Islamic Misogyny

There are so many terrible teachings and practices in Islam that it makes it difficult to say which one is the most reprehensible.

The Uncovered Case Files of the Islamic Courts from “Free Syria”

There is no chance of there being any organized resistance against the tyranny of the Islamic courts and their terrorist backers when the population that suffers from their presence is so divided up and locked up in petty disputes, practising vendetta of the lowest order, where husbands get themselves another wife on a whim and beat the living daylights out of their old wife.

Europe: Illegal to criticize Islam

Several European governments have made it clear to their citizens that criticizing European migrant policies or migrants is criminally off-limits and may lead to arrest, prosecution and even convictions. Although these practices constitute police state behavior, European governments do not stop there. They go still farther, by ensuring that Islam in general is not criticized either.

Geller Report