Jewicidal ADL attacks Netanyahu’s condemnation of PA Jew-free state demand

Long time Atlas readers are well educated in the vicious, duplicitous anti-Jewish leadership of the ADL. The ADL has attacked me vociferous over the years for my pro-Israel ads, my zionism and my defense of Jews. They are the head kapos of an increasingly anti-Jewish American disapora led by leftist elites. Here is their Striecher-like…

PHOTOS: Churches in Syria in Ruins — Desecrated, Icons and Statues Smashed‏‎

While the non-Muslim world (Dar al-Harb — “House of War” or Dar al-Garb — “House of the West”) is constantly being schooled and berated with more calls for “tolerance,” “mutual understanding,” “inter-faith dialogue” and various forms of kitman and taqiyya, the Islamic war against non-Muslims escalates. Where are the Muslim groups condemning this? Where are the calls to expunge the quran and Islamic texts and teachings that command such destruction and slaughter?

Geller Report