In Whose Apartment were the Blueprints for Auschwitz found? Why the Secret? [BUMPED]

ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: This post will continue to be updated as fresh
evidence emerges. The blueprints for Auschwitz went on display yesterday after being discovered in November 2008. The location of their discovery is being kept secret. They were ‘discovered in a apartment behind a wall
when a renovation/remodel was taking place’. No one will say whose apartment.
Germany does not hide information like this after WWII……why
are they hiding it now? If the location were revealed to incriminate the Grand
Mufti, this would be the ONLY reason to keep this location secret. There are no
other reasons. Everyone is speaking of the ‘plans’, yet no one is speaking of
the ‘location,’ and location is everything.

UPDATE 3:38 am:
Armaros opines, “So Rommel gets beaten in 1942 in N Africa. The Nazis fail to take Palestine as a result and as such cannot build their death camps there.
Plan B. Mufti. Mufti is invited to Berlin and proceeds to plan a camp for Nablus starting the killing in 1945. The Nazis lose, he flees Berlin and probably doesn’t want to be arrested by the British with these docs on his person. He obtains immunity from the British, ends up in Egypt, and when Eichmann is arrested they hope to expose him. But Eichmann keeps his silence, which the Mufti thanks him for. (They should have water boarded Eichmann.)”

Nazis planned Holocaust in Palestine: historians 12 April 2006

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STUTTGART, GERMANY – The Nazis made plans to conduct a Holocaust of Jews living in Palestine during the Second World War, according to German historians who have examined secret archives.
The Nazis stationed a unit of ruthless troops in the Greek capital Athens with the task of landing in Palestine and murdering about 500,000 European Jews who had taken refuge there, the historians at the University of Stuttgart said Wednesday. But it never deployed.

The rapid-deployment unit was answerable to the Afrika Korps, the German army in North Africa headed by Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.

Klaus Michael Mallmann of the University’s Ludwigsburg research team and his assistant Martin Cueppers said they had spent three years studying German wartime archives including those at the Foreign Office in Berlin.

The Allied defeat of Rommel at the end of 1942 had prevented the extension of the Holocaust to Palestine, they said. If Rommel had beaten the Allies in the desert and invaded Egypt, a push into Palestine would have followed and the unit would have deployed there.

The researchers, whose findings appear in a new book entitled Germans, Jews, Genocide, said the Athens unit was intended to operate like Nazi units that hunted for Jews in eastern Europe and either massacred them or sent them to the Nazi death camps.

Mallmann and Cueppers said the Nazis had planned to exploit Arab friendship for their plans.

“The most important collaborator with the Nazis and an absolute Arab anti-Semite was Haj Amin al-Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem,” they said in the book. He was a prime example of how Arabs and Nazis became friends out of a hatred of Jews.

Himmler and the Grand Mufti

Himmler and the mufti

All of the evidence is damning:

The official leader of the Palestinians, Haj Amin al-Husseini, spent the war years in Berlin with Hitler, serving as a consultant on the Jewish question. He was taken on a tour of Auschwitz and expressed support for the mass murder of European Jews. He also sought to “solve the problems of the Jewish element in Palestine and other Arab countries” by employing “the same method” being used “in the Axis countries.”

He would not be satisfied with the Jewish residents of Palestine – many of whom were descendants of Sephardic Jews who had lived there for hundreds, even thousands, of years – remaining as a minority in a Muslim state. Like Hitler, he wanted to be rid of “every last Jew.” As Husseini wrote in his memoirs, “Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world.

 “I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: ‘The Jews are yours.'” (more here)

UPDATE: 2:13 am: They are covering for Islam. The Nazis were decimated and Islam was given a free pass to take over ….. the world. The evidence mounts: (hat tip Armaros)

I won’t let go of this until we find out who the German authorities are protecting? There is no one else they would fear offending.

Read it from pp 5-12:

There was a whole network of Arabs in Berlin around him along with Nazis who handled him regularly.

Husseini was a spy. He spied on the British for the Germans using other Arab heads of state.

Now a spy is a spy. So if he so admired and so keenly observed Auschwitz, as documents and accounts suggest, it is likely that he came into possession of designs of the Nazi death machines. It was said that he wanted to set up a concentration camp near Nablus. So it can be inferred that he obtained plans with or without German consent for the gas chambers and crematoria when visiting Auschwitz as he was on friendly terms with the managers there. That would explain the walled in drawings hidden in the property. Provided they were hidden during or at the very end of the war. The Germans did not want these designs to get out. They wanted to hide the Holocaust, especially the industrial side to it.

If this wasn’t his, then we are dealing with something more general like the Arbeit Macht Frei sign stolen a while ago. But then why the secrecy. Any German owner of the property would or could just say : I didn’t know they were in the walls and remove responsibility. If the person in question was from Nazi family, still the same would apply.

There need not be a match in properties where he stayed. There were more than one properties hosting his people in and around Berlin, Frankfurt and even Rome.

Kuntzel points to a property South of Berlin where the Mufti was broadcasting his incitements (like the OBL tapes now) to Jihad. But his residence was not the same. Could not have been, as that would have been a security risk for him and the Germans.

This Hungarian site states Address @ Klopstock Strasse in Berlin SO CHECK ON THIS LEAD…….
So see this:
“Jeruzsálem fõmuftija,
Hadzs Amin Muhammad al-Husszeini 1941. november 6-án érkezett meg a Harmadik Birodalom fõvárosába, Berlinbe. A náci állam vezetõi a legmagasabb szinten fogadták, s kényelmes szállást biztosítottak számára a Klopstock Strasse egy hatalmas háztömbjében, ahol 1939-ig egy cionista zsidó iskola m?ködött. Miután minden egykori zsidó ingatlant államosítottak, Himmler “Zsidó Intézetet” rendeztetett be az épületben, amit Husszeini megérkezése alkalmával “A Zsidókérdés a Muszlim Világban Kutatóintézet” névre kereszteltek át. Nem ok nélkül. ”

This says that the Mufti moved in to the Klopstock Stasse property on Nov 6 1941. The property is a large building block where until 1939 was home to a Zionist School.
When the building was confiscated (probably ’39), Himmler installed a ‘Jewish institute” which was named “The Jewish Question in the Muslim World Research Institute” at the Mufti’s request.
This can be verified through a title search and this property was probably taken by the Russians or the Allies in ’45 and documented as such. Also was probably documented by the Nazis.

This was an alliance, the Nazis and the Muslims. We decimated the Nazis, but we left Islam intact and gave the Muslims run of the West?


In whose apartment were the blueprints for Auschwitz found?

UPDATE: As Husseini wrote in his memoirs:

“Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: “The Jews are yours.”

The Mufti was apparently planning to return to Palestine in the event of a German victory and to construct a death camp, modeled after Auschwitz, near Nablus. Husseini incited his pro-Nazi followers with the words “Arise, o sons of Arabia. Fight for your sacred rights. Slaughter Jews wherever you find them. Their spilled blood pleases Allah, our history and religion. That will save our honor.” In 1944, a German-Arab commando unit, under Husseini’s command, parachuted into Palestine and poisoned Tel Aviv’s wells.


Original blueprints of the Auschwitz death camp, discovered by chance in a Berlin apartment last year, have gone on display in the German capital. Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, an Auschwitz survivor, said they give a glimpse of “true hell.”

The owner’s asking price for the blueprints was so high that the Federal Archive refused to purchase them. Bild bought the blueprints instead. (Spiegel)

Auschwitz blueprints

“The horrific thing about them lies in their systematic nature. In
their cold perfectionism. In their professional quality. The plans of
Auschwitz shake the soul of every thinking and feeling individual
because they’re the expression of an inhumanity created by humans. They
are the construction plans of true hell.”

Yesterday I posted the heinous blueprints for the annihilation of the Jewish people.

The location of their discovery is being kept secret. The only
forthcoming information was that they were ‘discovered in a apartment behind a wall
when a renovation/remodel was taking place’. An Auschwitz2 anonymous source tells me that with all of the ‘slight’ tid-bits of information, it points to
a possible location where the Grand Mufti lived during WWII
. If it were the
residence of the Grand Mufti, this would point to the muslim participation in and
possible creation of the Final Solution, as was testified in the Nuremberg Trials
(witnesses testified that the Grand Mufti was the Originator/Creator of the

Germany does not hide information like this after WWII……why
are they hiding it now?
If the location were revealed to incriminate the Grand
Mufti, this would be the ONLY reason to keep this location secret. There are no
other reasons. Everyone is speaking of the ‘plans’, yet no one is speaking of
the ‘location,’ and location is everything.

My source has worked with several people in Germany over the last
few months, trying to get the ‘location’ of this remodeled apartment…..with no

Are there any Atlas Shruggers who can help us get to the bottom of this “secret”? All sources will be kept confidential. But this terrible secret cannot be kept any longer. If you know something, say something.


There are many who would want this to be kept secret,
including many in the WJC….and if the WJC would like to prove us wrong, then we
would love their participation.

 Hitler mufti 

Albert Speer reports in his memoirs on a similar
statement made by Hitler: “The Mohammedan religion too would have
been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be
Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?”- (hat tip Al S)

UPDATE: All Atlas posts on Hitler and the mufti here.

UPDATE: China Confidential picked up on my story and weighs in here.


UPDATE: More from reader Al S:”
I came home and read the actual Speer Memoirs– It is important to
note the context: that Hitler gave a similar talk at the Berghof over
and over (in fact, Speer could practically recite the talk by memory
after awhile and was bored by the repetition)”:

“Hitler had been much impressed by a scrap of history he had learned
from a delegation of distinguished Arabs. When the Mohammedans
attempted to penetrate beyond France into Central Europe during the
eighth century, his visitors had told him, they had been driven back
at the Battle of Tours. Had the Arabs won this battle, the world would
be Mohammedan today. For theirs was a religion that believed in
spreading the faith by the sword and subjugating all nations to that
faith. The Germanic peoples would have become heirs to that religion.
Such a creed was perfectly suited to the Germanic temperament
[according to Hitler]. Hitler said that the conquering Arabs, because
of their racial inferiority, would in the long run have been unable to
contend with the harsher climate and conditions of the country. They
could not have kept down the more vigorous natives, so that ultimately
not Arabs but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this
Mohammedan Empire.

“Hitler usually concluded this historical speculation by remarking,
‘You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why
didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for
the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would
have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it
have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?”

Atlas, Goebbels, in his diaries, had several similar quotes. Goebbels
even said Hitler considered Christianity as just another sect of

UPDATE: More love letters between the ummah and the Nazis. Here’s a telegram from Himmler to the Mufti:


November 2, 1943 — Himmler’s telegram to the Mufti:

To the Grand Mufti: The
National Socialist movement of Greater Germany has, since its
inception, inscribed upon its flag the fight against the world Jewry.
It has therefore followed with particular sympathy the struggle of
freedom-loving Arabs, especially in Palestine, against Jewish
interlopers. In the recognition of this enemy and of the common
struggle against it lies the firm foundation of the natural alliance
that exists between the National Socialist Greater Germany and the
freedom-loving Muslims of the whole world. In this spirit I am sending
you on the anniversary of the infamous Balfour declaration my hearty
greetings and wishes for the successful pursuit of your struggle until
the final victory.’ Reichsfuehrer S.S. Heinrich Himmler  (hat tip bunch)

UPDATE: “The Nazis gave the Mufti a
mansion to live in
, on fashionable Klostock Street in Berlin, one that had been
confiscated from a Jew who was sent to a concentration camp…” (more here) hat tip Hal

UPDATE: A year ago they were trying to hide the Nazi-Muslim connection.
Think they knew something then? 

Aug 28, 2009 0:03 | Updated Aug 28, 2009 17:12

Hiding the truth about Husseini

The curator, Karl Rössler, told The Jerusalem Post that it is a “scandal”
that the director of the Werkstatt, Philippa Ebéné, sought to censor the
“One must, of course, name that al-Husseini, a SS functionary,
participated in the Holocaust,” said Rössler.
The exhibit covers the “The
Third World during the Second World War” and
three exhibit panels of 96 are devoted to the mufti’s collaboration with the
The grand mufti delivered a talk to the imams of the Bosnian SS
division in 1944, and was a key Islamic supporter of Nazi Germany’s destruction
of European Jewry.
Ebéné denied that there was an “agreement ” reached with
the local German-Muslim community to shut down the exhibit. She termed media
queries regarding an agreement as “Eurocentric.”

More documents……….. this was an alliance. The Nazis and the Muslims. Again: we decimated the Nazis, but we left Islam intact and gave the Muslims run of the West. WTF?

Where are those Nazis now? (hat tip Armaros)

UPDATE: John Jay is on it ……trenchant analysis

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