Trump frees Muslim Brotherhood operative from an Egyptian prison

Earlier this week, I applauded the news that an Egyptian American woman who was imprisoned in Cairo for several years was freed after Donald Trump struck a deal with the Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi.

But now it turns out she is Muslim Brotherhood.

Who told him this would be a good idea?Who, in the Trump adminsitration vetted her? If it had a smell to it why touch it? Too many others without questions should be released. There are or were several Christian leaders in jail in Egypt for converting from Islam etc


Watch VIDEO: Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi speaks to Fox News’ Bret Baier in Cairo on the failure of American leadership

Asked how el-Sisi and America’s other Arab allies view American [Obama’s] leadership in the region now, it’s what he didn’t say that spoke volumes. In what is perhaps the deepest sigh, and the most pregnant of pauses, watch Egyptian President el-Sisi: He said the suspension of U.S. equipment and arms to his country has sent…


Terrorist in the White House

Obama is unequivocally aligned with the jihad force. The media’s deliberate silence on what is de facto treason and this stealth jihad has left the American people blind, deaf and dumb to the coming catastrophes. “Arabs: Why is Obama Siding with Supporters of Terrorism?” by By Khaled Abu Toameh, February 26, 2015 (thanks to Paul…


Watch VIDEO: ISIS jihadi who led execution of Christians appears to be an American Muslim

It appears that the jihadist who led the mass slaughter on Christians was an American Muslim. Looks like AFDI will be creating another “yesterday’s moderate is today’s headline” ad. Again and again and again, I repeat, A is A. Jihad is jihad. The leftist/Islamic lie that is rammed down our throats by Islamic supremacists like…

Egypt’s first female genital mutilation trial ends in not guilty verdict

Were you expecting anything else? 96% of the girls in Egypt have been clitoridectomized. The doctor was also a local Islamic preacher (and apparently a “misunderstander” of Islam), and still the islamophiliac Guardian insists on bringing up something in line with the usual mantra of “it-has-nothing-to-do-with-Islam.” “Circumcision is obligatory (O: for both men and women)….

Geller Report