Savage Jew-Hater Linda Sarsour PRAISES mass murder of Jewish family on Shabbat, violence against the Jews

Linda Sarsour called for jihad against President Trump a couple of weeks ago. Now she is calling for the slaughter of Jewish families. I am neither shocked or surprised by Linda Sarsour’s nazi-esque lust for blood. Evil exists in the world. What is horrific is the left’s exaltation of Sarsour ….


Do leopards change their swastikas?

The German BDS movement (Boycott, Divest, Sanction Israel) is no different from the Nazi economic boycott of the Jews in prewar Germany. In the 1930s, BDS led to the Holocaust. Preceding Kristallnacht, the Nazis held several days calling for Germans to boycott Jewish-owned businesses. This was the direct antecedent to the BDS movement. This is no different.


Soros Foundation Enemies List: Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, et al

For years, there has been a systematic, well coordinated campaign to destroy the work, the names, the reputations of my colleagues and  me.  In every news article and other press coverage concerning my work, it was as if every reporter was cutting and pasting the same libelous and defamatory  smear against me. I always wondered…


Nazi flag flies high over mosque in Israel (VIDEO)

Islamic Jew-hatred, it’s in the Qur’an. When I ran ads highlighting the relationship and cooperation between the the Third Reich and the Muslim world, Western media and cultural elites widely condemned and vilified me.  When Muslim annihilationists (under the cynically named “Palestinian” movement) proudly display their Nazi sympathies, all is quiet on the Western front….

Geller Report