Muslim ‘Refugee’ Serial SEX ATTACKER – REPEATEDLY RAPES, Douses Woman with Lighter Fluid, NO DEPORTATION

This Muslim “refugee” made her walk on all fours like a dog, repeatedly raped and terrorized this young woman, and after he was through, doused her with lighter fluid, saying, “You can receive SEK 10,000 if you follow me home and I get to f*ck you all day.”  Sweden’s sex slave stipend. The 34-year-old Muslim…


Girl, 17, is ‘raped’ and her 14-year-old sister sexually assaulted as she tried to save her from Muslim migrants at German public swimming pool

Any nation that does not protect its young girls, its future, is finished. A growing body of evidence suggests German police are hobbled at every possibly opportunity by the Federal government from dealing with the criminal migrant problem, with one officer complaining they have even been banned from preventing suspects escaping custody….. (here) This is Germany….

Geller Report