Pamela Geller, Breitbart: The Sad Case of Mogens Camre — Criminalizing Dissent in Denmark

The Sad Case of Mogens Camre: Criminalizing Dissent in Denmark By Pamela Geller, Breitbart News, August 22, 2015  Danish politician Mogens Camre has become the latest casualty of the war against free speech. Breitbart reported Wednesday that Camre, a “former member of the Danish parliament and European Parliament for the Danish People’s Party (Dansk Folkpartei, DF)…


FULL TEXT Obama at the UN: Islam is Peace *to the sounds of Herve’s head being hacked off in the cause of Islam*

As jihadists hack the head of a French tourist off in Algeria, Obama proselytized for Islam at the UN while doing some Jew bashing as well. The evil clown set about to scrub the motive behind this global upheaval and the bloody war on the non-believers of Islam. Obama assured the Islamic terrorists that, “the…

Geller Report