Dylan Baddour: The Shamer Claims He Was Shamed

After Breitbart published my takedown of the Houston Chronicle’s sophomoric CAIR press release, the thumb-sucking Houston Chronicle “journalist” Dylan Baddour began receiving numerous tweets questioning his journalist integrity and skill. He emailed me and wrote a subsequent piece for the Chronicle, which is behind a paywall. What is interesting about Baddour’s new piece in the…


Houston Chronicle’s @DylanBaddour: #JeSuisCoulibaly

The skills I learn in journalism school make it hard for other people to hang around me. — Dylan Baddour (@DylanBaddour) September 14, 2013 Savages, however, prefer his company. What did this useful idiot learn in “journalism school? Read on. I spent 22 minutes talking to this zombie — all for naught. Nothing I said…

Geller Report