Russian bots allegedly retweet Geller, Spencer, Gaffney 57 times, Josh Nathan-Kazis of the Forward goes nuts

Further proof of the derangement on the left. “The number of bot tweets dedicated to the extremists was apparently small, no more than a few dozen out of hundreds of thousands. ” That torpedoes what Josh Nathan-Kazis is trying to claim in his article, but that didn’t stop him from running with it anyway — anything to defame proud pro-Israel Jews and foes of jihad.

“The Forward, a radical pro-terrorist, anti-Israel paper read only by a handful of aging lefties while sipping their stale broth” @jdforward

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, takes on the Jewicidals at the Jewish newspaper, The Forward and joins a very small exclusive club that stood in defense of truth and freedom. Islamic scholar Robert Spencer let it rip here. “Memo to Liberals: Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood are ISIS,” October 6,…

Geller Report