Democrat WI Senate Candidate Mandela Barnes Praises Iran’s Supreme Leader For His ‘Black Lives Matter’ Tweet

He is also a professed admirer of Iran’s Supreme Leader, the ruthless and corrupt dictator Ayatollah Khamenei, whose regime beats girls and women to death for not wearing the hijab, hangs homosexuals, sentences political dissidents to the torture chamber of Evin Prison, massacres those who protest peacefully against the regime, and has his army mow down ethnic minorities including, most recently, Kurds and Baluchis.


Wisconsin Democrat Senate Candidate Praises Iran’s Murderous Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei

At a time when Iranians are fighting and dying to be free from the Ayatollah Khamenei’s murderous, inhuman Islamic regime, it has come to light that Mandela Barnes, the Wisconsin Democrats’ far-left candidate for the Senate, praised Khamenei, a notorious Jew-hater who has repeatedly threatened genocide of the Jews in Israel. No one among the…

Geller Report