Ottawa mosque loses charity status for promoting ‘hate and intolerance’


This is a new confirmation of what I have been saying for years: the mosques need to be monitored. This one was preaching “hate and intolerance,” and “many of the views expressed by the organization’s speakers are misogynistic, homophobic, racist and/or promote violence.” But the Qur’an and other Islamic texts are themselves misogynistic, homophobic, racist and promote violence. Canadian authorities have done the right thing by taking a step against this mosque, even though it was a weak and tentative step — it’s a beginning. But what are they going to do when they find out that such teachings are by no means limited to this mosque alone?

“Ottawa mosque loses charity status for promoting ‘hate and intolerance,’” by Stewart Bell, Global News, August 9, 2018 (thanks to Graham):

The federal government has stripped one of Ottawa’s largest mosques of its charity status over “activities that promote hate and intolerance,” Global News has learned.

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The Canada Revenue Agency took action against the Ottawa Islamic Centre and Assalam Mosque following audits that raised concerns about its roster of guest speakers.

“Many of the views expressed by the organization’s speakers are misogynistic, homophobic, racist and/or promote violence,” the CRA Charities Branch wrote in a letter sent to the mosque president.

The CRA was also concerned that “radicalized individuals” had attended the mosque, one of whom, Ashton Larmond, is now imprisoned for attempting to join the so-called Islamic State.

While the CRA said the mosque had not been directly implicated in their radicalization, it said there was a “possibility” they may have been influenced by parishioners or speakers.

The federal agency said the guest speaker issue had been repeatedly raised with the mosque but auditors found “no indication that the organization has implemented any due diligence procedures with respect to the vetting of its guest speakers.”

Mosque officials denied promoting intolerance and said the troubles dated back to more than five years ago when the organization was run by two hardline board members. The audit covered the years 2012 and 2013. Speakers are now pre-screened, they said.

“We were really shocked this happened to us,” Muhammad Haile, the mosque secretary and a member of its board of directors since 2014, told Global News. “We don’t tolerate any hate.”

The revocation took effect on July 14.

It means the mosque no longer benefits from the tax advantages enjoyed by government-registered charities. Foremost, it cannot issue receipts allowing donors to claim their contributions as income tax deductions.

“It was devastating for us. It was like an earthquake. But what can we do?” said Ali Abdulle, the mosque treasurer, who called the CRA action “politically-motivated.”

The mosque can still operate as a non-profit organization, but the decision could serve as a warning to other charities that they cannot give a platform to those who have espoused bigotry….

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Kalambong Kalambong
Kalambong Kalambong
5 years ago

For once, the canucks are doing something right !

Islam is hatred, promotes violence and bigotry

5 years ago

I’m sure Trudeau will over ride that.

Left/Liberals Muslims are pathological liars. share this if anyone believes their Lies

They protect jihadis.

5 years ago
Reply to  Suresh

It would be interesting to see what would happen if the muslums who run/operate this mosque go to Trudeau and request their charity status be re-instated, either now, or if they’re smart 6 months from now w/assurances they’ve changed.

5 years ago

I disagree, the Mosque should not be monitored, it should be closed and demolished.

Like the authorities are doing now in China, you build a Mosque – the state orders its destruction {no matter who paid for it}.

Sorted. The only reply the faithful truly understand.

5 years ago
Reply to  Poppey

Hmmmm, I believe the PRC has a muslum governor of one of their provinces and a famous Chinese admiral was muslum.

5 years ago

“It was devastating for us. It was like an earthquake. But what can we do?” ‘Gee, Mr. Ali Goatplower, I have a couple ideas what you can do. Call 800-EAT-SH*T, and I’ll lay it all out for you.’

5 years ago
Reply to  santashandler

Be generous in handing it out to mooslimes.

5 years ago

And so the Sisyphean game of whack-a-mole begins. As the government watch-dog groups that are monitoring mosques become increasingly and inevitably infiltrated/subverted/co-opted by muslums how effective will they be?

Nabi Rasch
Nabi Rasch
5 years ago

Nobody monitors the mosques–merely the tax receipts. Might bring ’em all down the same way they got Capone.

5 years ago

And so the Sisyphean game of whack-a-mole begins. As the government watch-dog groups that are monitoring mosques become increasingly and inevitably infiltrated/subverted/co-opted by muslums how effective will they be?

5 years ago

all the ,mosques….every single one……is the same and they should ALL be removed

5 years ago

Trudeau is trying to fix widespread ‘Justin-o-phobia’

Nabi Rasch
Nabi Rasch
5 years ago
Reply to  DemocracyRules

Nope. Facts will never interfere with what he promotes.

5 years ago

China is BANNING the teaching fr Arabic in a mosque or a school of any sort.
The Quran is only allowed in the mosque with only twenty people allowed to attend at one time.
All selling of Qurans are forbidden.
Of course what they say is MONITORED in the mosque and must align with Chinese communism.
A mosque is NOT allowed to have anything symbolic above the dome.
A “call to prayer” is considered, “noise pollution” and BANNED.

This is the Chinese way of secularizing their country.

5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

But the PRC is in bed w/both Pakistain and Soddy Barbaria — it’s allah about the yuans.

5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

It’s a start and better than what we have going in the States. Trump is all talk. I am almost sick of him, but who to replace him with? I’d never get elected.

5 years ago

Where is the coverage in the American press and media of the shooting this morning in Fredericton NB? The CBC still has not released the name of the shooter even though they have him in custody. He is 48 years old and lived in the apartment complex where most of the shooting took place.

IF he was a white Canadian, his name would be everywhere after 12 hours, but it isn’t. Use your imagination as to why. Lots of Muslim there. TruDope’s imports!

Rick Reynolds
Rick Reynolds
5 years ago

Well there’s the ticket, if we can just get Leftists to turn on Islam then our problem is solved. Esp here in Canada which is more concerned about racism, homophobia, misogyny, etc. If we can get the Canadian govt (not Trudeau but the rest of it) to realize it’s not just one or two bad apples (mosques) but all of them and that their religion is the root of it, then it will be inevitable, if Leftists hold to their values, that they will eventually ban Islam.

That would be the logical progression. Unless of course more Muslims manage to infiltrate the govt and threaten politicians (subversion from within) from acting against their death cult. Still though a weak move it’s a step in the right direction. Maybe they’re starting to wake up and realize Muslims are a danger to us after all given the recent terrorist attacks in Toronto.

5 years ago

Moslems have NO CLUE they preach hate and intolerance. it’s all normal business to them. I’m surprised Norman “Trudeau” Bates didn’t defend them on this.

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