Human rights in a Shari’ah world

This article by Alpha News is a reminder that devout Muslims are serious about creating a truly worldwide caliphate. They aren’t interested in just being strong in big cities in the United States or in Europe. If they’re putting in the effort to make sure health care clinics in Minnesota are, at minimum, Shariah-compliant, then…


“Understanding Dhimmitude”

Mordechai Nisan's brilliant review of Bat Ye'or's latest tome is an absolute must-read. Longtime Atlas readers know of the admiration and reverence I have for historian Bat Ye'or's unparalled scholarship and brilliance. Understanding Dhimmitude: By Mordechai Nisan, Front Page Magazine (thanks to Andrew Bostom) The books and articles by Bat Ye’or on Islam and jihad,…


David Littman, Human Rights Champion, Died Today

 The fight for freedom has today lost a truly great and towering giant. May 2010 February 2009   David Littman spent decades working at the UN in Switzerland, trying to get people to pay attention to how Islam and Islamic law were inherently antisemitic, the Jew-hatred that is pandemic in the Islamic world, the genocidal…


“The grave human tragedy of the Christians in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, has worsened dramatically”

All that American blood and treasure in Iraq …. for the sharia. Breathtaking. Note this as well: Women's rights steadily eroding in Iraq as Islamic supremacists gain power Dire reportage from the singular and exceptional human rights champion, David Littman. "The grave human tragedy of the Christians in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq, has…

Islamic Scholarly Acceptance of Clitorectomies aka Female Genital Mutilation

Institutionalized misogyny under the sharia (Islamic law) sanctions clitorectomies, also known as female genital mutilation. David Littman, historian and human rights activist at the United Nations (Geneva) since 1986, has stated that 95% of the girls/women in Egypt have been clitorectomized. Further, in the UK, it is estimated that up to 24,000 girls under the…


Tuesday, 23 March 2010, Human Rights Council, Thirteenth session, 9:00 – 12:00 – 36th Plenary Meeting3/27/10 8:24:09 AM World Union for Progressive Judaism. David G. Littman addressing UN Human Rights Council: on Palestine Partition Plans (1922 & 1947) and Refugees   1922 UK Partition of Palestine & 1947 UN General Assembly Partition Plan Facts and…

Pamela Geller Interview, Right Side News: Muslim Terror in Mumbai, A year later

conducted an in-depth interview with me on the heinous Islamic terror attacks on Mumbai one year later. Part Four: The Conceptual Drivers For Mumbai Alyssa Lappen On Thanksgiving 2009, as police worldwide continued arresting Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) collaborators and Home Box Office plans to release a film quoting a Pakistani terrorist mastermind the victims, families and…

World Leaders Ignore International Law

The  NGO UN human rights commission and pre-eminent historian David Littman (if you missed my interview with Mr Littman earlier this year, go here, it’s excellent) has laid out the historically accurate facts on Israel these past 100 years. Fourteen fundamental facts about Israel and Palestine. By David G. Littman It’s time to look back…

HUMAN RIGHTS LEADER LITTMAN OUTRAGED AFTER DEBATE CUT: “We are constantly stopped by points of order by (Muslim) delegates, It is very depressing to be censored this time by the Canadian chairman”

I interviewed David Littman here a couple of weeks back: The spectacular David Littman is singular in his decades-long fight for human rights and against the overwhelming islamisation of the UN and the UN human rights council in particular. Littman, meticulous in his research, is relentless in his pursuit of truth, justice and accountability. He…

Bat Yeor, David Littman, & Atlas watching Wilders

David Littman UN Specialist on Human Rights, Dr. Andrew Bostom begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting, Bat Yeor   David Littman and Bat Yeor Bat Yeor once gave me the best advice I ever got, “First learn everything” Books authored by Bat Yeor: Eurabia: The Euro-Arab AxisThe Dhimmi: Jews & Christians Under Islam Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide by…

Atlas on the Air: David Littman

Tonight at 9pm Eastern time  on Atlas on the Air, David G. Littman, is a historian who has been a human rights activist for the past 20 years at the UN Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) and the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (UNSCHR). From 1986-91 he was the main representative…

Geller Report