Pamela Geller, Breitbart: Dean Obeidallah and Aziz Ansari Are Stoking the Flames of Hate

More Muslim supremacists issuing kill lists to their violent brethren. “Pamela Geller: Dean Obeidallah and Aziz Ansari Are Stoking the Flames of Hate,” Breitbart, June 30, 2016: The wildly unfunny Muslim “comedian” Dean Obeidallah has penned yet another hate screed in Mediaite: “Why Aziz Ansari’s Op-Ed Slamming Trump’s Anti- Muslim BS Matters.” In it, he…


Pamela Geller, Breitbart: What’s so Funny About Jihad Mass Murder?

Islamophobin. Will it reattach your head? Islamophobin. Will it cure the “mental illness” known as jihad? Geller: What’s so Funny About Jihad Mass Murder? Breitbart News, May 25, 2016: What’s so funny about jihad terror, sharia, female genital mutilation, gender apartheid, creed apartheid, Islamic Jew-hatred, and kuffarophobia? Apparently, to terror-tied American Muslim groups, a great…


Geller: Islamic Supremacist Clubs Colorado Meat Plant for Resisting Islamization of Workplace

As if on cue, after demands by Muslim workers at Cargill Meat Solutions in Fort Morgan, Colorado for special privileges that non-Muslim workers don’t get, the Daily Beast has called upon its Luca Brasi, “Muslim comedian” Dean Obeidallah, to beat up, smear, and defame anyone who resists the imposition of Islam on our daily lives….

Geller Report