community about the original commenter.
Once more, Big Media gives a completely false impression of this world. The issue here is not Pamela and not AFDI: it is Islam as it has been practiced for centuries.
P.S. to Madelaine: Sadly, it is not at all abnormal.

11 years ago

Congratulations on this great success, Pamela, and thank you.
There seems to be a chance, if slender, that Americans can retain the right to practice our own religion without becoming victims of jihad.

11 years ago

Just what makes that little ol Pam,
think she can move that jihadi slant
everyone knows that Pam can’t
move that Jihadi slant
but she’s got High Hopes, she’s got,
high hopes, she’s got, HIGH APPLE PIE IN
so anytime you’re gettin low
instead of lettin go
just remember our Pam….
Oops there goes another Jihadi slant,
oops she exposed another jihadi plan.

Kufar Dawg
Kufar Dawg
11 years ago

If elected officials have a problem w/free speech maybe they should be rethinking their oath to defend the US Constitution.

mike b
mike b
11 years ago

I’m sending money to keep these ads running. Are you?

11 years ago

“San Francisco won’t tolerate Islamic bigotry,” said Gascon.
— If that’s an accurate quotation, then George has acknowledged that bigotry is attached to Islam. But somehow I don’t expect that he’ll do anything about bigotry expressed by Muslims on Islamic grounds.

11 years ago

So the “hate speech” is coming from Pam, not the quotes by the muslims in the ads. Unbelievable.

11 years ago

Very good.

11 years ago

In response to the ads, Muni is also launching its own ad campaign this week that will promote peace and acceptance of all people, Chiu said.
He might want to launch those ads in muslim countries and communities.

11 years ago

This reminds me of a Bugs Bunny cartoon “ahh w’at da bunch a maroons” the Bunny is wise-who bestowed dat gway wabbit wit such wit an wisodom? Was it awwah-yaweh-chwist-buddah ow just dat cwazy mista evo-ution? Whewe is dat wasko anyways?

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